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Posts posted by Gorgor

  1. Fighting some dull gold boss skytrooper, who from time to time lifts up into the air and puts a bubble around him, which stops all damage. I must defeat baby skytroopers to make the bubble disappear so I can whittle him down more, repeat several times.



    But...I load up a bunch of DOTs on him, poisoning him. This should continue to kill him even if he puts up a force field.


    I don't understand, why isn't the world like it is? :rak_04:

  2. Where we land could be a low orbiting moon or series of planetoids or captured asteroids that pass through the upper atmosphere of the gas giant at an altitude similar to Cloud City and allow for the mining of gas/chemical extraction. Bespin already established gas giants with breatheable upper atmospheres. The fact that there are definite edges to the rocky areas that drop off into endless clouds suggests the port is not "on the ground". There's no reason to assume the heroes land on the surface of the gas giant's core. It works well enough for Star Wars science.



    They don't land on the surface, so to speak. They land atop what appear to be giant rocky crag spires of some sort, going down to what may or may not be land a long distance below. The clouds are dense and you cannot see the sun or stars. Then they go up to the Gilded Star, where you can see the sun and stars through the upper atmosphere.



    So, no, it is not "good enough" for Star Wars cosmology. They should have built it to the story, or built the story to what the modelers did.




    In any case, I just point it out to poke fun at them. Some of you are definitely playing the useless role of self-appointed Guardians of the Forums, Woe Be To Those Who Trespass.

  3. Actually, my point was more along the lines of "who gives a ****? It's fantasy".


    And Han Solo runs around shooting people with his trusty light saber, since words mean nothing and it's just fantasy? :p




    It's a gas giant, and gas giants are not rocky planets. And "circling the depths" of a gas giant means going down into it where it cannot be seen, where it is floating around, and not attached to a sky hook going even deeper. I could see the freaking stars from the dock outside the Gilded Star. That's not in the hidden depths by any means.

  4. By the way, their method of stealing all the gold or whatever it was, of blowing up a nuke inside an indestructible container, and sucking out the gassified gold, was used by an old Mission Impossible episode, where they drilled a hole up into a jail cell containing some thug's gold, stuck through a heating element, melted the gold, draining it down through the hole where they immediately cast it into new bars.


    The Mission Impossible people were much more careful, though, sticking a spray paint nozzle up through the hole and re-painting the walls and floor so it appeared the gold had been stolen the normal way, leaving it a puzzle.

  5. I am running chapter XIII, and the part where you go rob the "Gilded Star, circling the depths of a massive gas giant".



    Arrive at the planet, land at base on rocky planet, take sky hook up to Gilded Star, which is on same planet. (And so much for hiding there, for that matter.)


    Gas giants are not rocky planets. They may have a teeny tiny core, but the pressure at those depths is beyond liquid.

  6. And you realized all this when? By your ID number, you've been around for quite some time.


    • Did you really expect to fly with your jet pack, or even with a speeder for that matter (like the taxis)? There's never been true flight in this game. Maybe jet pack is the wrong word. It's more a hover pack.
    • Did you really expect to one shot, or dismember someone with your pixel-stick or blaster? If that was the case, everyone would have 1 hit point and the first time they failed to dodge, parry, block or shield an attack, they'd be dead.
    • Is this the first game you ever played? Your statements make it seem so.


    I am mocking the status quo in hopes of something that isn't a re-skin of another game I have also played many times before as well. Consider this as a friendly vote for a better design next time.


    Won't you join me?

  7. They just "fly" you above the ground a few feet, as if on invisible legs running.


    Proof: Going off a cliff, you fall to the ground and die instead of continuing to fly, as a jet, operating in an action/equal and opposite reaction way, would.


    Here's a junk 100 credit jet pack from another plane of reality.




    By the way, my light saber can't cut anything at all, even a flesh guy wearing cloth.

  8. As near as I can tell glowing is for 216 gear, and I have 208 currently.


    HMs are my "next" level of stuff, which says 212 gear you should have. This whole way of gaining gear seems strange. Anyway, I love that I lost 1 and 1/2 items from the glowing vendor in this travesty.


