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Posts posted by clocknane

  1. This is naturally hypothetical....not trying to spread gloom and doom here. The reality, however, is the game likely has less players than it had a year ago...or two years ago.


    If that is actually the case, we could go on and on about what reasons we think those players left, but I think if any question should be asked it should be "can we get the players back?" and How?


    That is what I would like to discuss here. Assuming the hypothetical is true, what could Bioware do, with the minimum possible effort and investment (time and resource) to return the game to higher player numbers?


    I have some suggestions naturally. I would like to hear others opinions as well.


    1) Offer former players 30 days of free play time and a bonus of 500 coins...and an additional bonus of 500 coins if you sub at the end.


    Not much to explain here....send out an email, put out a public statement to all of the online video game sites. Get the word out...30 days and 500 coins.


    2) Make the Amazon special.....2400 coins, 90 days, 40 bucks something you can use every 90 days.


    IMO this is a huge draw item, as it offers a really good deal, one of the best IMO that is offered for sub options. This pack is the very reason I am subbed at the moment, and would likely remain so if they allowed it to be used every 90 days (currently it is 180 days).


    3) Make a pass on ALL of the expansion content from SoR up through KotFE/ET/FA and make sure all of it can be done as a group, and remove the removal of companions at the beginning of KotFE.


    Instead, players would be given the option of removal, or they could choose to keep their companions (but would still lose them story wise). I think this is one of the barriers (the lack of group play is another) that keeps folks from participating in the new content.


    And, the most important change IMO.....


    4) All high end progression content, like ranked PVP and Operations (hard mode) will now have a guaranteed gear drop...either some kind of token to redeem for a gear piece, or an unassembled item that grants a single piece.


    I have other suggestions, but I think these changes would be the easiest to implement in the short term, and have the most appeal overall.


    I would like to add more later, but I will start here.


    Anyone else have any suggestions?


    Your ideas have merit, unfortunately, SWTOR's mass exodus came within the first 3 months of the games launch. This was partly due to poorly implemented concepts in the game mixed with other launch issues. I cannot remember them all, but I know the launch of SWTOR was rough, and that is putting it lightly. Because of that, most players won't come back even with CC offerings, game time offerings, content unlocks, etc. If they do, it won't be for a long time. They might sub for a month, and then be gone again.


    Also, even though it has been 6-6.5 years, the MMO market is overly saturated with games. Not to mention other platforms such as console gaming and mobile gaming growth, players just forget games more easily than they use to, SWTOR being included :(

  2. Your anecdotal evidence aside, it's not "hogwash" that you need to keep up with MMOs because things do happen. I've played various other MMOs as well and guess what? Some did have naming issues after server merges.


    Also this game had 2 rounds of server merges already back in 2012 where the same issue with names occurred so it's a known issue. You see it all depends on how a game has been set up and Bioware just didn't think this game could fail so they probably never set up naming in a way that could avoid this problem.


    All in all unexpected things can always happen to a game and it's better to stay informed if you're ever planning to come back. If not, then this sort of thing can happen.


    You can jump up and down all you want screaming other games don't do this, but that's beside the point. SWTOR does do this and that's the game we're dealing with and there is a double precedent already.


    If you stay away for an extended period of time, you just know that stuff will be different. But as I've told people many times before, as a player you do not own anything you pay for and it's always subject to change, character names included. Now I'm not saying that this situation is great. It's not. But it's part of how SWTOR is set up.


    Of course my evidence is anecdotal, what personal experience isn't? Also, of course things change and happen in MMO's. Content changes being the main thing that happens, but name changes should be excluded. Most players who leave an MMO come back to play it again at some point, I am sure you have.


    What games have you played where name changes took place? You seem to have vastly different experiences than I have. Also, just because changing a name is not a big deal to one person, does not mean it isn't to the person who initially reserved the name. For some players, a character name is very personal (myself not included in this).


    I do agree with you that Bioware did not put thought into it because they did not see it failing, but again, why should a player who initially chose that name be required to change it due to Bioware/EA's screw up where server merges are necessary? The player/person not wanting to change their name paid to have early access to the game, or had that name first, and most pre-paid for at least one main purpose, to reserve a specific name. The player trying to use the name already in use should just be required to pick a different name. It is their fault for not pre-ordering and being here first to reserve that name.


