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Posts posted by stinkybits

  1. I know you kids are trolling, and that's fine. It's the state of these games (and our society) now. To the person(s) who actually had interest in the topic and discussion, nothing compares to actually playing and learning. You can make theoretical spreadsheets and create perfect rotations, but that all goes to **** when it comes to actual boss fights and specific situations. There is no combat log to support people who argue about this anyway. This class is HoT based and that needs to be your focus. Listening to people that spend more time posting snarky **** in forums than playing the game is not the type of person you want to learn from. Good luck and have fun.


    To the trolls, I hope your lives gets better. :o

  2. I generally find that stupidity has an Event Horizon. That means a point beyond which nothing can return.


    You sir, are across the Stupidity Event Horizon. You lack understanding of this class to such a significant degree that there is no saving you, because you've convinced yourself that everyone else in the world is wrong.


    Not that it will help, considering you're too far gone to save... but did you ever think that maybe (just maybe) if everyone is telling you that you're wrong, that you might be... wrong?


    Let me guess, you are considered witty among your friends? :)


    So when you say everyone, are you taking about the three other trolls that made similar responses to yours? I don't need to see mathematics. I understand my class and how its mechanics work. I think some of you need to look back through the tree, get some more play time under your belt and play to the class strengths versus whining about weaknesses.


    Have fun! :D

  3. I guess you guys are correct since you posted so many constructive counters to what I said. OP healing is largely HoT based. I'm sorry if you all can't understand that and play to it's advantages. 3 of our 5 heals are HoTs and KP is the one you should be most concerned with. Spike damage is take care of with the others two. If you aren't playing this way, then I understand why you'd be having issues. :)
  4. I don't see a problem so far. Myself and a sorc healer generally heal our HM OPS and have very little problems. HOTs are they key to this class. Juggling KP on most of the raid while throwing out injections or infusions as needed are how it works. I also use the 31 point ability on cool down on the melee group. If you are relying on Kinj for tact advantages, you are playing the class wrong, especially if you have the 4 piece set bonus. I try to always use KInf if possible or surgical probe if the person is below 30% or my energy is low.
  5. They are all situational, but if you just want a good tank, either kaliyo or scorpio are good. I've been 50 for a bit and in a progression guild, so i have kaliyo in mostly columni gear and purple mods in all of scorpio's gear. I can solo the daily heroic 4-man "old enemies" using either of the tank pets as an operative healer. If i am just doing non-heroics, ensign is great.
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