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Posts posted by Olinore

  1. Clan Texla monthly update: July 2019


    An overview of *some* of our monthly activities!


    - Weekly Warzones (PVP event): Unranked groups are formed through /roll so that newer members get matched with older ones, and beginning PVPers can play with more experienced ones. We usually have two groups running, and sometimes we end up filling up all 8 spots in a wz when the Queue Gods smile upon us!


    - Battle Circles (RP gathering, PVP duels): Our warriors meet on traditional grounds to test their fighting skills against each other. Our ruling Clan Champion has yet to lose his title! A new Clan Challenger was named this month, however!


    - History and traditions of Texla (RP events): A clan elder gathered the vode on two nights to talk to them about the history of the Aliit and the ancient roles in the Texla of old, as well as the traditional mentor/pupil bond and a ritual combat practice.


    - Assault on Rishi preparations (clan story arc RP events): As the final battle draws nearer, several missions and skirmishes happened: preparing our tanks, seizing resources to resupply, an attack on our dreadnought and space battle in which our Alor’ad almost sacrificed himself for the clan - but was found in extremis by a subsequent search party, and a strike to disable the Republic’s anti-air cannons, followed by a last, clan-wide training simulation.


    - Defense of Outpost Zaroshe (server-wide WPVP event): A full squad of Aliit Texla warriors participated and successfully defended Outpost Zaroshe against invading Republic soldiers, and the Empire side won the event overall, defeating three Pub commanders whilst protecting their own.


    - Recruiting and training (RP): Three warriors were ritually adopted into our clan, and several recruits joined our Newblood Program and are undergoing training and trials to earn a place amongst Texla!


    - RP combat: A new recurring event has been started: /roll fights for interested members of the clan.


    - PVE: Clan members are grouping up to do Ossus dailies and other missions to gear up.


    - Conquest: We do weekly small yield Guild Invasions, to earning schematics and items for the guild.


    - Daily RP and PVP: Our warriors hang out at the clan dreadnaught between missions to repair and craft armour and weapons, talk with their brothers and sisters in the Aliit, spar to hone their combat skills, and group up to go in war simulations every day.


    We are recruiting people interested in RPing and PVPing as a Mandalorian - whether new to this or experienced. We offer a one on one IC mentor/pupil relationship: training in Mandalorian culture and Texla-specific traditions as well as a journey through trials to earn a place as a warrior of Aliit Texla (and also OOC help for RP, gearing up, PVP tips, etc.)


    'Aliit ori'shya tal'din': Family is more than blood.


    Whisper Ves’ori’a in game (or do a /who Texla and ask for an officer), or contact Soria#7125 on Discord for OOC information or to set up an IC interview.

  2. Clan Texla monthly update: June 2019


    An overview of some of our monthly activities!


    - Weekly Warzones (PVP): Groups are formed through /roll to have random teams so that newer members get matched with older ones, and beginning PVPers can play with more experienced ones. :) Sometimes we end up filling up all 8 spots in a wz when we manage to queue at the same time!


    - Weekly Battle Circles (RP and PVP event): Our warriors meet on traditional grounds to test their fighting skills against each other. This month we added a 2nd title to battle for: the top combattant wins the Champion title, while the one in second place is the Challenger! Our ruling Champion kept his title all of June, and two warriors each had the Challenger title once so far!


    - Ancestral Texla training (RP event): The Alor led his vode, newer and older generations alike, in a ritual experience to reconnect with the ancient Texla traditions as a Force Killer Clan.


    - Dread-Seed corrupted rancor hunt (RP and PVE event): To put into practice the Force-related combat techniques shared by an ancestor of the clan, new and older warriors worked together to hunt down a Dread-Seed corrupted rancor (and earn the Lucky and Unlucky legacy titles OOC).


    - Assault on Rishi preparations (clan story arc RP events): a small strike team went on a supply run to get the tanks prepared for the assault of Rishi to retake our planetside base from Pub invaders. The officers met for a briefing on the next phases of the assault: an attack is imminent!


    - Iron Pact (Gar Saha) warband Crusade (server RP-PVP events): a large group of Aliit Texla participated in a clan moot: representatives from the various clans allied in the Gar Saha met to discuss current objectives, get to know warriors of the other aliits, and brawl in amicable duels!


    - Recruiting (RP): Several recruits joined the Newblood Program and were matched up with a mentor to start their training in Mandalorian and Texla traditions. Current newbloods are progressing through their trials, and one of our most talented new warriors triumphed over his trials and was ritually adopted into the clan!


    - WPVP: Several clan members hunted in the Gree-dominated areas of Ilum, slaying Republic enemies on sight!


    - PVE: Clan members are grouping up to do Ossus dailies and other missions to gear up.


    - Conquest: We do weekly small yield Guild Invasions, to earning schematics and items for the guild.


    - Daily RP and PVP: Our warriors hang out at the clan dreadnaught between missions to drink, craft armour and weapons, spar to hone their combat skills, and group to go in war simulations every day.


