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Posts posted by Kurso

  1. You have even to:


    1) Prove you play one and are just not someone who gets splattered by them in regular WZs (you sound suspiciously so) and now raging on the internets.


    2) What you say is true: post a video or screenshots proving what you say is true.


    I'm not raging against anything. I believe in equilibrium game theory which would call for a more balanced response than "don't nerf my class". The good of the overall game is just as important, if not more important, than my desire to maintain my toons advantage in 1v1 combat. So addressing the concerns of non-stealthers is critical to the overall system.


    What's you motivation? Because you haven't contributed anything useless to the conversation.

  2. Stealthers sustained DPS is the lowest in game by far, their health one of the lowest, their armor one of the lowest (inf / deception spec). Guess why? Exactly because they can stealth. They are also fairly easily kited.


    Stealthers are actually weaker in this game than in most others, in fact only in SWTOR they don't get good armor penetration and only in SWTOR the ranged DPS may have tank-grade armor. SWTOR is full of warlocks...


    Generally, they are not even accepted in RWZ nor in competitive PvE.


    Let's nerf them again, so that you can kill them without using a pot nor the stun breaker :rolleyes:.

    After all, they are meant to be as vicious as those level 52 NPCs you farm for dailies on Maked, confirm or deny?


    I don't think the answer to the state of stealthers is giving them an 90+% chance to kill anyone 1v1. Ya, I love running around ganking players with all but absolute certainty I'll kill them but I'm thinking of the overall balance of the game rather than the OP nature of one of my toons.

  3. but ofcorpse.. that's what you do in pugs.. tis really fun but that'd never happen against a coordinated team.. but then again that's where the problem is pugs dont communicate unless it's entering the forums screaming for nerfs :cool:


    I think you are making the OPs point. I'm saying 1v1 my stealther will rock anyone. Your saying the solution to that is make sure it's 2v1 (coordination).


    If 2v1 is really the answer then stealth is too powerful as the OP say.

  4. Stealth are weak in this game. They have been nerfed to the ground.


    If you lose a turret to a stealth by getting killed by them "So fast" OR getting ninja'd.


    Then it's your fault.




    I shred 9/10 players without trouble. If they don't use CC break they are dead. If they use CC break then I stun them again and they are dead. If something goes wrong with the attack I just stealth away and try again.

  5. There is no problem with stealth per se, it is the combination of stealth with other capabilities that make people complain.


    Stealth+Stun+Burst+Resteath+Restun+Burst is the problem.


    It's not uncommon for me to take half a players HP away before they have a chance to respond, at which point I stealth away and hit them again for the other half.

  6. I didn't state anywhere that 0 healers is a good thing, most teams use 1-2 on attack (though no more than that). However, you're claim that 3 healers and a tank being able to mitigate the focus fire of 4-6 good dps is proven wrong with video evidence and entertaining commentary in the link. There is a difference between a bad comp and a poor design and you really shouldn't conflate the two.


    Bad design is leading to the group composition problem which is why I'm PURPOSELY conflating the two. All of the current WZs are geared towards a very specific group composition, which is why premade groups favor healers and tanks. On the other hand you have random groups (PUGs) that almost always have the wrong composition for the defensive design of the WZ.


    As I have said premade is not the problem. The problem is the WZ design (they all use the same basic defensive principle). The way to fix it is design WZs that have multiple methods to win, negating the advantage of a specific group composition. Thus, premades can still prebuild a composition they like and PUGs are not screwed out of the gate because of the composition they have no control over.

  7. Hi there, i could not quit warzones, cos may exit WZ button doesn' t exist on the minimap. Does anyone knows a reason for that


    Good, we have found a solution! Now how do we get this bug to be pervasive?

  8. While in Huttball, I would agree that Dps aren't too necessary, since firepulls are a thing, Voidstar defense still needs dps. Here's a link of Infinite Darkness against LD50 in a ranked voidstar where Infinite Darkness went 2 tanks and 3 healers with a sniper guarding off door. While they are initially a pain to kill, the lack of dps never requires LD's dps to retreat so they just keep pressuring and pressuring the ID team. LD racks up a lot of kills in the first round with only a few deaths and it ends up being the deciding factor in the match.


    TL;DR DPS are necessary to cause the enemy dps to retreat, even among good players.


    Look at the stat sheet of your next Voidstar game where it is 3 v 0 healers. The team with 8 DPS will have no more than 5 kills each, while the team with 3-4 DPS (assuming they have a couple of tanks for guard) will have 30-40 kills each.


    The reason is that much healing can mitigate the focus fire of a 4-6 DPS, especially with guard. But 0 healers can't mitigate the focus fire of even 2 DPS and the team with no healers goes down quick.


