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Posts posted by Ackmanya

  1. I dunno, no confusion here, but since I have a DPS/CC Sage, I have pretty much neutered Qyzen's abilities for AoE as best as I can... I use primarily Aim gear, with the exception of a single non-aim piece - a Jedi Knight robe (orange, so can mod it) that has a hood. I think my lizard looks a heck of a lot cooler now, and the amount he loses on tech-abilities is almost nothing due to him not really having many I have allowed him to use.


    Just FYI, I do a lot of CC'ing in the game, so anytime anyone uses an AoE damage ability I get frustrated. I don't even use lift (3 targets) in groups anymore, since it seems the ONLY class that does not use an AoE at every possible moment is the SAGE. Sad part is, I can solo same-level heroic +2's easily. When I get asked to help anyone else do the exact same +2, there is a good chance we will die... /smh


    Needless to say, Yes, his main stat is Aim, because he is basically a Vanguard-Type that uses Techblade (wish they would allow Vanguards to use Techblades)... But a lil loss of Aim to sub in Str for cosmetic reasons really doesn't affect him at all.



    Is there some reason you can't put aim mods in your moddable robe?

  2. The shield is a trade off for less offensive power. Their damage is esily healed though and the burst they do manage to squeeze out is middle of the pack at best.


    And before you start screaming "OMG 1MILLION DAMAGE IN WZ LUL!!!" the vast majority of that is aoe and multi dotting..ie meter padding.

  3. This really isn't an issue. Since every piece save bracers and belts are easily obtained while leveling. In what ever armor class you want.


    And honestly I find it hilarious that someone who doesn't have to wear light armor is complaining. Have you seen our hats? If you want your own social gear you have to wear the same cross dressing dumpster clown hats we are forced into. And no you can't hide your headgear.

  4. I didn't think any AAA MMO released after Warhammer would lack Dual Targeting, but I've been disappointed each time so far.




    ....so basically...a focus?


    On topic. No. It just costs to much money to do it right. I would be frightened to ask BW just how much they sunk into something like this. I mean think about it. They turned EVERY. SINGLE. QUEST. Into a high res cinematic. And really what does it add to the game? Honestly if you were riveted by the class stories(at least the cons one)then you have never read an actual book.


    My biggest gripe is the same as a lot of people though. What could they have done if more time and money had been spent on actual game mechanics...instead of fluff.

  5. No that is why you have a BUG TESTING PERIOD! So you can gather a bunch of people to sit and go and find bugs, so you can fix them and get as good as a product as you can.



    The bugs that came from instances at launch was so downright bad, it makes me question their skills as programmers and developers. I expect occasional bugs, I don't expect completely obvious bugs that is noticed outright and are repeated problems.




    The truth is, Bioware spent most of beta testing trying to figure out if lip sync matched up to dialog :(


    Haha must be your first MMO.

  6. Why is it that people find accuracy a stat that isn't worthwhile? Given that armor actually effects many of our spells, if not all of them but weak mind and our final talent ones if TK, it would seem the arpen from accuracy stat would be quite affective.


    I bring this up because at 38, almost 39, with almost 300 bonus damage (according to the stats page for force) I still don't even hit for the TOOL TIP damage on my direct spells, such as disturbence, because mob armor is so high.


    Also in that regard, it seems an odd change to have the caster damage mitigated by armor, but thats another topic and not one I'm qualified to argue until combat logs, and further DPS meters are allowed/added.


    *to clarify about the tool tip comment, this is not a balance complaint, but more so an observation about the affects of armor on our direct damage spells, and why I think accuracy would help. I imagine there will be a magic number of accuracy to find before you begin stacking the others just to get a nice base on your damage. Also worth noting, is I am and always have been healer spec.


    As far as I know Accuracy has no effect on armor, meaning it's pretty much useless to us.

  7. Bioware managed to sell like 2 million copies of friggin DA2. If Blizzard's marketing department is crafty, bioware's would be the masters of deception.


    Quoted for brilliance.