    We are recruiting people interested in RPing and PVPing as a Mandalorian - whether new to it or experienced. We offer a one on one IC mentor/pupil training towards trials to become a full warrior of Aliit Texla, as well as OOC help for RP, gearing up, PVP tips, etc. Newcomers and experienced players welcome!


    'Aliit ori'shya tal'din': Family is more than blood.


    Whisper Ves’ori’a in game (or do a /who Texla and ask for an officer), or contact Soria#7125 on Discord for OOC information or to set up an IC interview.

  3. Welcome back! I came back to the game last fall, after a few years of absence. I'd missed all the newer expansions, so I had a -lot- to catch up on! lol Everyone I'd known previously was gone, too, but after playing all the class stories solo, I looked for, and found, a guild that I love. :) I don't know what's your preferred playstyle, but if you like RP-PVP, and like Mandalorian lore, you may want to check out our guild for your jugg. Leaving the info here, just in case. Either way, welcome back to the game!



  4. Hello,


    If you don't mind having separate guilds for your Empire and Republic characters, you may be interested in our Empire-side RP-PVP guild, if the Mandalorian lore (and unranked, non-"pro" PVP) appeal to you. :)


    Our recruitment thread is here:



    We are a tight-knit guild that is very friendly and welcoming to new people. Everyone gets to participate in all activities. We have a one on one IC mentor-pupil relationship for recruits, to train and guide them through trials to have them become full warriors of our clan.


    If this interests you, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Discord (Soria#7125) or in game: Ves'ori'a.

  5. Clan Texla monthly update: May 2019


    An overview of some of our monthly activities:


    - Weekly Warzones (PVP event): Our clan formed teams for our regular weekly night of warzones. Sometimes we filled all 8 spots on the same side, sometimes our teams faced each other on opposite sides! (To be fair, we tend to do WZs spontaneously most nights too!) ;)


    - Weekly Battle Circles (RP and PVP event): Our Alor leads a weekly RP event featuring PVP combat: all of our warriors meet on traditional grounds to test their fighting skills against each other. The ultimate winner holds the title of Clan Champion - until the next circle!


    - Rescue mission (two-part RP event): After a supply raid on Hoth turned bad, a rescue party was organized to retrieve two warriors. What seemed like a simple ‘grab and go’ mission turned out to be much more sinister, yet the clan prevailed!


    - Raiding a ship (first part of an ongoing RP story arc): Acting on one of our leader’s intel, a strike team raided an enemy ship for valuable cargo, a sizeable bounty, and other riches - though encountering a powerful, unexpected enemy along the way.


    - Iron Pack warband Crusade (server RP-PVP events): Aliit Texla participated in two assaults of the Gar Saha (or Iron Pack) warband: in the first, strike teams were formed for a daring space battle, and in the second, a ground assault was organized against the main Republic base in the polar region of the planet Phaesa - followed by an orbital bombardment.


    - PVE: Clan members are teaming up to do Ossus dailies and other missions to gear up.


    - Conquest: Our Clan is doing weekly small yield Guild Invasions, and earning schematics and items for the guild.



    We are always recruiting people interested in RPing and PVPing as a Mandalorian - whether new to it or experienced. We offer a one on one IC mentor/pupil training towards trials to become a full warrior of Aliit Texla, as well as OOC help for RP, gearing up, PVP tips, etc. Newcomers and experienced players welcome!


    Whisper Ves’ori’a in game (or do a /who Texla and ask for an officer), or contact Soria#7125 on Discord for OOC information or to set up an IC interview.

  6. Would it be possible to implement an in-game calendar that would allow members of a guild to add custom events to it (guild meeting, war zone night, RP events, operations, etc.), like they do in World of Warcraft? (sorry for the comparison, eh, but they are efficient on that front)


    This would create more player engagement and give them more of a reason to log on regularly.


    Right now, people use a mix of Discord or websites (like Enjin), but an in-game calendar would be much more visible, centralized and efficient (with a possibility of reminders for events that people sign up for).



  7. Hello!


    I am looking for someone interested in leveling an alt, exploring the planets and questing in character (i.e. active roleplay-while-playing, not restricted to simply talking while standing around a cantina and such). I was thinking of trying either a Sith inquisitor sorcerer or a Jedi sage. :) This is for an alt, so I am not in any rush to get to 70 as fast as possible. I'd rather enjoy new stories and play leisurely for this character. My play time tends to be later in the evening.


    If anyone is interested, send me a message and tell me about your character idea.



  8. I'd missed this initially, I reposted it on my main's guild's forum (Dev'eri'tess). :) Thanks for organizing this! I'll try to make it to the next one if I'm online at that time.
  9. Hi there!


    I'm leveling a trooper (gunnery) on Jung Ma, along with my other characters, and so far I'm loving it!


    A couple of days ago I logged on to see a military march by Shadow Company, an all trooper squad:




    The byline on their site says "We slay younglings", so they may be a bit more on the "bad a s s" end of the Light/Dark spectrum. LOL I spoke briefly with one of their officers, Stefan I think it was, seems like a good guy.