    Regarding SWTOR doing this, yes, they do, but it is a system that can be fixed/tweaked, and my mentioning of other games was only to point out it is possible to do it without a name change requirement.


    People can disagree with me all they want, but as with any forum post based on opinion, I stand by first come, first server basis regardless of server merging. A player who was here from the get go, pre-ordered to reserve the name, or even if they did not pre-order, and had the name first, should have the right to keep that name. The player trying to use said name should be required to pick a different name. I don't think it is right to punish players who originally chose a name just because a game is losing players and requires server merges, or because the game studio wants to merge servers for their own reasons.

  3. I lost a character name in World of Warcraft due to

    Being inactive.

    A server merge.


    ...this happens in literally any game that's big enough to have more than one server.

    That's a fact.

    You're wrong.


    And, I just used it as an opportunity to take a name that was... honestly, a bit common (which is why I lost it in the first place) and replace it with a name which was vastly superior, and made me a lot happier.


    I call bs on you having to change your name in WoW. I have played that game since its launch in 2004, and have been through 2 server merges and NEVER had to change my name. I won't give my character name, but I can tell you, it is named after a movie character, and I doubt very seriously, NO ONE tried to use it prior to and after merge. To this day, I still have that character.



    And you are wrong, it DOES NOT happen on any game where they have more than one server. Like I said, I have played literally every MMO there is under the sun (to name a few; Wow, Aion, GW2, Neverwinter, Everquest I and II, Elder Scrolls Online), and some going back to late 1990's, and yes, I am old in terms of gaming years so what, and have never seen name changes be as frequent as they are in SWTOR.

  4. What?


    You are saying that if you create a character on one server, you should be reserving it on all servers? Otherwise, when the merge comes, and multiple people from multiple servers all have the same name on the new server, who would get the name?


    The person who originally created it. Why should the person who originally created the name be punished due to EA/Bioware's screw up where they botched a game's launch and it has continued to lose players (hence the merge)?


    Like I said, first come, first server, and also like I said, other games have formed server merges where name changes WERE NOT necessary. If they can make it work, so can EA/Bioware.

  5. Server merges happened. You weren't subbed. You lose.


    When you are gone for a while BW cannot know whether you're ever coming back so logically active players get priority. I get that you're angry, but with MMOs you can't just go away for a while and expect nothing to have changed when you come back. Especially in a game that has been troubled from the start.


    It's not nice, but you took a risk by not staying informed about what's going on in the game. That way you kept yourself from having a choice.


    This is hogwash. SWTOR is literally the only MMO I have played where this occurs after server merge. I have played all the big MMO's and some smaller one's which have had server merges, and name changes are NEVER required. If a user creates a character, especially if they reserved it, they should not be required to change the name. The person creating the character should be told to choose a different name. This goes with the whole "first come, first serve basis."


    There is no reason for Bioware/EA to do this, other games don't. It just leads to more issue.

  6. I get email from difference sources through out the day (I use gmail), and never have issues with receiving mail once sent in a pretty speedy manner, but for whatever reason, every time I log into my account to post on forums, and get the 1 time password prompt, it takes forever to receive the code. Forever being 30 minutes plus at times. Now, I would understand if SWTOR were a busy game with millions of subs who might be logging in and need a code sent, but the sub base and player base for swtor is not that high, so why does it take so long to receive my one-time code to enter in order to login to the forums?


    I don't want to disable this feature, and shouldn't have to in order to receive a code within 5 minutes time like literally every other site that uses this feature seems to do. Is there something I might be doing wrong, or is this just a Bioware/EA thing?!?!

  7. Jugs are trash, mid tier at best. PTs can also get high damage in 8 v 8 it is just trash AOE DMG on crappy players who group together and don’t bother to stun or interrupt. if a jugg or guardian is getting top DPS then that just means there are a ton of shii$&ers in that particular WZ


    LOL... :rolleyes:

  8. Immortal spec is the tank spec for Juggs. An "Immortal tank" is a jugg tank. It's not a quip.


    This is exactly the problem with people who complain about "skank" tanks. They literally have no clue. They just see the damage at the end of a warzone, and confuse it with dps. They see 5 people beating on a tank, and assume the tank is always that tough, even though the tank is burning all his dcds while these five idiots ignore objectives. These people cluster in the same spot so the tank just uses his cleave and hits all 5 of them for 20k, when all they had to do was spread out so most of them could of avoided it.


