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Posts posted by Cernex

  1. Bolster all to the same gear ilevel. The ability to earn gear through pvp is drastically slower than previously, and I understand why given the GC boxes and the attempt to incentivize players to play other avenues of the game. Unfortunately, the hardcore PvPers feel they've been slighted against because that's the gameplay they used to enjoy and dominate over the rest of us. As a commoner I fall in the range of making it all at the same gear ilevel (likely above any currently available gear), as I feel this will enhance the PvP play for the hardcore folks and still give us commoners at shot a win every once in a while.



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  2. #1 reason, and this is coming from regular GSFer. I don't play on alts and even increased requisition gains won't change that. GSF is a side-game, you cannot expect people to maintain dozens of ships separately on every alt. If Strongholds were character-specific, they would never be as popular.


    That and lack of PVE Starfighter. This is PVE-primarly game. GSF is completly separated from existing on-rails PVE space minigame both in gameplay and gearing. One doesn't benefit the other and doesn't encourage trying out and continuing to play the other. Not to mention, most players will never even try PVP before having an extensive experience in PVE.




    I'm going to second on this one, I have multiple characters but only one do I complete GSF on any regular basis. Ultimately maintaining the same ships over the legacy is daunting.


    I believe having a PvE-based area would allow players to have a better idea on GSF mechanics and ultimately promote PvP play. You don't expect players to jump into WZs without some knowledge of their class and practice against each other in open world. The tutorial is lackluster and last I attempted, I can't take my own ships into the Tutorial.


    :sy_consular: Cernex

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  3. Just finished listening to the livestream and I'm continually more optimistic from the discussion between Charles/Ben/Eric and the community. Thank you.


    In regards to CXP, has any consideration been given to utilizing "rested experience" work towards increasing Galactic Command Levels? Not only would it assist ALT leveling, but also increase main characters progression in a minor fashion. It's been a while since I've utilized rested xp towards leveling a character but I think it just doubled combat kills, which given the reduction in gold bordered CXP gains, might need the rested xp portion towards CXP be retooled a bit so folks aren't just out killing a massive number of gold-bordered or champion monsters as I assume was the intent of the original reduction in CXP gains for those kills. Perhaps a rested 50% towards all CXP gains?

  4. :ph_welcome: to the PAX Gaming Community

    There are all kinds of guilds available in SWTOR, and here you are reading the PAX recruitment thread. It's easy to think you can play SWTOR and forgo the MMO portion, but I'll ask you why? PAX offers you the ability to meet a wide variety individuals who enjoy the same game you do, it's a community don't think of it as "just another guild." Because this community has been here since the servers went up, and will continue to game once the servers go down. What's even better, is if you decide to play another game other than SWTOR, they're likely there too, so you aren't wandering alone but experiencing with old friends. Sure, their application process might seem a bit daunting, but it has its purpose and... I think you'll secretly enjoy it as I have. You're here already, what's another click to the Community's website to fill out the application? I'll see you in game!


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