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Posts posted by Darkfalstaff

  1. alll stuns, roots, snare, knockdowns, sleep darts, slow movies, slippery ice, shackles, straight jackets...whatever you want to call it---if you take damage they should break and you should not be able to be re-controlled, slowed, etc. for a decent period of time. Period, done.
  2. Let me say the CC/Resolve/DR balance is designed by computer monkeys who learned their skills from a Chinese mail order catalog.


    It's ridiculous.


    Get rid of the stupid amount of CC and unbreakable stuns that characters are susceptible. No CC in the game should continue to be in effect while you're getting hit.


    Fix it you lazy bastards Bioware.

  3. They can make a simple change, just allow ANY damage to break the CC and have person regen health quickly while stunned. I wouldn't mind being chain stunned under the current stupid resolve system if I weren't also being killed at the same time.


    If CC were to just take me out of the action for a period of time with the purpose of CONTROL rather than KILLING, i believe it would make more sense.

  4. They need to kill/drastically reduce the effectiveness of stuns so that stuns are truly an "oh @#$%" button, not a spammed strategy.


    Then they need to normalize damage for level 50 pvp -which they said they will be doing by bringing back a level 50 bolster system--but the 20% deviation between hi and low damage in a WZ that they mentioned is their bolster goal is too high--- bolster should bring damage numbers to within 10% of the highest and lowest with health being about even across all players.

  5. And what's stupid is that from their write-up about the resolve changes, everyone piped in to let them know they were going down the wrong path.


    I'm just waiting for the pvp designer to say, "no one told us about this issue on the PTS." Suure...we'll just make our level 1 character on the PTS and level it to 50 to give you a test. Let us copy our fully geared toons to PTS and then we'll definitely let you know. Until then, their lack of judgement will continue to spoil what could have been one of the best PVP experiences in the MMO space (they still have time to make it so...but very little time).

  6. This is bullnuggets. I'll probably get forum banned for saying bullnuggets because the moderators are sensitive folk raised on soy milk.


    But seriously, please either fix stuns or get rid of them... i can now be chain rooted by warrior-folk without any affect on resolve (which is as designed) and can be effectively CC'd and killed with no penalty by the other side.That's just stupid.


    So far the change to resolve is dumb and is backwards. People should be immune for more time than not in order to reduce the affect of CC on the matches, not the other way around.

  7. Ok, please clarify if I'm misunderstanding the changes but what I see is the changes you've made to resolve are completely in the WRONG direction and will make stun locking even WORSE!



    • Decreasing the rate resolve builds due to stacking mistimed stuns is bad--now it will effectively take longer to fill a character's resolve bar thus will be able to controlled for a longer period of time.
    • Adding more slows and stuns and decreasing stun break time for "some" characters is just insane!!


    You need to reduce the prevalence of stuns overall not increase it!!!!!!



    Remove all stuns as soon as the bar is completely full. Too many times characters are properly chain stunned and remain stunned while having a full resolve bar, only to see the resolve bar quickly fall to zero as they are released from CC and usually by then, are swiftly killed.

  8. I posted a similar message on this forum a couple of weeks ago alleging that the resolve system was indeed broken. However, I promised that I would capture this occurrence on video. I have been unable to replicate the resolve system being "broken" -- i.e. I have not been CC'd while my resolve bar was full.


    However, I have noticed the frustrating and unproductive part of resolve is that you can be just shy of full and get hit with a long CC again..in that time, your dead.