    If the team with 3 healers is lucky enough to start first in Voidstar then it is a guaranteed win because all they don't even need to get by the first door, merely stop the other team from getting by the first door (Defensive). If they start second the 8 DPS team doesn't have enough defense to stop them. The team with three healers just has to wait for the right timing to occur to plant the bomb.

  9. Roll/scamper looks OP, but it is not. People forget that it consumes a huge amount of energy. If you're stupid enough to roll/scamper all the way from respawn to the hutball, then to roll/scamper further with the ball to and over the fire trap, then to roll/scamper further to the enemie's edge and over the line, you won't have any energy left to defend yourself after scoring...


    Really? This is a game to 6. Scoring a single point is worth the death of half the team, because the other half will wait at mid anyway to grab the ball again. This is the dumbest excuse I've heard for keeping an OP ability..


    "If you use it to win the game you will die" ROFL...

  10. arena's cant come soon enough


    Arenas will only exacerbate the problems of class imbalance and strength of healers. Plus the arena crowd (FOTM usually) tends to be a different crown than the WZ crowd (Big PvP battles).


    We need new WZs with varying objectives that teams can adapt to based on the makeup of the team.

  11. Everyone is complaining about premades, ranked groups, OP healers, guard on healers, etc... While I agree there are some issues with all of the above these are simply symptoms of the real problem: Defensive WZs


    All of the current WZs, including Huttball and Voidstar are defensive in nature. Protect a point. They don't require DPS and therefor the effects of 3 v.0 healers, OP healers, healers with tanks, are amplified. In fact there is little need for DPS in a WZ once an objective is captured, or otherwise needs to be guarded. You can see this when you get 3 v. 0 healers. The team with 0 healers will put up massive DPS number and get very few kills.


    Premade groups take advantage of this by bringing in the people they need (healers and tanks) because the WZs are designed in a way that it doesn't make sense to stack DPS.


    The only way to mitigate this is by designed WZs that are multi-faceted with multiple ways to win, including offensive based objectives (kill a shield generator that can't be healed for example). Port Scion in Rift comes to mind (I know it was not perfect but you could win 3 or 4 different ways).


    Premades will always go the path of least resistance and predesign their group for the WZ, and every single warzone is designed to favor those with defense, making it easy. PUGs on the other hand are dealt random cards and usually end up with the least favorable group design for the current WZs, 8 DPS.


    Stop blaming premades and other imbalance issues, there are problems here yes but they are not the primary culprit. Start demanding that we get multi-faceted WZ designs. WZs that any group makeup is capable of winning by adjusting tactics based on the random layout of the group.

  12. Your sage has a metric crapton of mobility. You have:

    1.) Bubble on anyone who is in range and not locked out

    2.) Rejuvinate

    3.) Force Mend

    4.) Instant Salvation

    5.) Force Wave if specced into

    6.) Cleanse, cause dot's are a thing


    Additionally, you can run without being rooted and have a cooldown that makes you uninterruptible. Sages have outstanding mobility and are meant to avoid damage.


    On a sidenote, 1mill healing is no longer outstanding.


    You have made my point perfectly! Look at all the **** other healers need to be effective. What does Scoundrel need to do: run around (while healing) and stealth away when needed.


    Unlike most people in here I'm not in here complaining that Scoundrels are OP because I can't kill them. I'm in here complaining that Scoundrels are OP because I have one and it's almost impossible to kill me. My goal is not to maintain the OP nature of my toon. My goal is to have a vibrant equal opportunity PvP structure in the game.

  13. Honestly I'm not 100% convinced badies don't have the skill. I think they care about different things in WZs.


    Most people that are bad at PvP are more interested in what rank they are on the stats page than winning the match. So it's not just about skill its about knowing/caring about the goal.

  14. I am far more worried about the imbalance of healers (3v0 in a lot of matches) than I am about premades in general. While it may be true that the bulk of the imbalance in healers is because of premades, the premade group itself is not the problem.


    In WZs healers = win because of the defensive nature of the WZ designs.


    Want to see that end quickly? Add in offensively designed WZs where killing a node is more important than capturing/holding it.

  15. This was true pre2.0. Not so much now.


    We could still use some improvement imho, but the best mercs and mandos are getting rated spots. It has just taken a while for teams to start incorporating them, which they are doing now.


    For what use? Healers, tanks (for Guard) and stealth to cap/protect. I'd rather have mobile burst DPS.