    Ot. While I am enjoying the game so far, the end game is a bit worrying. That is where the game lives or dies. But this is really early in it's life cycle so I will give it time and hope for the best. That's pretty much all you can do. Well that or unsub :rolleyes:

  8. This problem stems from they way items are implemented in swtor, as well as companions while leveling.


    First, if the item in question has a stat I need I will take it. Now I might need to for my character or I might need it for my companion. I might just need the mods out of it. They allow mods to be removed for just this purpose.


    Second, if you don't like this behavior dont pug. This sort of thing has been happening since we have had the ability to roll on items in mmos. If you don't like guilds...sorry you're gonna be angry often.

  9. Well, was everything, collectively, better in those games or did they only do one or two things better?


    SWTOR may be better, collectively, rather than individually when regarding features that makes playing as a disabled person easier.


    I will use WoW as an example since i am more familiar with it. Yes it does every single thing they mention obviously better. And I'm not bashing anyone here. I dint even lay WoW anymore..I just don't like seeing a group of people being abused to get get good pr for someone.

  10. In contrast to someone arguing that the disabled gamers shouldn't have given Bioware an award, i'd say it does.


    I have not once said that. Just take disabled out of this conversation. It has no bearing on my opinion. Swtor doesn't deserve this award because there is nothing they mentioned this isn't done better elsewhere.

  11. The developers do have room for improvement by adding features such as click to move, close captioning, and the inclusion of mods to allow things like UI movement, text size changes, and small changes deemed necessary by the player base. However, with Star Wars enabling the ability to use on-screen keyboards, voice activation software, and mouse sensitivity settings, the game can be forgiven for a few shortcomings while hitting the major targets


    Again. Most mmos come with these features standard. Also...crediting Bioware with onscreen keyboards and voice control...really?

  12. Better? Of course. But they're not as easy to play, easy to play being the biggest disabled friendly feature here.


    Re-read what I said. Nearly everything they mentioned is done better by another game(pr games). Or has been standard for years. Im glad disabled people enjoy this game. But the fact is it's no more accessible than any of the other games I've listed.

  13. They received a reward from the disabled gamers. If you believe they shouldn't have your problem isn't with Bioware.


    It seems your problem is with the Disabled gamers who gave out the awaRd, follow your logic through.


    So you honestly think that there wasn't a single game that didn't do the mentioned things better than swtor? That's my problem. I don't care who gave the award.

  14. How is it insutling?


    Are you insulted by the veteran who lost a limb in iraq and now is having fun playing SWTOR? I would call that a nice story not insulting.


    Read what you quoted. It's insulting because it looks like they are using these "features" to make the game something it's not. It did nothing to revolutionize accessibility to mmos .it's getting an award for having features that's have been standard in many games for a while now.


    It appears to be using the pr from said award to generate goodwill for the game. Goodwill it doesn't deserve in the instance.

  15. They cited things like having a color blind friendly map. Multiple people with disablities have posted in this thread. Friends saying that veterans with disablities coming back and having fun in SWTOR because it's accesible.





    My point was that other games have done it better. WoW in particular has a color blind mode. Not just a map. I'm fairly sure Rift/Lotro also have this functionality to a better degree.


    They are touting features that game are doing better right now or have been mainstream in the MMO genre for quite some time.

  16. The cynic in me really finds fault with this. I mean I'm all for allowing disabled gamers more accessibility within these games....but this award seems like a pr stunt. Most if not all of the things they mentioned are pretty widespread throughout the MMO industry.


    Also the touting of the keybinding and companion features just read like it was written by someone who had never payed an MMO. The companion actually makes it harder since it actually gives you more buttons to hit. And the keybinding situation is worse than most with not bindable keys and an insane amount of ability bloat.


    I really hope I'm wrong about it....just seems like a pandering pr stunt.

  17. While I am sure that I just missed something, I cant find anything to refute it. Could Expertise, already a silly stat, be one of the best PVE healing stats as well as the top pvp stat?


    I havent seen any kinds of formulas to show just how much to increases your damage/mitagation/healing in pvp, but it seems like a fair amount with the damage I've seen certain AC's do in full pvp gear.


    My problem lies in how this effects healing in pve. Since we are only healing players is this essentially our best stat. Does this allow healers to only need one piece of gear for both aspects of the game?


    Hopefully I'm just daft and someone can clear this up.

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