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Posts posted by RankorSSGS

  1. So chilling scream should only be used as filler, rather than trying to maintain 100% uptime on it's dot?


    Also, I'm noticing I get riposte procs even though im at 110% accuracy, did they change how the skill works? And should I use it as filler sometimes?

  2. You only ever use blade dance within precision if it's under the effects of zen to shorten the channel. This will allow you to fit another ability afterwards, which theoretically is always clashing blast. Also end zen early at the 0.3 second mark, since the damage has already finished by that point. Low ping and some alacrity can let you fit in an ability like dispatch or twin saber throw in immediately before activating precision to get them buffed as well.


    If you don't have zen available, don't bother with blade dance, and instead put clashing blast and blade rush under precision, or dispatch if it's available. The twin saber throw trick can be done with or without zen, and in fact should actually be easier without it.

  3. Deception is in a better spot for PvE than it has ever been since launch. Last I checked it was sitting at the 4th or 5th highest parsing spec in the game, and the 2nd highest melee spec. I do like to run Hatred for solo content such as the Star Fortresses due to it's increased AoE and the fact that Deception does lose Maul on some fights. (Seriously BW, positional requirements are an outdated mechanic, get rid of it like you did for tanks and Lethality Ops.) But as mentioned, companions can practically solo SF. I got the one and only achievement with a level 7 companion just for reference's sake.
  4. It's not that the burst is bad, it's that it's STILL mediocre and underwhelming compared to every other burst spec, for yet another expansion.


    I get you. I was mostly just commenting on the extreme irony of the spec's situation, since it always had the opposite problem all the way back to launch. :D

  5. I'm looking for a home for my assassin, DPS is where my heart is at, but I'm also practical enough to know it's a stretch. Should be 55 in the next day or 2, and have gear ready to be legacied over to ease the grind. IGN is Xeshara, I'll be keeping an eye out for you guys as well.
  6. I dont know the new stuff on 2.4, and with the 75 pve gear and bolster your are more optimised than the 65 PvP Opti.


    Cause you got easiest 75% surge and you can up your precision or add some alacrity.

    And, your wilpower is like 3k200 .... ****


    See http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/caa74a85-8fcd-4dcd-b7df-feeed90d23e2


    With boolster you got like 1500 EXP


    Yes, please do come into wzs with 1500 expertise, as long as you're not on my team :D

  7. Lemme know when you guys stop fighting undergeared people and step into ranked. Because everyone wants a deception assassin. lol wait...:rolleyes:


    Pretty much. I personally find that a properly set up MM snipr actually bursts harder than either us or sorcs. The difference is that sorcs and snipers get range, and on par sustained damage. Assassins do not get this, and thus are not as effective played at a similar level. I've put an incredible effort into getting the damage output from the class that I do, and normally see myself at the top of the charts. That still doesn't change the fact that if I put the same time and effort into a sniper or smasher, my damage would blow away anything I've done as an Assassin. Against geared opponents, I still hit incredibly hard, 7-9k. But I don't do it often enough to compete.

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