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Posts posted by Delavager

  1. You better really hope this rated pvp will place high rated pvp players against other high rated pvp players. Pairing high rated premades with random pug players is a bad idea. You also better hope there is cross server rated matches to increase the pool size of players pvping. Why?


    Lets just say there are people that really don't care about pvp. They see a certain highly rated person or guild on their side. They purposely lose that match with their alt to bring those players down. In Hutt-ball that is pretty easy. Wait by the Hutt-ball, run to your side, throw ball to enemy.


    Imagine a decent size guild doing this. They could have a core premade and then alt pre mades. The purpose of the alts is to lose the fight or help win against other high rated preamdes. With just people from on server queing, a group of 16 people could easily be half the people que'ing for scenarios. 80-90% of the time 8-12 of them would be in the same wz esp during off times. Their main premade would almost always win because it would either be 8 person premade or four person plus 4 pugs against 4 other people and their 4 man alt that will be losing.


    At 4am, they could easily be the only ones doing it. They would get points because the alt pre-made that is with the main would get a ranking increase, it would just alternate between the 12 alts. It might not be huge, but I bet it would be something.


    And yeah, guilds will do this if it is possible. Same reason some people buy gold.


    I'm not sure how you could write this post at this point and time and not bother to look some simple facts up.


    The ENTIRE point of rated warzones is to pit people with the same rating against each other. This is easily found out by spending maybe 2 minutes researching.


    And preseason will not have cross server queuing for rated.

  2. Just from the sheer volume of calls for nerfs that I see on the PvP forums.


    You never see any posts in the PvE forums saying, "Hey, this healer has it way to easy keeping this group alive. NERF!"


    No, it's always, "I can't rack up kills as fast I want to with healers around. NERF!"


    So you based your conclusion on your own assumptions, nothing factual. Nothing from BW saying that they made the changes solely based on PvP complaints from these forums?


    IF what you are saying had any basis at all, then the whole sage/sorc class would probably have been removed from the game as it's the most complained about class on this forum.


    BW does it's own research, it doesn't rely on these forums for "balance". As such during their own testing it's perfectly viable that they have found during raiding sage/sorc healers were performing too well.

  3. And again, I'll waste my time saying this. THIS GAME HAS NO PVP! Their is only instanced pvp, which in my mind (and any real pvper) Is not pvp. It's gear grinding, instanced bull****.


    Le sigh...


    Please go look up the definition of PvP.


    Please try and define "Real" pvper. I'll give you a hint, it's a made up word.

  4. Oh I'll be fine DPSing from now on. I just hate having to alter my play style due to the endless tears coming from the PvP community.


    What makes you assume it came from the PvP community? How do you know the changes weren't for PvE balance issues?

  5. So stealth and wait in position while your team fights a man down, got it




    I assure you if you fight my team a man down, your team will never even see the ball


    Sure Powerr, play dumb, if you want us to believe you can't handle simple concepts then we can just attribute all your common sense to a 6 year old and pretty much end this thread.


    Also way to ignore the rest of the post.


    If you are on the offensive, you can easily sprint to the endzone faster than any other class, while in stealth. This prevents defenders from seeing you and knocking you off/killing you while your at the end zone, which is the risk all other non-stealth classes have.


    Additionally, if your team is on the offensive and you get to the end zone, if it's a guardian/jugg, they can friendly leap on to you while stealthed.


    Also if you are in the end zone, someone passes to you in the midst of the enemy, you can pop resilience and walk to the end zone scott free, again something NO OTHER AC can do.


    There are numerous advantages you get as a shadow that other ACs don't get.


    If you are not on the offensive then obviously you don't sit around in the end zone...sorry that I assumed you made use of your brain and didn't include the obvious.

  6. In huttball I would take both a JKG and a Vanguard over KC shadow.

    -better mobility

    -better survivability


    In huttball I would take a sentinel and a scrapper over a Infil Shadow.

    -better burst & cc (scrapper)

    -better mobility & utility (sentinel)

    -better survivability (both)


    In huttball I would take any ranged dps or assault Vanguard over a balance shadow.

    -fully ranged is essential to controlling mid

    -snipers & commandos have better survivability (arguably sages as well)

    -sages/commandos can offheal

    -for comparison semi melee assaultvg is more survivable, better burst, on demand dot damage and gets pull


    Hahahaha, fail.


