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Posts posted by DarthMicalas

  1. I am truly sick of all the negativity and overblown complaints on these forums. I expected this attitude before I started reading them as there has not been a single game forum I have seen that isn't overflowing with negativity. The ingame playerbase is totally different to what I see here.


    So yeah I wanted to have some fun discussing the game and supplying/reading constructive criticism in a positive atmosphere. But there are too many pointless nonconstructive hate threads and naysayers making mountains out of molehills as well as plain misinformation going around and I've had enough. I will come back in say 2 months time and hopefully things would have quieted down somewhat by then.


    The WoW forums have been up for like 6 year and they still haven't calmed down. Good luck.

  2. The magenta crystal artifice pattern drops off of the world boss on Belsavis. It dropped for my friend a few days ago.


    agreed, its a pain that some colours give certain stats etc


    additionally, i dont think its very fair that every L50 imp that pvp's for a week gets a purple PVP lightsaber, when republic are stuck with a horrible colour? afaik the only purple lightsaber in the movies was wielded by a Jedi


    what does bioware have against republic? why this constant bias towards empire? all the cool animations, all the unfair not-so-mirror abilities, item looks, etc etc


    The only reason Windu's lightsaber was purple was because Samuel L. Jackson wanted to stand out and requested that Lucas let him have one.


    If there was honestly a disclaimer of "Nothing you can craft will ever measure up even close to what PvP/Ops award", I would have taken up Slicing instead, and just hoarded credits.


    That's the way it should be, honestly. I like WotLK's method of letting you get gear one tier behind without raiding though. No reason people can't EVENTUALLY get the great gear.


    With that said, crafting is a bit useless right now. You can't create gear that's on par with the really good stuff and orange gear makes low level patterns useless.

  3. I have to ask, is this DL seriously 25 gigs? I mean frankly, I'm still waiting for the thing, but 11 gigs is enough as it is. I'm not that crazy about the game that I can't wait for my copy to arrive. Anyone know how long this'll take at 5 megabits p/s cus I feel like it's gonna be over a day.


    Downloading at 5mb? You'll be fine. It shouldn't take that long. My download was buggy as hell and it kept forcing me to re-download the entire game. It would finish the download and then say there was a problem with some of the files and to run the repair tool. Every time I ran the repair tool it decided to re-download 11GB of crap.. Over the course of about 2 days I think 100GB of data moved through my cables and that was at 3mb. It shouldn't take you too long.

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