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Posts posted by Bellicima

  1. Updated. Apologies for the tardiness, I was in Vegas for the weekend.


    Also in the future, do not submit any claims for guild progression unless it is with 100% guild members. No big deal on TFB 55 since it's essentially the same fights and barely qualifies as progression, but out of fairness to the guilds that are doing their best with the rosters they have I won't be updating and S&V HM kills unless it's a full guild kill.


    Gratz on the progression for so many guilds!


    All of Bitte's HM S&V posts are with full 8 guildies! :) Also, I think you should mention that <Wrath>'s HM TFB kill was a server first. Even though it's revamped old content, it's an entirely different raid, and since some guilds haven't completed it yet, it should still count as progression.

  2. <Aisthesis> is now 7/7 Scum and Villainy. AM got it about 2 hours before we did. :-) Fully blind run though; no PTS or guides!



    If we are in accusation mode, I would like to point out that you participated in both SM S&V and a few bosses in HM S&V while on the PTS. Therefore, your claim above about being a "fully blind run though" is false.

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