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Posts posted by Zeae

  1. lmao I got warned for sarcastically mocking the flamers who bash bioware!


    How dare I make fun of the idiots who can't wait a few days and feel the need to viciously insult the devs!! What was I thinking!?


    Teach me to side with the game maker on the game maker's site, it will. From now on I'll be a nasty, thoughtless, vicious troll like everyone else, then I'll be sure to draw the moderators love and admiration.


    I know I know, I'm being a bit of a hypocrite here, but c'mon! I DEFEND Bioware and I get the warning!? way to treat ppl...

  2. what are you 6 years old? live in a hole? never seen a star wars movie? my grandpa has seen them and he doesn't give a flying bantha about modern movies (anything after 1959 is garbage to him) I don't care if you think you're a nerd, or not a nerd, or w/e you think you are, Star Wars is just way too popular to not have seen ANY of the movies...and you're a gamer who likes MMOs? what the bantha man? what the bantha...
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