    If you don't know what you're talking about, and don't even bother to learn what is actually going on, then whats the point of even posting a request for balancing the situation?


    About this time last year, I wrote up a post about asking for nerfs for mercs, by toning down trauma regulators and energy rebounder. See how specific that is? Know why that is specific? Because I researched the issues, I played the class, and I learned exactly what I was talking about.


    Learn the game before asking for balance.


    Did you even read my other posts?!? I am aware immortal is a tank spec, hence me saying they roll that spec and basically aug dps or wear dps gear, hence the term skank tank.


    The term "immortal" is used figuratively here, meaning they can take on 5 guys at a time like tanks, which I have ZERO issues with. Skank tank meaning they roll into a tank spec/advanced class, but socket dps augs, and put on DPS gear which I HAVE MAJOR issue with. I am not talking about a Jedi Guardian Rolling Vig or focus which is DPS, or a Sith Jugg rolling Vengeance or Rage which is DPS, I am talking specificly about those who roll Immortal or Defense, and use DPS gear/DPS augs.


    Here, how is this for specificity; Jedi Guardian = Defense mirroring Sith Jugg = Immortal spec. Again, these two are the main classes I see in warzones using skank tank. They roll the defensive adv class, but socket augs and gear for DPS spec.


    You seem to be confusing aoe with ST. I am not speaking of AoE. I understand the damage output an AOE (Focus or Rage) based Guard/Jugg can put out. It is AOE! I am talking about the mitigation and damage output even when they roll Immortal or Defense and socket dps augs along with dps gear from a st standpoint. 1v1'ing them as melee is next to impossible. Ranged can kite them well enough.

  9. Just a quick question, have you been playing something like a sorc, a sin or a PT against a mara ? Does seeing an entire rotation/opener resisted because of a 45sec cd ability seem normal ? A lot of mara right now, fury specifically are playing with the following rotation right now : Obfuscate > Burst > Camo > Get back in the fight when Obfuscate is back.

    It's crazy to see them running away in stealth more than me who play assassin. Anyway that's off topic.

    75% F/T resist is just too much for a raw dps class. 25% is more balanced, just like ballistic shield shouldn't heal a sniper.

    Sure, other class do need better defensive options, but scalling them to be at a mara's current level would be too much.

    Marauder are supposed to be the glass canon spec, when I play mine I find myself more tanky than most of the tanks I see in warzone. Does this seem normal ? Should it stay that way ? Should we keep having all of those bad mara running around in ranked, only carried by this broken utility ? I don't think so.

    But again, that's only me. :)


    Does seeing an entire rotation/opener resisted because of a 45sec cd ability seem normal?


    Don't open with rotation if you suspect they will use pacify which triggers the buff. Just hit them, see if they pacify, and if so just heal yourself that 6 seconds.. then after pacify is down, do your burst/rotation. I have had to adapt to mercs who have learned to do this, and still die sometimes as a Sent. The camo skill might seem like a good skill, but good mercs typically will aoe me while camo'd which gives them a huge advantage.


    If you think mara/sents are more tanky than jugs/guards, something is wrong, or you are overly attacking when sents have Saber up or rebuke or some other defensive CD such as guarded by the force. Again, adapt, don't go balls to the walls if you see those abilities in use.


    It's crazy to see them running away in stealth more than me who play assassin.


    I am sorry, but lol.. this is not happening. Our camo last 6-7 seconds and is on a 45 sec CD, compared to sin permanent until they attack or are aoe'd.


    Obfuscate 60s cd or 45s cd if utility used is a fairly long cd, or at least long enough for you to heal yourself, or prepare for the next incoming damage. Most mara/sents don't wait around 45 secs just for one CD to come up to kill one person, and if they do, they are one vengeful mf.

