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Posts posted by SolxTheUnmaker

  1. Is this a Massive Multi-player game or a Massive Single-player game?


    Why is it so hard to find friends? Hell I dont act like a dick and I am friendly, I cant keep people from wanting to friend me. (not just in TOR, but in all Multi-player games.) Why cant you?

  2. Women that want sex? STOP LYING TO ME, THEY DONT EXIST!!!! :p


    I love how everyone that plays/does anything is constantly on the prowl to find any thing that could be misconstrued as Sexist/Racist. Not saying that does not exist, but 99.9% of the time it is nowhere near the extent that most people "Delusionaly" sees.


    On a off hand note, if you find a character that is Racist/Sexist, that may be the character's personality. You know they exist in real life, why not in something that is Based off of reality..... well with a bit of Hollywood thrown in..... err whatever the Video Games equivalent of Hollywood is.

  3. I'd say... ok fine, just admit you're out of place and we can move on.


    Sadly people can't do that.


    YES, i am out of place and i really dont care. I have always played a Light character WHILE looking like a Dark character.

  4. So what would you say if i said "I, THE PAYING PLAYER, wants to use a Red Saber/Blaster and play Light Side" (I like the color Red and Black)?


    The Color is cosmetic and does not break game play in anyway.

    This also applies to alignment gear.

  5. ive been playing swtor constantly on one char since EGA , and got to valor rank 50 just today,


    in the hundreds of wzs i did : i dont notice much ability delay, at least not more than in other mmos.


    pvp was fine without 50 bracket, people complain now about long queues, that was to be anticipated tbh.


    some classes are a tad unbalanced but it simply challanges me to play my own class even better to compensate for it.


    sometimes a few things are buggy around wzs and once or twice ive hit the desk with the fist when i get random disconnects.


    But all in all its far from what i got exeggerated to.



    Even today on ilum, bad fps come from bad client desktops or laptops, dont blame bioware for your crappy outdated systems.


    i didnt have any latency issues either, no disconnect today


    but maybe iam just a little more at peace with my mind than others. i suggest to relax and stop outraging about everything and anything, might give you a stroke with 30


    So blatant faction favoritism, albeit on purpose or by accident is a "Tad" unbalanced.


    Read thru the PVP forums and you will see the unacceptable flaws.

  6. If you followed ANYTHING the devs said you would have known that the game was NEVER meant to be a pvp focused game. Another thing some of us do enjoy the pvp not everyone hates it like you do.



    Was that to me? Cuz I love PVP and occasionally so PVE.


    Star Wars, with the Empire VS Republic, feels so PVP though. I dont mind PVE, but with the astronomical amount PVP bugs/glitches/broken-whatever, putting out new PVE content should be the LAST thing they worry about.

  7. So it seems that Bioware/EA is making Peter Molyneaux look like the Michael Jordan of Game Design.


    Ridiculous Hype....... and epic fail/complete let down, at least on PVP, to which this game should have been a PVP-Centered game. The sheer mass quantity of PVPers from other MMOs flooding into this to be a Republic/Imperial Angel of Death was amazing. All we found was............... this "Thing".

  8. It's not that,, both the Jedi and Sith are fundamentally flawed in their thinking for the moment.


    Jedi believe practically all emotion will lead to the Dark side; this is true if you allow your emotions to rule you completely. Really, if you're an emotionally stable person who can keep control of yourself instead of flying off the handle and punching someone in the face for saying your shirt's on backwards you'll be fine.


    Sith believe that emotion should rule them and true power comes from emotion. It's revealed that this is true to an extent. But it truly ends at the same point as the Jedi do. You experience the emotion, master it and learn to control it to give yourself true power and harmony.


    So realistically, you can be an emotionally stable Sith or a Jedi who can experience love and joy, etc. as long as you never let them rule you completely.




    So the whole premise is Self-Control, so then why does my Jedi Knight get Dark Points from having a relationship. Is this the Dev's Ideology or the Original Lucas Ideology?

  9. I'll be blunt:


    Why can an average person, from a begger to a General to a President have a family..... or even have emotions (and not be a damn robot).


    But if I have the Force then I am either a:


    Emotionally suppressed drone




    A Emotional roller coaster, where the tram quite frequently flys off the tracks (usually into someone's face).


    If the Force was the only determining factor, then that is kinda weak. If I cant force kill you, i'll just shoot you in the face with a blaster.

  10. Bump for fixing my ****!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Seriously are they just embarrassed about this turbo-noob mistake? If you ****ed up, admit it and fix it. Hell I'll respect you alot more for being honest, Manning/Womaning up, and being a gosh darn responsible person.




    (Gosh Darn........ holy **** Bioware/EA this is a level of suck that is just staggering...... who the **** says "Gosh Darn")

  11. Then quit your QQ and go play that game...


    /Thread. Seriously the people that are against this have one thing in common:


    "Oh, Ima maxed out Lvl 50 and i cant kill things on an even playing field. Maybe if I kill only lower lvl characters and ambush them I can have a fun time."

  12. Minimum range on a rocket/rep equivaletn (target tracking according to "trace") Ever thought of firing a bazooka at point blank? You know that all target tracking weapons actually require a min. distance to activate and aquire their target? :)


    I like the minimum range idea, as this one skill spamming is really annoying.


    So my Commando is going to become a Hunter then? So if someone gets within X range, the Commando/Bounty Hunter becomes a a moron and forgets how to fight...................................


    Is this one of those "I got butt-*****, so it must be OP" threads?

  13. So the blatant class imbalance (NOT TRUE MIRRORS), that conveniently favor Empire, is just an issue of me (or any Republic sucking)........


    So Smuggler Stun = 90 sec. and Imperial Agent Stun = 60 sec. is a matter of my lack of skill...... glad we cleared that up.

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