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Posts posted by Adeptt

  1. its a nice idea but i honestly can't see it being used...armor'kins would be awsome tho even if they limited them to owned armor eg collection...by that i mean ad completed sets to a mannequin for deoration


    Not being used?? Couldn't disagree with you more. The option to drop armor sets as static displays was huge in SWG. Players had armor and weapon display rooms. This would be widely used if the option was available in SH's

  2. and we consider this better than any vacation we could take anywhere in the world.


    Oh i agree. The trip me and the wife took to Italy last year pails in comparison to the countless hours spent in staring at a computer monitor.


    Did you meet your wife on LoweredExpectations.com??

  3. Day 1 vet....


    Began on Lowca and transfer to Bloodfin before the server transfers.


    Obeu Lightingsky - Human Jedi (Ranger, BH, Doc & Swords, Carbineer, TKA, Chef, Merchant)


    Adeptt Lightingsky (my unlock char) - Human Squad Leader pre NGE. Commando, Spy & BH post NGE.


    Dagma (post NGE) - Crafter


    Currently playing Adept Lightingsky in the EMU (anything is better then this POS)

  4. I havent logged into my TOR account in 6 weeks prior to today. With Star Wars Galaxies, I didnt miss a single day in the 2.5 yrs I played the game


    With TOR, when I did log in it was...


    1. check mail, repost items on market

    2. que for warzone

    3. check mail, repost items on market


    With Star Wars Galaxies, when I did log in it was....


    1. check factories


    3. check to see if resources changed (they had stats)

    4. move harvesters

    5. hit a cantina to chat up some friends

    6. craft a special order with another player's krayt tissue, nightsister shard, or giant dune kimo scale


    and if you werent a crafter (keep in mind, in swg crafting wasnt a secondary skill everyone had)....


    7. go to coronet for doc buffs

    8. go to cantina for mind buffs

    9. go hunting.....there were many options and many reasons....


    your armorsmith friend needs wooly hide and a great spawn just came in with amazing stats. so off you go to hunt on whatever planet the spawn happened


    you want a specially made FWG5 pistol, enhanced with krayt tissues. so off you go to tatooine to hunt krayt dragons.


    you want a rare armor set callled RIS and you need 3 specific drops from three rare animals. off you go to hunt


    10. build and maintain a player city

    11. go into space and enjoy wide open dogfights, hunt for resources, or just visit with friends on your ship

    12. pvp, either attacking any enemy player or destroy player owned bases

    13. explore, and i mean real exploration. worlds so massive, wide open, no forced paths,and no sharding

    14. if you were a bounty hunter, go hunt player jedi...yes actual player bounties in the game

    15. go hunt and tame creatures if you were a creature handler

    16. trying a new skill. you didnt have to reroll another toon to try a different skill set

    17. do quests, yes a sandbox mmo has quests but they are sometimes hidden. you actually have to explore

    18. shop players vendors, looking for a variety of weapons, armors, food and drink, regular clothes, spices, etc


    I havent even scratched the surface on all the things you could do in SWG. in every mmo ive tried since, its the same boring game at the end. star wars galaxies didnt have an end


    Very well said. SWG had elements that no other game has had since. There was so much you could do and that is what kept me coming back time after time. This game is so one dimensional that it wears thin really fast.

  5. Hey guys Cealog of <BDP> here. We have a guild of about 10 or so ex Lowcians on Belgoth's Beacon. Our republic guild is called Exiles of Lowca and our empire guild is Black Dragon Pirates. BDP is now in hibernation as we are all playing on the republic side to even up the server some.


    Didn't you all play EQ2 as well..... with Rexornal.



  6. It has space. Be thankful. Do you have any idea how not Star Wars SWG felt when it launched without any ships/space content at all?!?


    How did it not feel like Star Wars. I was a transdosian running around with a blaster pistol in Mos Eisley on Tatooine. I saw Jawas, Dewbacks, Jabaa's palace, Tusken Raiders and plenty of other Star Wars related things. Most everything that was Star Wars was in the game at release.


    Dumbest statement ever... well at least for an MMO.

  7. Full time active duty with 10 yr prior enlisted.




    Ahhh... got ya.


    I could only pull 7 and got out after DS. Peace time Army sucked.


    Now my boys are wearing gray chex mix BDU's with tan boots... boots that they don't even have to spit shine. Blasphemous!!!!!

  8. I strongly disagree. But for sake of argument I googled anyway. I challenge you to find anything of credence that would suggest addressing a lady as sir.


    It's certainly not acceptable practice in any branch of the US military.


    If, as you say, Marines are calling women, sir, I doubt they are doing it consciously. They need room in that brain for following orders. ;)


    If it's a trivial thing to programmers and trivial to the lore, why not just incorporate it. It's certainly not trivial to any woman who has ever served in the military.