  10. So, I was wodnering. When will the devs implement something to balance out the retardedness of games of +3 healers vs 0 healer teams?


    Please, add something to the game to balance the teams or add an auto x% reduce on heals if a team that has too much compared to the other. How hard is it?

    Honestly annoying to see teams winning out of having that crap happening :|


    Probably should have searched for a thread regarding matchmaking first before posting, but unfortunately I don't think it exist and probably never will. This has been something people have been asking dev's to implement for a long time. I think I read somewhere they did make some changes, but, if you ask me I don't think that is case.


    Past 3 warzone's (non-ranked) I have been in though, imp side has had at least 2 dedicated healers, and one group had 3.. two sorcs and an op. Needless to say, even with us focusing heals, interrupting, and cc'ing, we never had a chance with our zero heals lol.

  11. Focused by pyro PT. :p Nice joke, really!


    Sigh, not focused by a PT, my statement was based on some other posters claiming PT's get focused first. Way to misconstrue my post/words/context/thoughts?!?

  12. After reading through Hotties and Rambol’s link to how Bolster currently works and what the current gear is being scaled up to, I want to discuss the current Bolster lvl.

    (These are the links to the info)




    So as to not hijack that excellent thread, I’ve decided to start this one if anyone has any opinions,


    I initially read through the info in the link very fast and missed a few vital points that I think need to be discussed regarding the current Bolster lvl set cap introduced of 242.




    When I look at the chart associated with this paragraph, it shows how much of a massive difference there is between 242 and 248. It’s one of the reasons so many of us were saying that 242 was too low for Bioware to set it at.

    The idea of Bolster is to be competitive against equally skilled players, I know people like having a gear advantage over others and I know Bioware will always cater to this mentality of needing an advantage. But why does it need to be such a big advantage in pvp. Isn’t Pvp supposed to be about skill and pitting yourself against other people. It should never be about who has the better gear, although that’s here to stay. Even so, why does the gear gap need to be this big? Wouldn’t it be better to have the gap smaller so that there is more skill involved.


    I would propose that Bolster should be 246 and not 242. This decreases the gear gap, but still caters to those who want/need an advantage over others.

    If anything, the graphs and stats should show everyone who doesn’t understand how Bolster works already, that gear isn’t just automatically boosted to 242 level, it slowly scales up as you get closer to 242, but is never at 242 lvls. So even if Bolster was set at 246, people would only be scaling up and not actually have 246 gear.


    While one can appreciate the work that went into this breakdown, and while I can appreciate your thread/post, bolster has never worked and has always been broke in my opinion. Your example is just one reason why I think it is broke. Another example is seeing a sin do 3.7 mil damage with an item rating of 219 in Huttball as of late. Why do I mention a specific class? I mention them because I think different classes benefit more with bolster than others. The analysis stated damage dealers gain accuracy and power, so I can understand high damage out put, however, there are sweetspots that exist and smart players stay in lower rated gear until they get fully geared 248 gear with augs. This sin was an example of what I just said, I actually asked them. They needed two pieces of 248 gear in order to complete their set, but still pvp'd in 219 item rating gear. Anyone with a brain can see this is broke. Bolster is meant to make lower geared players who just hit 70 competitive, but as it currently stands, sweetspot geared players are not just competitive, but blowing 242 geared players out of the water in terms of damage/less deaths. The discrepancy needs to be fixed, and the gap tightened.

  13. I'm an original preorder, I ordered the game 9 days after the press release in aug 2010. Since then ive pretty much been playing the same character. My character has 208 days of /played time, yet still is not 100 valor. There is a reason for this. The game is heavily lopsided against sentinels in pvp combat. For some reason, they just always do the worst. Be honest, when is the last time you saw a sent first? you probably never have.


    That alone should tell you something about the pvp engine and the nerfs that need to happen to all the overpowered classes.


    My tank has 2 days of /played time and is 55 valor


    my healer has 9 days of /played time and has 77 valor.


    now how do we add 200 more days of /played time, yet cant reach 100 valor?


    Do you think my tank or healer will reach 100 before 200 more days of /played time? of course they will. WAY before that. probably like 3 more days on each. So why has it taken so long for me to reach 100 valor on a sent?


