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Posts posted by Norukai

  1. So much QQ and no screenshots of these zaaany stats? 500-600k Pyros? Lmaoooo.

    What server? What opponents? A premade of Fresh Roleplay only 50s wanting to try out PVP?? haha Unreal. Every class plays a role and has their own unique ways of contributing.


    Arsenal mercs were NEVER MOBILE. So any other issues rely on your team and positioning and overall PvP savvy. This thread has weeded out all the junky Mercs, excellent work! The original post with TLDR and War Hero claims, Your team and team composition needs fixing in a serious way.


    your char is a slinger i bet, instant powershot spam

  2. The broke arsenal to FORCE us to use more skills but the skill tree is built around TM and HSM, nerf TM & HSM, broke TM...


    Instead of ruining our main skill you could just buff others so merc's will use them in their rotation, you honestly think people don't spam TM now ? Dev's failed at this one pretty hard. revert out class back to pre 1.2 and slightly buff other skills so they will be used in a rotation

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