    1. If you're CC'd right before your resolve fills, once it does fill, your CC should be IMMEDIATELY broken and become immune for a longer period of time.
    2. The resolve bar should fill twice as fast... I can be long-term CC'd at least 3-4 times before my bar is full.. Cut it to two times max.
    3. Allow slows and roots to affect resolve (but at slower rate than full CCs)

  9. I will attempt to document these occurrences by FRAPSing my PVP adventures to make sure my perceived observations are indeed true and not perhaps due to being a sliver away from a full resolve bar or lag.
  10. As I stated in my original post, there are many times that my resolve bar is full and I'm whirlwinded or someother CC (not talking slows). It's either an issue of resolve not working properly or lag issues between client and server. Either way, it's very frustrating.
  11. Ideas for improvement:




    1. When a character's resolve bar reaches maximum, all CC's and movement imparing effects are automatically removed and the character is immune to all subsequent CC until the resolve bar is empty again.


    2. Double the rate your resolve bar grows in order to reduce the effect of CC in PVP games.


    -- This prevents the character that is routinely CC'd and almost has a full resolve bar to be CC'd again for a long period of time. There's simply too much CC right now and some of it lasts too long for a PVP setting.




    1. Change expertise to only affect damage reduction and cap that expertise to something like 1000 which could translate to damage reduction of maybe 15%.


    2. Include bolster mechanic for level 50 pvp to increase the health of everyone to the highest health in the match and the damage bonus quotient to something close to the highest max damage character in the match.


    PVP gear is causing too much imbalance...pvp should be purely based on skill and teamwork, not gear.





    1. Make all commendations bind to legacy, allowing Mains to transfer comms to legacy alts to expedite their levelling and pvp experience.


    2. Make tiered gear (i.e. Columni, Rakata, etc.) bind to legacy allowing "trash" gear won from boss kills useful for gearing legacy alts.





    Allow group/operation leaders to "send a shuttle to all members" that allows all grouped members to immediately enter the instance from where ever they may be.




    Ability to save multiple UI configurations that can be loaded by any character in your legacy and even exportable for other players to import. This helps make UI's uniform accross all alts as well as allow for different UIs for use when respeccing. The export/import feature would be a community enhancement to allow for creative players to offer new ideas for UIs.

  12. Too many times my resolve is full and I'm still CC'd. Fix resolve so that:


    1. It works

    2. As soon as you're max resolve, all CC and movement imparing abilities are removed and you can only be CC'd again once resolve is empty.

    3. Increase the rate resolve bar grows

  13. Love the game. Plan to keep playing it.


    Funny how all the "experts" like the negative nancies of Gamebreaker TV kept saying that SWTOR should've launched with the FTP model then, 6 months later, everyone including they are clamoring that FTP is the sign of death. LOL.


    Such arrogance.


    Let those that like the game play it in peace. Allow us to help the developers improve the game without having to constantly wade through hundreds of BS posts about how much your pathetic lives revolve over the demise of this game and/or EA/Bioware.

  14. I am still loving the game and exploring the other class stories, pvp and raiding..and that all on one faction. I am eager to start characters on the other faction to see their story lines as well.


    During that time, I am excited about the new content as it comes out with the HOPE (please!) of new mechanics in the sooner than later time frame, things like open space combat and capital ships.


    I could care less if there are 1million players or 500,000 players as long as the game is maintainable by EA/Bioware and there are populations to play with.

  15. Those that are mad are emotionally retarded. They have little patience in the attention-deficit MMO space and quickly abandon something for something else for the smallest reasons and vocally (because its the internet and everyone is an expert) complain about it and preach that the next big title is the best thing since sliced bread.


    They have no perspective and more importantly no desire to wait. Everything must be perfect when they want it and if it's not, they complain. Fickle is an appropriate term.


    They feign maturity by quoting earnings call statements to support their negativity.


    Ultimately, they complain because they are emotionally insecure children who feel their popularity and self-worth must be measured by their affiliation with the most popular game in world--the second that game status changes, they switch games and salivate over burning the bridges they crossed to get where they are.

  16. Would be great if you had a GLOBAL/FLEET channel where you can talk to everyone globally (no matter which planet you're on). This way could do dailies, etc. while being alerted of anyone looking for a group.


    Obviously a group finder tool would be best but this would be nice too.

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