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Posts posted by Gobrot

  1. if you use an amd/ati card get radeonpro it will sort your issues out as it uses DX9 and will install them to work along side DX11 but it also optimises your GFX card once set up just simply google swtor radeonpro and you will find settings to help you out, am getting 109fps in fleet and 40-60 fps in ilum and wz are round 80-90 fps.



    for nvidia users there is a similar program for them too, altho I can't remember the name of it.

  2. I hope you don't have a sentinel.

    With talents and gear sentinel watchman has a 80% crit with fire, and 100% under zen.

    To say that a sentinel ESPECIALLY specced watchman is not "reliant on Surge" means that you have not understood anything about this class/spec.

    Of course it's nerf for all class, and the watchman is among those most nerfate


    You choose to be reliant on surge there is the difference, why? because you read on some web site thats how you should be. So do you understand the class? what options you actually have when it comes to enhancing/modding items? I seriously doubt it.

  3. There are far better ways of dealing damage then stacking surge, unfortunately people are lazy and rely too much on what web sites say rather then figuring out stuff for themselves, in my case my damage is as good as it was before, I have had to make some minor adjustments, but other then that all is good if not better.
  4. From a PVE point of view you have:


    Most of the bossfights so far have machanics that force you to be off target for a certain amount of time (i.e. Annihilation Droid aoe phase, Garj jumps, Soa invul and jump phases, bonethrasher earthshake...). Most of this timeframes are >3seks which results in all your juyo stacks dissapearing. That and the nerve on surge (watchman is extremly surge dependent) make combat the better dmg tree atm (THIS is my opinion, and has been testet by me with my skillset. This is no absolute truth until we get dmg meters or at least good theory crafting)


    Annihilation droid aoe you dont have to move out at all in any mode nm,hm or nmm


    Garj jumps same there you have a thing called sheilds and force cammo once made use of you don't have to move in the slightest.


    Soa not a huge issue move occasionally to deal with mindtraps, exploding lightning, other then that it's pretty much steady dps, only takes a few seconds to explode lighning and gat back to boss so no real downtime there.


    Bonethrasher again it's pretty much 100% uptime on dps on boss, any damage from stomp negated by sheilds, if you become out of range leap back, if he targets you force cammo. so again no loss in damage.


    so quoting them as reasons not to play watchman is far fetched and shows your lack of knowledge on boss fights. if your avoiding that stuff all your doing is gimping your raids dps.

  5. 2.) Copy an existing game concept (in this case WOW) but then at least create a copy that isn't terrible. Rift copied WOW quite well with a fraction of the budget that BW had. And nobody can tell me that this game isn't a direct rip-off of WOW. Just check the following link: http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg


    And lets compare WoW to a game that was out before it say Everquest.... oh wait same skill sets therfore WoW copied other games but lets ignore that fact.

  6. I don't need to know everything about game engines to know, that something with lower res textures and models should run at least as smooth as any other game with similar graphics and similar design. I played a lot of MMOs before, took part in 150 vs 150 battles in Lineage 2, in massive zerg fights in Aion, did raids and PvP in WoW and nothing, I mean nothing compares to the crap here. I had 80fps fighting at the gates of Aden, I could actually see the animations in gargantual zergfights in Abyss, but somehow I have 2fps all the time in 40vs40 fights on Ilum. That's how I know this engine sucks old socks. I don't have to be an engine developer to say that much.





    Lol when Aion first started you were lucky to get 10fps in the Abyss unless you disabled everything including player models, half the time for mass fights you were attacking name plates and little more.

  7. You're not missing anything. They are insanely powerful both pre-50 and post-50. The problem is that there's just something about them that causes a LOT of players to be bad at the class. Are they hard to play? I wouldn't really say it's difficult - maybe involved is a better word - but it seems that 90% of the Sentinels/Marauders I see are just absolutely clueless and hit like a wet noodle, which is odd, because the good ones just raze everything they touch. I don't think there's another class in this game with such a high skill disparity amongst its players.


    I'm willing to bet that when/if the Tracer Missile and Sorcerer whining calms down, Sentinels will be next on the list for nerf demands.