  16. Terribads - ruining pvp expierience.


    learn to slow. spec into slow. use utility, not just hit ability.


    how many more whine threads we need for people to learn to play... back in a day people didn't know what 'interrupt' skill is (some still don't know), hopefully, in a time given, people will learn how to slow as well.


    Describe the process of slowing an Op that is getting to a side node in Civil War at the start? Once a node is captured it rarely changes hands, making it critical to capture first...

  17. I play an operative healer myself and I tell you: Learn to focus. Use your interrupts. Learn to understand how a healer works. There is absolutely no healer problem. It's the non-healers who are allo bads, while the healers are all EXTREMELY skilled players. You can't nerf a complete group of speccs only because it's played by the most skilled players in the game.


    What are you talking about? I have a Scoundrel with no PvP gear and I run circles around DPS.


    1v1 I can ignore the DPS all together.

    2v1 I heal myself and kill them both

    3v1 I can escape without worry, all the while my HoTs (which are instant cast and not interruptible) are healing the group. ROFL.


    I can pull 1mil healing without breaking a sweat on my Scound


    By contrast my Sage healer needs to stand still to cast and gets interrupted to no end.


    PvP is about mobility, utility, survivability, and surprise. Scoundrel healing is all of the above (some classes like Merc are none) which makes it OP.


    Being an OP class loses it's fun after a while and leaving a class OP for too long has a negative impact on the game.


    fyi: both merc and sorc have mobile specs that should be their pvp trees. however, their effective dps is sadly...ineffective.


    I think this really sums up the problems with Merc. They appear to be designed to stand still and do damage but they don't have the defensive abilities to stand still and take a hit.


    When they are on the move DPS goes from average (even standing still Merc DPS isn't great) to bottom of the barrel. Other classes can drop massive bursts while on the move and have either great defensive abilities or an escape mechanism, neither of which are available to Mercs.


    Another problem with Merc is the Kolto Overload. Honestly is just isn't useful with the amount of burst damage other classes can generate. Assume you are an average player with 30k HP. That means you must be below 9K HP for Kolto to kick in. 9k is well within range of Dispatch+hit of an average geared player rendering Kolto Overload useless.


    Let's face it. There is a reason rated teams don't want Mercs. It just is not a very good PvP class. PvP is about survival, mobility, utility, and surprise. This is the exact opposite of the Merc class. Merc is slow, predictable and easily isolated/mitigated.

  19. It certainly is an odd design. The range of Stealth Scan detection is very short. Given it is bound by the GCD it is likely that the player is out of range before you can cast it, if you cast it where they stealthed, making its use very random.


    The fact that it is visible to the enemy, limited if any defensive use case, and it's random nature I agree, it's pretty useless.

  20. I've noticed that if you stand dead center of the Stealth Scan field it does not detect stealthy players to the point that they can still stun you while stealthed without detection.


    What is the intended use of this ability?

  21. You all agree that Merc Pyro is the worst PvP tree in the game but your answer to the problem is l2p... Where is the logic? The way these things get solved is do discuss what the problem with the tree is and how to fix it.
  22. I have tried so hard to love my Pyro Merc/ in PvP but I just can't do it. From the reading i have done there is almost universal selection of Merc as the worst PvP class at the moment. I would say the area where Merc excels is in 1v0 (attacking a target that is not attacking it back). I'm not saying its better at this than other classes. I'm saying this is the best possible case for this class.


    In 1v1 Merc doesn't have the burst ability that other classes have. There are no 8-10K hits to shell out like I have on my Sentinal. In fact to even come close I have to cast on my Merc. On my Sent I can run around like a spider monkey. Electro net is cool be its the signal to put up whatever defensive cool downs the target has.


    in 1v2 Merc doesn't have anywhere near the CC capability of other classes. The 2 second cast time on concussion missile is designed to be interrupted, wasting an offensive GCD.


    In 1v3 Merc has zero escape of defensive capability. The shield is basically a toy and by the time the self heal can kick in you are within kill range of Dispatch and a handful of other 1-shot execution abilities. And of course it has no escape capabilities.


    DPS Merc is universally considered the worst class for PvP because it is not good at anything and every other class is superior in one way or another. When is Merc getting some love because playing my OP Scoundrel healer and my loludead Sent is getting old.

  23. I kick a lot of people from groups. Here are my top 5 reasons:


    1) DPS queues as tank, to queue pop faster, without sufficient points in tanking tree or appropriate gear.

    2) DPS queues as healer, to queue pop faster, without sufficient points in the healing tree or appropriate gear.

    3) Loot ninja needs on everything.

    4) Coming into the FP and going AFK

    5) Being a jerk to the other people in the FP


    I never kick people for being bad, to hoard loot, because they haven't run it before, or not space baring.

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