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Posts posted by HazzyrdousOne

  1. I have to agree with the consensus that the "Classic Conversations" are the only detriment to what is otherwise a very excellent expansion. Please, lets return to the more enjoyable format. My Imperial Agent's awesome british accent will thank you.
  2. And does it really cost that much? Say if a subscriber purchased it..aren't they getting some Cartel Coins to begin with, so its not REALLY 18 dollars. All in all it comes down to it being a want. Not a need. I can understand some of the grief that is felt with it being a single char speeder (I refuse to call these mounts) and I would definately expect that if it is popular that we'll be seeing different colors made available. (Weekly Vehicle quest anyone?) But all in all..if the consumer is willing to purchase it, I'd say its a solid idea.
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