    I have also started rping with Vallum (aka Shrapnull on the forum), and I am pretty excited about the possibilities! His ideas seems more along the lines of humanitarian/protector of the citizens, which may fit my trooper a bit better.


    But either way, I think Jung Ma is a great choice to play a trooper, and for pvp as well (Terra Firma is organizing server-wide wpvp events, for instance).


    Feel free to whisper me if you do roll on Jung Ma. My trooper here is Olinore. :)

  10. Wow, I just want to say thank you for the help !


    I made a background for my imperial agent, kriss, forced into a job that he doesn't want.


    I'm on the Lord Calypho EU server if anyone would like to come along !


    You're very welcome, and sounds like your imperial agent is going to be interesting! I like that basis for an rp story. :) Have fun on Lord Calypho!

  11. Be sure to mention your faction and character names when posting here (or integrate it in your signature), just so your fellow rpers can keep an eye out for you! :)


    I'm actually being productive this morning and writing down the Empire ones, and I'll friend you in game, so I can easily spot you when I log on in a bit, after a few sips of life-giving coffee. ;)

  12. Hello! Here are a few ideas to get started in RP. :)


    First of all, think about who your character is (your background doesn't need to be super complicated, just have an idea of how you want to play your character, to act in a consistant manner: i.e. a happy go-lucky wanderer, a bloodthirsty Sith, a credits-hungry bounty hunter, etc.). There is a good post here that can help you get started:


    Elements to consider when creating an RP character:






    Attitudes and behaviors

    Tastes and preferences





    Abilities and Alignment


    Details here: http://www.whalliance.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26139




    If you like RP, PVP and PVE, you might want to try an RP-PVP server, where you'll be able to do a bit of everything. I'm on Jung Ma (Empire side) and I am liking it. :)


    As for leveling with someone as well as finding a beginner-friendly RP guild, a good way could be to post a message here:


    "SERVER NAME - Empire - LF leveling partner/beginner-friendly RP guild"


    Or something like that. Mention the server you are playing on and your faction, then a brief description of what you are looking for.


    Also, when you are on your server of choice, you can post a brief message in the /general channel, now and then (don't spam it all the time, though) about "LF an RP guild" (if you looking for something specific, for instance, a Sith-focused guild, or a guild that does frequent flashpoints/PVE groups, be sure to mention that to whoever responds.


    As for finding RP, there are various ways.


    For instance, you can set your character to walk instead of run (hit the / key), and walk over to the cantina on the Imperial fleet (it is usually a good spot to find rpers), then if you see a group of people interacting in character in /say, you can introduce yourself (well, your character) as you would do in normal life, but as your character would (commenting on their characters' gear, or what they are doing at the time, etc.). You can use /e to write custom emotes describing what your character is doing.


    Examples (somewhat cheesy, but just to give you an idea):


    Setting: My Chiss bounty hunter comes across a group of people talking about an upcoming mission, as they are drinking at the cantina.


    /e sips her drink, listening in on a nearby conversation a moment, before walking over to introduce herself, bowing her head slightly in a polite greeting


    /say Good evening. I couldn't help but to overhear you discussing just now, and I would like to offer my services as a hired gun, should you need extra fire power. My name is...



    Setting: My Chiss notices a fellow hunter's high end weapons.


    /e 's eyes are drawn to the human's top of the line blasters. Hailing the barkeep, she orders two drinks and brings them over to the bounty hunter's table


    /say Care for a drink? I hope you don't mind my curiosity, but I have to say, those blasters are impressive! Who is your dealer? I have never seen this model before, but it's easy to tell that those pack a lot of power!



    Just remember a few things about RP:


    - On RP servers, whatever is said in /say is usually considered in character.

    - If you must say something OOC in /say, try to use (( )) for your text to show it is not in character.

    - The general channel, as well as party and whispers are usually out of character, but if you want to whisper to RP, you can put your text in " " to indicate it is in character.



    On an RP server, a good way to meet roleplayers, too, is to comment in character when someone helps you kill a mob (/e smiles at the woman, saying "Thank you for your assistance, I am in your debt. My name is ... a pleasure to meet you.") , or when you group up for a heroic zone or quest, etc. Or to do emotes when you are near people who RP.


    Have to get back to work, but I hope this helped!

  13. I'm not on Juyo, and I am only speaking for myself, as an individual, but I love this idea. :)


    I prefer MMORPGs to other videogames (yes, even gorgeous ones like Skyrim - though I do indulge in them occasionally) -because- of the social aspect. So being promoting a friendly and courteous community is important to me. Even in pvp, treating the opponents with respect (i.e. not camping, spam emoting, etc.) makes sense, as for pvp and RPPVP to even happen in the first place, there has to be people interested in participating on both sides. Making the MMO a pleasant experience for all enhances your own enjoyment of the game, in the end, in my opinion.

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