    Lt Col CallMeMa'am Sholler.


    You're a light bird with 25 years in??? Gotta be a weekend warrior.

  9. Sir = male.

    Ma'am = female.


    Please advise all NPCs conform to proper military standards of etiquette and convention by addressing all female toons as Ma’am (standard abbreviation for Madam). I’ve been a US military officer for 25 years, and .. well, it’s considered disrespectful to call military women, “sir.” :/


    As a former Army Noncom, i could care less about what they call "anything" in a VIDEO GAME!


    This is the reason most officers are tools.... nothing better to complain about.


    Other then that, thank you for your service. That i take seriously and appreciate.

  10. Long story short, I like how you expressed your opinion, i do not have the same opinion that SWG > TOR, nor do i think TOR is perfect, but i enjoying my gaming time more now than i have in past few years of MMO's


    I'll say it.. SWG blows SWTOR away... hands down.

  11. To start off, I am very pissed at the fact that the Korrealis Baron doesnt require Social 10 to buy/use anymore. I did alot of mission/flashpoint to get to Rank 10 social and now any random player with enought money can buy it... very nice. I sat in a chair for many hours, clicking my mouse button over and over many times so that I could get Rank 10 Social before 1.1.5 and was waiting for the price drop, I guess not anymore


    Also, the patch notes said that those Mount would go down in price, the Korrealis Commender and Prince went down in price, but wait ... not the Baron version, it went UP in price, 2Millions... seriously ?


    And the best part, I can't even buy it from the Social Vendor for a cheaper price since I actually got Rank 10 Social, that could be a nice thing to do. You guys could also do a different coloring or someting for those who actually bought it because they had Rank 10 Social.


    Thank you for your time and reading and please post if you agree/disagree with me.



  12. Your counter stance leads one to believe that your post is sponsored by that snowstorm company.




    I was trying to be anit-troll.... did i not succeeded??


    I know, I'll add ton more of these :p next time.

  13. SWG was simply a huge time sink LOL. Not saying we don't need variety just not that boring nonsense. If you want you can go stand in a cantina and dance and pretend.


    The time sink in SWG was far more diverse then this game has now..... and all MMOs are "Hugh" time sinks.. so i'm not sure what your statement meant.

  14. Yes, i know, this isn't SWG.... but unless they add more diversity in their time sinks, i feel the game just won't have staying power for a lot of people. I'm enjoying the game, but I'm starting to get that "feeling" of not wanting to to the same repetitive thing.


    I've done space, done daily's and crafting.... but it all seems to superficial. Give me a more complex time sink.


    I've even re-subbed EVE just so i can do some mindless roid mining.


    BW, I'm most willing and wanting to give my money, but just let us jump off the rails now and then.


    Of course, fix the current issues and add content as needed, but at least try to throw us a bone.

  15. Ok, so I have 19 days left on my sub.


    It is pointless to go emo over the bugs. This forum is full of them. After a bit over a month if I google TORTANIC I get some pretty hilarious results.


    The one thing I can say about Rift is that they are quick to address issues. They may not always get it right but at least they try. Additionally their release game came out with substanitally more for initial end-game content. That is not really a dig on what we currently have just that it is a very important aspect to the game.


    While I do not think Rift is better than SWToR I do think they, at least, tried to improve on things.


    PLEASE! Keep us updated. Introduce a Test Server for us and get our feedback before you release a patch and say things are fixed. There are things that are not fixed listed in the path notes as fixed. The problem is that not everyone is experiencing the same issues in the same way. On a test server you can at least start to get a better grasp on what could be going on with a particular issue in an environment that you can easily monitor and take offline for diagnostic as needed.


    I have no problem giving you $15.00 a month. I currently have 2 rolling subs with WoW and Rift. Adding SWToR would be icing on the cake. However, I am not just going to give you money because it is Star Wars. Please make it worth my while to give you my money.


    I earned it, so should you!


    Oh no's. Please don't go... you're so important.


    Door's that way ----->

  16. I feel ya. computer games since 82 when i bought my first home computer, internet in 93 and right to MUDs.. then UO.. then beta and play every major since.

    1. the people have changed. definitely nastier, less of a feeling of community.

    2. the games have changed. dumbed down, lowest common denominator. marketing people design them now, not gamers.

    3. the above 2 deteriorating gives the 'anything gets old after long enough' factor extra power.


    my take anyway.




    Left: You see an open field with trees

    Right: You see a house with a window and door

    Forward: You enter the house

    Look Left: You see a chair with a coat folded on the arm

    Left: You can't do that way

    Right: You can't go that way

    Look up: You see a red string hanging from the ceiling


    Am i close??? :p

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