    SO stop thinking you're billy bad *** cause you play a character that is like God Mode, as you can see, my tank has 55 valor after 2 days, YES IT IS CHEATING. It's not even fun, I dont understand how that is even fun after a while, thats why i dont even play the tank. Cause getting first every single match gets boring. 20 medals without even trying.


    You need to make the medals much harder to earn for tanks and much easier to earn than sents. Sents literally cannot earn over 17 medals, cant do it. We dont have protection or healing to earn more medals. Thats just ridiculous. and healing now and days, if you are doing under 6 mil in a regular warzone (not voidstar) something is seriously wrong with you.


    While some of this is exaggerated, some of it is true. I play a Sent, have played/tried every spec for PVP and I cannot remember the last time I saw a Sent or Mara as tops in PVP regarding damage/medals etc. Now, most idiots will probably state some generic canned response like "git gud, or "I guess sents and maras are just bad players" etc, but truthfully damage wise, sents and maras have not been tops in a long long time. I think the last time, and the only time was when we had retard ground pound crazy dmg builds, which was IDK even know how long ago.


    I have tried telling people that skanktanks are crazy op, but I usually just get flamed, mostly by the masses that play them, so I tend to ignore them because hey, why would you not defend your class, especially when they are riding high on good times, right?!? But, with that said, I would say 60% of warzones I get in, Mercs/Mandos or Jugs/Guards are first on damage. They will claim it is AOE etc, which I am sure some of it is, but with the damage from AOE plus mitigation/heals it makes for a pretty wonky experience. I am glad someone who has played a tank based class etc has mentioned how boring an crazy overtuned they are. It has been that way for far too long. I am by no means stating sents and maras should be god mode, but seeing one tops in damage every once in a while would be nice.

  14. I dispise skanks, so I’m playing my rage Jugg and yes I’m getting the top or near to the top dps every match. But that has nothing to do with the spec, it has to do with how bad most people are.


    Logically speaking, how does that have NOTHING to do with the spec? You are basically saying your damage is purely based on everyone else being "bad." You are basically saying the class is ok because everyone else is bad.


    In response to Kendra. I understand what you are saying to an extent, but don't agree with all it, and while I understand a lot of the damage comes from AOE based skills when spamming nodes, the amount of damage is too high in general as a tank whether it be single target or aoe. Skank tanks putting on dps augs or dps gear with the survivability they have makes them overtuned currently. If you want to keep someone off a node via AOE'ing the damage should be in line with the class, aka tank, not in line with the aoe of a dps class. Jugg/Guard DPS single target is not terrible either. So with that said, sigh, I guess I need to repeat myself, Bioware/EA need to take a look at the class and/or classes in general. Tanks should be tanks and not deal on par damage as dps'ers. DPS should be DPS and not have the survivability of tanks, and healers should just heal as they currently do. Btw, You just repeated my point though regarding mitigation. If you have 6 guys wailing on a tank even with a healer, no one, not even a tank should survive that. The damage output in PVP is obviously never on par with PVE, but it is definitely high enough to suspect 6 people wailing on a tank, and not killing him seems broke.


    DPS survival is not great, but not terrible so tweaks to dps survival should be minimal, otherwise, they become too tanky.

  15. Basically, every warzone I enter Jugs/Guardian's are tops in damage dealt while having the least amount of deaths. I have also noted whether they are being pocket healed or not and sometimes they are, sometimes they are not, but it really does not seem to matter. It is fairly typical for me to be in one of the 8v8 warzone's where there are usually 6-8 (40-50%?) of the players are jugs/guardians. It is really no secret why there are so many, and if you pvp you know why.


    Basically, they are called skanktanks I believe.. tanks with dps gear is what I have been told and they are utterly over tuned/over powered. This really needs to be looked at. Given the situation of these classes, I see more and more pop up. I get the whole if you cannot beat them, join them mentality, but Bioware/EA you really should look into this for the sake of class diversity.


    It is basically a one man show out there for the most part. I see Jugs and Guards taking on 5 players or so and lasting way too long which I guess is where the "Immortal Tank" term was coined from. I don't want them nerfed into the ground as every class deserves to be viable, but I do think and I am fairly certain I am not alone in this, they are over the top and have been for quite some time.