    This isn't a dps game dude, learn the game.


    A shadow is a must in every huttball game for sure. Read my earlier post and learn the game please before posting such non-sense.


    PS...AOE taunt >>> off heal.


    Shadow will always be the first one to the huttball at the beginning of the match

    Shadow can STEALTH at endzone or middle to control ball possession and passing.

    Shadow can force speed w/ ball to get past obstacles and better positioning for passing

    Shadow can pop RESILIENCE to prevent numerous things like stunning on obstacles (no other class can do this)


    In huttball you probably won't be carrying the ball for more than...say 10 seconds? You're definitely not going to be tank walking it to the end zone.


    Shadows are quick, and can be where they need to be in stealth.


    Guess what one of the best classes to camp the endzone is?? Shadow.


    Shadow wins huttball over any other AC, period.

  7. If you play the "would I rather have?" game and are honest about it the shadow will pretty much never come out on top. Thats the point of this thread, because in ranked play that is exactly what happens eventully.


    Hence the emphasis on specialist vs generalist.


    Except for "Would I rather have a Shadow over X" in Huttball, Shadow will come on top in EVERY case lol.


    Can't think of it as a deathmatch, that's where the fallacy comes.

  8. I actually disagree with you Powerr.


    I think shadows will be amazing in rated warzones. You seem to base everything off of a deathmatch style game. Unfortunately that is just not what this game is.


    In Huttball, there is no better AC than shadow/assassin. They can literally do everything, and then they can stealth. They will get to the ball first in every match. They can skip every single obstacle. They can stealth to hold middle to pick up ball after a score or stealth to wait at end zone for a pass.


    Huttball alone is enough reason that Shadows will shine, but they hold their own in Alderaan and Voidstar as well.


    Alderaan and Voidstar, obviously stealth to take an underguarded node. This can be done by ops/gs as well. However shadows have two taunts, one of which is AOE, which is beyond invaluable...much more so than anything an ops/gs can bring to the table.


    You say they are the squishiest AC out there, I say that's bs. Resilience alone tops any other AC for "squishiness". Add force cloak on top of it and I don't really see how you can die unless your abilities are on cool down.


    You're argument to say "my team will instantly taunt you" is a horrible argument. You can say that about any dps class. The fact that you have to make a point to taunt the shadow as opposed to other classes would show that the Shadow is MORE of a threat, not less. If all the focus is on you to taunt you and keep you out of play as a shadow, that gives your teammates more freedom to do what they need to do.


    Two taunts, one being AOE, on top of stealth, resilience, force sprint, force cloak, and pretty darn good burst (if not taunted), i see hard pressed to see how a Shadow isn't a key player in any warzone.


    You are a good player Powerr, but unfortunately your arguments are completely flawed.

  9. Your missing the point. No one is saying to make MMOs into FPSs. Would you call CoD a MMORPG? I didnt think so. Yet what made CoD the most successful game in history? The MMORPG elements that were added in CoD4. Would you call Madden Football an MMORPG? I didnt think so. What made Madden even more successful? The addition of MMORPG elements with Franchise Mode.


    How many times do you hear "No MMO has gotten PvP just right"? Well why not take from the most successful PvP game in history, CoD.




    This post made me laugh.


    I can't remember the last time I've seen a post with absolutely no clue what they're talking about and stating figures out of left field.

  10. Wait, so if I'm dominating at level 14, I'll stop dominating at later levels? This makes no sense.


    It's because while you don't get much better, other classes get much much better as you level up. At level 14 you are near your peak power, where as others are not. At level 45, you are at the same power, where other classes have gain dramatically more power.


    It's all relative.

  11. So instead of giving me reasons now you're resorting to name calling? Wonderful.


    I do fine on my Op. I pick off bad players (Players like you that just stand in one place) and there are enough bad players to go around. Difference is, Sorc is a complete faceroll. I'm half asleep and dominate opponents.


    This is something you're not grasping - how easy it is on a Sorc. Try playing a different class. You might actually have to work for your kills.


    Common misconception.


    Easy and OP are not the same thing.


    Just because a class is easy to play doesn't make it more powerful than a class that's harder to play.

