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Posts posted by Pjey

  1. If you want to keep some players, you gotta add this patch like next week, alot of people is gonna quit or rather give up on this game due to the many bugs currently not being fixed, bad pve content (**** bugged aswell but cleared all modes everything) and ofcourse the rakata weapons thats been like that since beta, cmon?



    Know atleast half of my guild's just gonna give up when our current playtime runs out unless things get fixed quick because none is going to sit around and pay for the game while we wait 5 more months for you to fix things...



    This is only my own opinon and other guildies, atleast we feel this is the current truth about the game, or the sinking ship as many call it.

  2. I can't agree more, still can't reach the datacron's on Alderann and Corellia if you have a big body (never tested that did you), and the Rakata weapon mod glitch, while easy to fix by the player, is fairly unacceptable at this point. That has to be easy to fix.


    Really glad to see that i'm not alone with these mixed feelings about the game.

  3. Going to start off and say how much I enjoy this game and what it has to offer, but... It's getting way out of line some problems is really game breaking and ruins just everything you love about a MMO and it's experience and still I've subscribed for yet anohter month and may still be more but dear god Bioware get your stuff together and start hotfixing the huge problems or you'll start falling just like the other new MMO attemts have made and been forced to go free2play to manage on to hold on.


    I bet you know what big problems i'm talking about and i'm sure you as a company and your dedicated team is working extremly hard to counterattack these problems, but for example:


    The rakata weapons I've had in my inventory now for over 3 weeks and i'm not alone, how hard can it honestly be to just fix this or any of those minor problems that actually is huge, I mean comeon really you give up PVE content that you want us to enjoy and a big part of them is **** bugged and failing out of its on misery but still all of your BIG PVE guilds clear it every reset just because we love it and love getting upgraded with those shinies, wasn't really a problem at first but when you've cleared everything on Nightmare more then 3 times (Khargas palace new bosses not included due to new instance only been out for 2 weekish) it's getting kinda silly when you need to have the biggest part of your "gear" which for me is a weapon in your bag just because the item is bugged and has worse stats then 0,5 weapon then you wonder really, why are we even paying for if it's not for you to fix these kind of easy problems...


    Don't get me wrong i'm still going to play like there's no tomorrow every day after a hard day of work but the next step really needs to be taken, you have something with SWTOR i honestly believe you can compete with the other big mmo titles and even steal more out of Wows big player base with your new ranked battlegrounds and PVe content as long as it's getting abit more polished before releasing it.


    We players can take much and we understand it's hard to get everything fixed quick but you really gotta prioritize things that just ruins the experience for everyone playing it. The rakata problems is just one of these big problems could sit all day and type about them but then nobody would probably continue reading.



    Keep the good work up Bioware and atleast talk to the community abit more please so we can have some kind of eta because it's probably alot more then me thinking if we should just cancel our subscribtion for next month and come back later if the game still stands strong.

  4. 5 HM FP. Every single drop, BH ****. Except one, something drop some ****** warrior gear. But guess what................... THERE IS NO *********** BOUNTY HUNTER IN THE GROUP.


    ****... BW if you wanted me to roll a BH why don't you just send an email instead of making boss drop hints.



    haha had the same phenmenom every single raid, but instead of bh loot we haven't had a single boss yet that haven't dropped one peice for troopers!!!!


    New motto: Trooper ruins lootz

  5. So to keep it breif and short, i´ll just get right to the point...


    I´m about to get advanced class today when i get home from work and i´d be looking to spec into shadow and possibly level as kenetic combat because i want to try it out and be able to tank instances when they reach my level.


    So i am looking for the best build that could work out to level with or just if anyone which is more "experienced" in this area could just take a quick look at those two builds i´ve found and see if anyone would suits my needs or if i should go with something else!



    Build suggestion 1: 31/0/10



    Build suggestion 2: More hybrid like 23/0/18




    Would anyone of these two work or do any of you recommend any other build?

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