    Sents wont be nerfed, simply because the ones that brag how great they are and how much damage they do, are probably the idiots stacking surge, once patch comes out that will settle and will see where all classes stand.

  8. No you don't because they don't exist.


    You can have crit or power on your enhancement, but the other stat will either be accuracy or alacrity or surge. Along with endurance of course.


    There is not one with just crit and power.


    wow is there only 1 mod per item? no wait there are 2, maybe ( this may come as a shock but) try mixing and matching mods and enhance slots, and as another thought try not blindly following some web site maybe put some thought of your own into what your doing, this way you wouldn't be complaining as much.

  9. what helps the most with over all damage of the burns? str?


    Strengh - increases damage


    Power - Adds to bonus damage


    Crit - does what says on the tin - increases crit chance


    surge - increases how much you crit for



    Sensible people besides having strengh ( it's on all our equipment anyways )


    Go for a mixture of power/surge and crit


    ***** try and stack surge becuase they think that alone is enough to produce high dps where infact all it does is produce high burns while all other aspects of thier character suffer. sure you might have the occasional high crit on other attacks. but overall they just gimp themselves. so like now when BW alter the state of surge they complain, where as others who were not that stupid are fine with the change.

  10. Seriously tired of people moaning, if you dont like it, PLAY A CLASS WITH A KNOCKBACK ABILITY. We have certain things other classes dont, especially defensive utility, i.e. pacify, guarded by the force, saber ward etc etc.


    You just picked a class which requires a brain, either deal with it or go jump on the sage bandwagon.




    Pacify doesn't work in pvp, nice try, barely now works in pve

    Guarded by the force 5 sec of almost imunity to damage altho takes 50% hp to use and doesn't prevent snares etc.., usefull in a very few situations.

    Sabre ward 25% damage reduction 3 min CD


    We picked a class that requires a brain shame you never engaged yours before writing that post.

  11. every mmo maker is using the wow model. why? simple. 8 million suscribers speak for itself.


    cos thats what most ppl wants. look at the features (both already in and requested) mainly. eg. barbershop, linking items in chat, model room to look how that armour looks on you, rogue like stealth and sap feature, need or greed roll, raid aka operations at end game, even the color coding ie. grey for junk, green for magical and blue for rares/protype etc are all from WOW. admit it whether u like it or not.


    as someone in prior market research background, let me boldly say this-


    if any mmo maker does not follow the world of warrcraft route, it will fail.


    flame on.


    8+ million subscribers and a watered down piece of crap game that tries to please everyone and in turn is becoming somewhat into a joke. hense why so many people are looking for something else.

    I certanily would prefer a game that sticks to it's original concept and have a smaller player base then one that sells out just to make money, and am sure a lot of others would probably say the same thing. maybe not 8+ million but still a decent amount.

  12. They're nerfing the **** out of all JKs now that they're nerfing Surge. That comes on top of last week's Sentinel/Watchman damage nerf. Just goes on to show how little clue BW has.


    Damage wasn't nerfed last week my damage is as good as it was prior to patch, how surge effects JK's tho will wait and see, if your stacking just surge lol @ you anyways there are far better ways of geting decent damage then stacking crit/surge and hoping for big hits.

  13. Dual spec needs to be implemented as soon as possible. Anyone who doesnt agree with this has no idea what they are talking about and still lives in that stage where "i earned everything the hard way blarg blarg i walked uphill to school both ways blarg blarg"


    As oppossed to the "I want it now", "it's too hard", "why should I" generation like yourself?

  14. All I do if I ever dare to attack when I think my pc wont lock up.


    I will jump in and AWE them all, then camo out as i pop all my defensive cool downs. Wait for everything to be up again and do it again. Now I can barely even do that with the amount of imps there are that out number us.


    My favorite part about it all is that they think they are smart to just camp us at our base... if they left we could get a big ops group together to have a fun open area battle. But so far its such boring world PvP. To big orbs of players pulling one dude at a time into your orb....yeah...fun.


    Is it hard to get an op's group at base and all take a speeder to say middle, then fight them in open? or is that too easy?

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