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Posts posted by DarthBosss

  1. I haven't seen one post yet denying there are flaws with this game, and believe me there are major major flaws. Bugs that bring Flashpoints and Ops to a screeching halt. Game engine optimization issues. Lack of depth to crafting professions. Those are just off the top of my head. I love this game but those are major issues. The difference between myself and you is that I have a little perspective.


    I'm enjoying the game now and I see all the potential it has, but if they can't address some or all of those problems in a reasonable time frame I'll move on and I won't make a post about it bemoaning what could have been and what this game should have been. I won't get upset because I enjoyed my time here and when its time to move on I won't hold a grudge. No, this game isn't perfect, I've yet to play one that is. Part of that is subjective to the individual and part of that is simply the nature of games and the hardware we play them on.


    Honestly, I just don't understand where all this self righteous anger comes from, like BW and EA set out to personally insult you made this game so it wouldn't live up to your standards. People need to drop all the self important aggrandizing. We don't care the BW personally affronted you with this game's release, we're enjoying this for what it is...a game. Do you really want to be the kind of person that gets this worked up over a game?



    In this day, I dont really believe its a question of, Bioware worked hard on this game, they made it for you and you should appreciate it, if not get out. But more of that the entire gaming industry just lacks innovation and promise.


    People signed onto these forums in 2008 i think? maybe later? Don't quote me, but my point is, us as fans and gamers become hyped and devote ourselves to these games, and these companies lead us to believe that their game is going to be much worth our time and money, and then after 2 months of playing this game that you waited so long for, you discover that its really just another game. Not the promising, immersive world you were looking for, or even told you were going to get.

  2. Tera is vaporware and will never see the light of day in the US after NCsoft is done with them and GW2 is meh. Nothing to see there.


    I agree, the TERA beta wasn't much. And I really think the biggest thing about GW2 is no subscription fee. That, and the game offers 80 levels of content at release. If SWTOR offered that much, people wouldn't be leaving.

  3. GW2's beta weekend went pretty well. A lot of people are liking the game. I can see it moving to open beta within the next few month, and possible seeing a late spring, early summer release date.


    The Secret World's release got pushed back to June, with no surprise. It doesn't really have much hype surrounding it.


    People are also liking TERA.


    Diablo 3 release should be nearing us as well. If Blizzard actually ran an open beta, it would grab a lot more attention, but it is still right around the corner.


    Coming from a person that just un-subbed, I do not believe this game will lose a majority of players due to lack of content, bugs, etc., but maybe more to the fact that several AAA titles that offer many innovative features, a pretty solid fan base to support them, and most importantly, no subscription fee's are about to be released(excluding TERA).


    people may also leave for ME3. Even though that is still Bioware, I do feel that the competition the industry is about to bring will put a decent dent in sub numbers. And this is on top of the complaints the community is having.


    What do you think? Have you un-subbed, or are thinking about it?

  4. I've came to the conclusion that all of gaming itself is just in a bad situation. Atleast in the world of MMO's.


    I pictured myself playing this game for years to come, just as I did with WoW. Lasted a solid 5 years until I got tired of WOTLK. I still nostalgia hard when I think about how vanilla, and BC were the high points of it's lifespan.

  5. They spent what 7 years on this game? Look at how much content they generated with how much time they had. It would have taken them another year to get their heads on straight with this title. Would you rather this have released the game in Dec 2011 or Dec 2013?


    This would make total sense if over half of those years, and 75% of the budget were not spent on voice acting.

  6. Um pretty sure I'm more of an advanced player. During PvP I notice some issues with delays. It seems like a latency issue, nothing to do with animations.


    It's hardly the big deal people make it out to be. If it was game breaking I would be annoyed too, but I'm not.


    You do realize that there is currently a thread going on about this, about to be re-posted for the sixth time because of how bad of an issue this is?

  7. Ah yes... because you are on BW staff perhaps and know the complete list of bug fixes and updates planned for the next 3-4 weeks? Or perhaps not...


    The amount of bugs currently in the FP's is very large. You don't have to work for BioWare to realize this..

  8. the thing stopping people is the fact that operations are horridly bugged. It's almost impossible to finish anything endgame now.


    I do agree. And they are already so eager to bring us a new FP and Op this month without even fixing the current ones..

  9. Hard mode flashpoints only drop Tier 1 gear max. Thats only borderline epic.


    The truly epic will be the Tier 3 gear you get from nightmare mode operations that have 1 week cool downs. The main reason for the repeatable hardmode flashpoints is so that the normal players CAN gear for raiding instead of endless PvP grinding


    Columi is tier 2 correct?


    Columi bracers dropped in BT hard mode.

  10. Title says it all. Free epics for everyone (I guess).


    I was running Hard Mode Boarding Party earlier, and of course, one of the bosses decides to bug. It's the boss with the 2 Jedi Healers. We try to CC the healers but apparently they are immune to everything, even damage. And halfway through the fight they decide to take damage and we down it no problem.


    But anyways, the chest bugged, couldn't activate. We thought maybe resetting the phase might fix it? So we all /exit area and I reset the flashpoint (phase). But no we find out it resets the entire instance. We make it to the first boss, down it, more purple gear.


    Now I may be ill informed, that hard modes don't save you and you don't have a lockout. But if that is the case, this needs to be fixed, ASAP, because I'm sure many people are going to take advantage of this and fly through the operations.



  11. i hope they NEVER increase it....i despise seeing 20+ pages of single items


    This can be fixed with a UI overhaul, which is drastically needed.


    But one day you will be in the situation where you don't need the 20 stack of mats going for X amount of credits.


    It hurts the economy.

  12. Any confirmation as to if our comms will be reset or is it safe to save up for patch day?




    Also I don't really mind the system. I found it to be pretty rewarding. I've completed my Champions War Leader set, working on DPS set now.


    Maybe I'm just lucky ;)

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