  16. I’m usually a premade fan even though I don’t participate in them much anymore.


    But with Yavin, I think they need to be removed or at least have two types of queue to help alleviate the imbalance with too many healers and tanks on one team and none on the other.


    This is a cross faction match, premades aren’t needed to make it pop faster and it’s a smaller map so that you can’t even work around a team of healer/skank premades. The mechanics and the map size should always give the premade team the win, regardless of how good the team is. I think because of the size, combat and the map mechanics, which are unique, this should be treated a little like the ranked queue system of group or solo queue.


    Why is this? Because 9/10 matches I play in or against teams with 2 healers and a skank tank premade, we have no healers on the other team. I know many people are seeing this. For some reason, if there is a healer premade on one side, the queue either puts no healer on the other team or puts any solo healers on the same team as the premade.

    Of course they could just fix the queue system with better match making (better idea), but we know they either can’t or won’t.


    So I would suggest that they remove premades from popping the Yavin map. This would have to be the easiest solution for them to implement until they can work out another system. In the mean time if people want to play Yavin, they just make sure they aren’t in a premade.


    This happens almost ever Warzone on Satele Shan. If you play against the Empire, they always have 2-3 healers vs the pubs 0. I am guessing it is because pubs hate rolling healers but IDK. Either way, this is the norm on Satele Shan.


    Cross faction DID NOT do anything to matchmaking despite what EA/Bioware may have said or despite what others say.

  17. I've just come back after a long break and I'm really enjoying Pyrotech. The visuals and play style are right up my ally. However, I've read a few things that make me think I may be at a disadvantage in PvP. Are they that bad?


    Don't listen to these people. I have seen plenty PT's do very well in PVP. I am not saying they are god mode by any means, but I have seen some be close to top in damage (even a few top in damage with 4 mill +) although they were probably exceptional players decked in full 248 gear with augs. Bottom line, if played right yes, they can be good in PVP. Most people do not want to mess with them though because of the so called "they get focused" bs. I have been pvping for a while and if you play Unranked PVP, which you will before reaching V rank 25, don't submit to the notion they get focused. I see plenty of P techs running around silly causing havoc. It depends on server too though. I play on Satele Shan, and the pubs on that server are abysmal in PVP. People can get pissed at me saying that, but it is true.

  18. Hi,


    the "nerf" of the Mercs / commandos was an joke, they are still the best class for pvp. i extra made me an merc and the survivability is totaly OP . I didnt play this class for long time and had only 242 gear , but stand more then 20 sec against 4 or 5 players ..alone !! This survivability needs an melee not an range dd !!


    I had more and more games with my main (juggernaut) where both groups has more and more range dd's so they build 2 frontlines the healers behind them and shoot each others. As Jugger you have now choice to jump into enemy line and die or throw sometimes your saber :( The healers dont reach you because they stand in back. its same senseles fighting like in first worldwar in verdun :mad:


    And wats the reason for that...that the range dd's are totaly OP in their defense since over 2 years. Of course no one will play melee.


    The best defense has merc

    the range attack has merc

    merc can heal him self with scans when he run from on point to another or has a few sec time beetwen attacks

    merc has heavy armor


    sniper has geat movement to dodge enemys attacks and shield wich heals him


    ....and what has jugg (wich stands in enemy grp) one defense buff wich heals him , merc has 3 !


    if there nothing change we will see only mercs snipers heals and saboteurs.


    wich such an disbalance over a long time you can kill a game !


    with this game play you dont need the expensive star wars license :cool:


    While I agree mando's/mercs are pretty over tuned atm, I find skank tanks to be even worse.. the damage output along with mitgation.. yikes..

  19. Play Concentration spec. Combat isn't what it used to be. Conc is really really good right now. Make use of Pacify and some util points that enhance it. Make sure to take the utils that give you Transcendence without centering and root break.


    Merc/Mando is in fact really strong in pvp, but PT/VG??? Nah, PT/VG damage specs are actually pretty horrible right now because they are made of paper (basically no defensives).


    Thanks again Teclado, I changed to Concentration and it has actually made a difference.

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