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Posts posted by SpaZMonKeY

  1. Liking all the response and info here. After a few days of Balance, I have been solo queuing WZs and getting top damage in like 9/10 WZs. I do feel squishy as hell, especially when I get focus fired, I go down fast. But I am comparing that too the KC/Balance spec I was running before.


    Cant wait for Multi-spec, because then I can go KC/Balance when I run with my guild, and then Balance or Infil when I am solo queuing. Until then, I will carry around my pocket healers :p

  2. So I have played my Shadow since day 1, and I went from Infiltration spec (which I liked) to KC/Balance, and enjoyed the survivability a lot more for PVP. But now I wanted to explore more of the Balance tree, and was wondering how it was in PVP and if anyone had some advice for me?


    Just curious, looks like it could have some survivability as well. Ive also seen some talk about a 50/50 split of KC/Balance. Any thoughts?

  3. It is 25% chance of a BM Token dropping PER bag.


    Basically, each time you get a bag, the game /rolls 1-100. If it rolls anywhere from 1-25, you get a token. If it rolls 26-100, you DONT get a token. And this is all decided once the bag is spawned in your inventory.


    So in theory, you could open 100,000 bags and NEVER get a token. It would be ****** luck, but it could happen. That's why they are changing it to buying tokens with 1000/1000 Comms, so that way everyone will achieve BM gear in the same amount of time, instead of some people getting it faster than others.


    If this doesn't make sense to you, then I fear for your life.

  4. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, and I have read through tons of posts on these forums, but have not seen anyone mention this yet...


    But when you're on Ilum, the majority of lag I receive is when objectives are updating during fighting (And even when not fighting). Like when I receive quest credit for kills, and when Bases are being captured, my game literally freezes for the 1-2 seconds it takes to update. And it's amplified when you're in an ops group and your computer is updating EVERYONE's quests.


    To BW: Make the Ilum capture points (Bases, South, Central, and North) non related to quests. Maybe a scoreboard like huttball that shows who controls what area. And also make it so when you are in an ops group, that we don't keep track of everyone's quests except our own. Should reduce lag by a long shot.


    Personally with my machine, I don't hardly ever lag in WZ's ever, and on Ilum I only lag when objectives are being updated (Sometimes when there's tons of AOE getting spammed, but it's not that bad). Hopefully BW can fix Ilum and add some of these as changes, because I have had TONS of fun Ilum on my server, and I don't want to see it become a ghost town forever, even though I know it will be for a while after the next patch.



    Here is a great video of someone on Ilum with a decent machine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fvu699u_6aU and watch when objectives are being updated, and noticed the freeze-ups. Its crazy.

  5. You have to realize TWO things:


    There is a legit bug that causes more people to join in the WZ and play (Not player caused)




    There is a legit exploit that allows players to re-queue friends in their group, separating them from the Ops group, but allowing them to play in the WZ anyways.


    The only way to know which is which, is by being the team that has more players, and seeing if the extra players are in your ops group, or if they are outside the ops group. If they are outside the Ops group, then they are exploiting.

  6. Here's the facts:


    There is no "Server Maintenance Agreement". lol. They can bring the servers down 3x a day every day of the week if they want too. In fact if you read all the TOS agreements (Or any MMOs TOS for the matter) you'll notice they pretty much say they can do anything they want at any time to any server or any account, without warning.


    This "little" patch may not effect you, but IMO it should have been emergency patched ASAP, and not sometime tonight. A lot of us want to get our Ilum daily done, and we cannot do it properly without this fix.


    Trust me, this emergency patch fix is so far down the list of complaints to BW, it isn't even noticeable.

  7. YES, I will continue playing. I am enjoying almost every aspect of this game. Are there a few bugs? Sure. Ive only encountered a few, but nothing game breaking. After leveling a lot, I can take a break do some PVP, and then take a break and do some space missions, and then be back into leveling.


    I will keep my sub active, and continue for a while. :)

  8. You have to wait because they aren't going to go out of their way to make a special case just for you to give you early access. Bioware is doing a fantastic job with this launch, and will have everyone in for early access probably by tomorrow by the looks of it. Just sit back, relax, take a breather, and enjoy the game once your in.
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