  12. Everyone already has equal access to gear, it's just casual PVEers and raiders don't want to earn it like the people before them did. Funny the complainers didn't mind rolling level 10's in the lower bracket when they were in their 40's.


    This isn't an FPS, MMO's by nature have gear progression. A hard core raider in full Rakata has just as much advantage over a fresh 50 as a player in the PVP sets does. I don't see anyone calling for Rakata nerfs. Where's my welfare raid gear?


    There is still gear progression. Where did you come up with the idea that there isn't.

  13. This thread is full of fail, all over.


    Given it is SO EASY to get BiS gear for PvP, it doesn't really matter one way or the other. If they had progression, it'd all be equal playing ground in a month or two. If they don't have progression, you have the same thing.


    Additionally, why does progression need to be stats. That's not set in stone somewhere. Your rewards can be cosmetic, that's a perfectly valid reward.


    Honestly the ONLY way you can complain about these changes if you feel better stated gear means you are better at the game. Otherwise it doesn't make sense. The only difference is stats vs cosmetics. Thus if you have an issue, you deep down inside feel like having better stats makes u better, that is the only logical explanation.

  14. You need to make it relative.


    A Tank relative to their DPS counter part.


    If a tank gains...20% more survivability than their DPS counterpart, then they lose about 20% dmg (very simplified).


    Therefore they can still do damage, just not as much as their DPS counterpart.

  15. ... Right, because leap/grapple/intercede is so gimp in huttball compared to force speed.






    You can't take one ability and claim balance, you have to look at it from all classes as a whole. People who can force speed cant' force jump and vice versa.


    Many tanks can just pop their defensive cooldown and walk right through as well.


    Additionally, anybody who can force speed can bypass the fire all together with a well timed-aimed jump at the corner.

  16. Neither side in the debate is wrong, neither is right.


    Skill is greater than gear, yet gear has an impact. There's nothing wrong with having gear, there's nothing wrong with not having gear. They both work.


    Some people want gear, some people don't. It really doesn't matter.


    It's all preferences, and unfortunately, BW's preference wins.

  17. The history lesson is a joke, because what you are talking about are games that are purely pve. If you want that stick with ops etc.


    PVP is a completely separate animal, doesn't matter if its in the same game or not. When the perpetual gear increases get so large the delicate class balance starts breaking maybe you'd understand... Or maybe not.


    Lastly, reread what I said. I didn't say 'No progression' now did I. Think you need to just stick with pve and pad you e-peen with 'we just killed X *hardcoded predictable fight*, we are so l337'.


    Edit: as for your last statement. Because its more fun and challenging to beat or get beaten by skill, not gear. Especially when gear is acquired through time not skill. Real question is why can't you fight without am advantage?


    This is all your opinion, just like other people's are their opinion. You say PvP would be better without stats on gear. Again that's not a fact, that's your opinion.


    Also to say PvP is a completely separate animal is also independent of the argument. PvE and PvP don't define the genre or concept of the game, they just define who your opponents are. It is perfectly viable to have his "history lesson" apply to PvP. They are just different scenarios of PvP environments.


    You are taking your opinions and stating them as facts, which they aren't.

  18. yeah and this is exactly why ppl go with hybrid sets using the pve miss. What's you point?


    Tell you what, I don't care about the difference about what exists, if I play the game I work the system they use, no choice. But answer one question.


    Why do you have to have a progression system with stats, why isn't is good enough to have tons of progression without stats?


    That is the heart of this, has nothing to do with BM vs cent vs blues vs pve tiers. Just why do you have to have stats for progression?


    You don't have to. What's your point? BW Chose to for whatever their reason is. They don't "HAVE" to have progression without stats either.

  19. The only way I'd still subscribe after cross-server PvP is if it was a "same server preferred" system in which you'd only go to cross-server if the queue took longer than 10 minutes or so.


    If it's anything else, and I'm no longer able to compete against people on my server than it's a game-breaker for me and I'm done. Honestly the PvP in itself is not that great, it's the same-server aspect of the current PvP model that makes me enjoy it.


    I don't know how people pick and choose what they read.


    They already stated that they are doing same server PREFERENCE on queues, but then open it up to other servers depending on your queuing choices and if it's taking too long.

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