    Welp, off for a 6 hour queue for one 3-crystal HM!. Oooooh! An event! Dailies plus two PvP dailies on Ilum. Oh, look. The PvP part of the event is additional PvE stuff in a PvP zone where ganker gangs stand around the clickies. Wheee! Haven't had such fun since Ultima Online.

  9. Well I buy-backed the crystals, but I thought I was paying common crystals, when it was radiant ones :( x 10000000




    How do I lightning bolt Silas Fleetfire and make her scream and scream and boil her face until she gives me my radiant crystals back? I rule half the galaxy. I hold many ghosts in me. I am Legion; I contain multitudes. I have not just one, but two many-capital-ship-smashing ships.



    I don't understand why I can't just start slicing off her body parts until she gives them back.

  10. Ok, so I'm throwing snowballs at people to get snow-covered packages. I am doing this by the auction kiosks because there are lots of people there.


    The party people playing music also sometimes throw snowballs. This is fine, from an OOG point of view, they show you can throw snowballs, which leads to buying one, which leads to throwing them, which leads to the discovery of getting snow-covered packages. So far so good.


    But sometimes someone logs in there. Their companion appears first, but it apparently takes some time for them to load in, and the game will not make them themselves appear yet.


    Suddenly an NPC throws a snowball at them and it poofs! They haven't appeared yet from our human client point of view, but the NPCs sure get the honor of seeing them! And you only get a package, and maybe at that, if nobody else has thrown one at them recently.



  11. And another thing about insulting healers and giving "them something to buzy body do", I never run out of force massively out-damaging via lightning the melee, but heal them? Then I get kicked in the training orbs and run out of "force" early on...in big boss fights. Still more reason to avoid the joy of an unfun sub-class discipline.
  12. So is it a 1-time respec? I am not gonna pay 200k to do it every time. The only reason I did healing at all, which I hate, was the game seemed to want to force me to. I sure ain't paying that every time just to help out the lazy game makers have less lengthy queues by paying for the honor of supplying a badly-needed healer.


    I did check damage only, and it puts me in with 2 other damage and a tank. I guess some of us had some heals so we got to do the honor of healing anyway :mad:

  13. I am an Inquisitor with lightning discipline. I get tagged damage or heal for group finder. Most of the time this is fine, but when we struggle, the lack of a proper heal build becomes more of an issue.


    Is there a way to have two specs within the same class but different disciplines? It would be nice to have a proper heal discipline (corruption here) I can switch to instead of lightning.


    I could just check damage, but then I'm back to a long queue, where heal is a short queue (instant half the time, 1-2 minutes max the rest.)


    Given that, it might make sense to make healing more attractive if queue length waits are a problem.

  14. "Oh, cool! I'm flying off a Road Runner-style giant sky mesa towards others, whoa! How neat and I...wut? ***".




    Resources: Irrelevant, as there isn't that much extra. And that's for them to manage, not for us to give them excuses.


    "I like quick travel" -- I do, too. I just want to see it some of the time. It's an immersion thing, which is a fail here. Again, it's for them to manage, not for us to give them excuses.

  15. This started with Makeb, but it seems newer storyline planets' taxis are of the teleport type. You take off, and then the screen goes black, and boom, you are there.


    I would like a switch to actually do the travel. I know "people don't wanna waste time" -- that is why this would be a switch.


    It's rather sickening and immersion-busting for this to happen all the time, especially when you're mostly flying way high up in the air and could watch the scenery.



    I shall now sit here whilst Junior Mints blather about the map structure and the routes not being built in-between and the areas not being in relative proper layout and so forth.


    Lemme strap in and grab a leftover $12 box of day-old popcorn.

  16. FYI my equipment is orange + 208 mods bought with common crystals + other junk fed to me by the story.


    Well, as part of Shadows I have to do a flashpoint, which gives me three choices:


    1. Solo mode

    2. Normal mode

    3. Hard mode


    Normal mode is exactly what I'm looking for, I tried it. Some groups with 2 golds in them and 5 or so pew pew trash, no healer robot "solo mode" 3rd wheel. The only problem is there's no way in hell I can finish the bosses at the end by myself + companion.


    If they had normal mode + wimpier end bosses, that would be perfect. Well, if I could extend that to all instance missions.


    Other, more advanced games not based on re-skinning World of Warcraft from 10 years ago have this.

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