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Posts posted by BoredSolo

  1. I'm sure that before this game runs it's course we will see all sorts of Silly colored light sabers. Red and white twisty 'Barber pole' sabers. Red, White, and Blue (or Bleu, Blanc, et Rouge for the French) sabers for the patriotic. And we all know that sooner or later there will be the 'Rainbow' saber for the Gay pride crowd.
  2. "I realize that I did not word that plainly enough, but I hope it makes sense now. What I propose is that "Bob Smith" and "Bob Jones" BOTH be allowed to have the name "Bob" (along with "Bob Walker", "Bob White", "Bob Fitzhugh", etc). Because "Bob" would no longer have to be unique"




    In real life there are a plethora of people with the same name, John Smith, Robert Walker, Maggie May. They learn to deal with it. With Legacy names, it makes it rare that multiple players will have the same combination of names. With the transfers combining 5-8 servers into one, just how many Han Solo's would be present? Considering you probably picked Han before you were at the level to get the Legacy name 'Solo' ?

    I guess what I'm trying to say is there can be several characters named Han (Legacy Name) and several characters named (Whatever) Solo. But the chances they would all be in the same Guild and using the same Title are very small. And could be dealt with.

  3. Just the other day I had a schematic drop for a 'Green Proficient crystal' , A lvl 23 green crystal with +9 Power. This is a blue grade crystal that re'd into a purple grade +11 power crystal.

    It dropped off a sandperson in the 'Lightspring' , the final smugglers class quest area on Tatooine.

  4. My names I wouldn't mind changing too much. However, My Legacy name i would mind losing. I got lucky and was able to choose a very popular SW Legacy name and I would hate to lose it by transferring. Especially with 6 high level characters. And any kind of forced transfer or voluntary transfer system would have 2 or more (probably a lot more) players competing for the same legacy name.


    BTW the name is Solo.

  5. As far as I have been able to find, the highest Lvl Augments available from Slicing is Lvl 22 or usable by characters lvl 49. Never understood why Bio ware decided to label gear with a number that has nothing to do with the Lvl of the player using it.
  6. A simple fix to raise your crafting chances. Have 'Presence' affect the companions crafting abilities as well as their combat. In one swell foop you raise crafting chances and make ALL of those purple 'Presence' schematics ( Command, General's, etc. ) worth something. A win-win scenario.
  7. I enjoyed Taris as well. It also has my favorite quest chain in the game. Or at least so far that I've found. The Republic side " Chasing History " Quest. The writing is superb. Kudo's to whoever wrote it. The final Holorecording is the best spoken lines in the game. Well worth going back for if you skipped it.
  8. All good advice above, however, if you really want to learn your Artifice skill here are some pointers. If you mouse over a crystal you have gathered from a node and/or a crew mission, it will tell you that it's a level 1 color crystal or a level 3 power crystal, etc. You can get these from the appropriate level crew misiion, 10-16 = level 1, 17-26 = level 2, and so forth. So, if the recipe you want to make requires Lvl 1 color crystals and artifacts, you will need to send your companions on 10-16 Lvl crystals and artifact missions. Or collect them yourself from the appropriate nodes. Forgive me if I'm being overly simplistic but from your OP you seemed to be having problems with understanding which Materials you needed for specific Items.

    Also, you will need to make, for example, several green (first stage) Might hilts to RE (reverse engineer) to get a chance of discovering the Blue (second stage) Might hilt. Then make several of those to Re to get a chance of Learning the purple (3rd stage-advanced) might hilt. All by the grace of the Almighty RNG (random number generator).

    All stage 1 (green) items will use just the crystals and artifacts that you gather from nodes or from Archeology crew missions. All stage 2 and 3 (blue and purple) items will need blue and purple gems from Treasure hunting crew missions.


    Again, I apologize if I was overly simplistic, but I hope this will help.

  9. It's happened to all of us, We finally get that Redoubt chest piece to Pop and we queue up a few of them and then we start to Re them. We hear that blessed sound of learning a schematic, and it's Generals..:(


    So, What if the 'Presance' gear actually did what it's supposed to do? Make your companions/crew PERFORM better? Not just in Combat, but in crafting as well. If wearing the Presence gear Significantly improved your Crafting Efficiency and/or Critical chance when you send out your Crew to do their thing, it would definitely improve the market for that gear. Actually making it sell-able on the GTN, other then for low level Pve.


    Just a thought, and it hurt a bit, but I persevered.

  10. As a Smuggler, I would like to be able to SMUGGLE Something, Anything! Admittedly I haven't got either of my 2 Smugglers to 50 yet but after 40+ levels between them I should have had at Least ONE smuggling mission.


    Spice from Kessel, Weapons to the separatists on Ord Mantell, or even a Bounty hunter to and from Corusant. Hell, Make it a 2 Man Heroic mission where the BH has to Hire the Smuggler in a seedy cantina on Nar Shaada. As long as the LS/DS levels were compatible I don't see why not. You could even toss in an appropriate Level Space mission between the planets with the BH helping by manning the guns.


    Probably never happen but...

  11. Sorry if this has been posted before but I'm a regular follower of the Crew Skills forum and don't recall ever seeing this topic.


    Recently I discovered that my Artificer (Artificier?) can Reverse Engineer Augments.

    Now, is it possible for him to learn the Schematics for that Level/Type/Color of Augment? And can he then craft said augment and then RE to learn the higher color Augments? Or is it just a way to get back some materials?


    Any help on this would be appreciated.

  12. I got several just the other day, thursday I believe. Hit two or three times in a batch of about 12 attempts. For a total of 10 crystals. Either I got lucky or you were unlucky.
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