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Posts posted by ryujio

  1. I suggest you go check: http://parsely.io/parser/leaderboard


    Merc's do not parse worse by a few thousand. lol Just a quick perusal of a few classes show they're right there on par at 23k+... In fact only a couple classes are parsing 24 at the ones I looked at...


    So come again with your bad info.


    Hah why would you use parsely dummy logs to compare rather than real ops dps logs? Here is an example and pretty much 100% of op boss log stats reflect merc/mando as bottom dps at all performance ratings. Also even on Parsely Merc is bottom third for 3.25mil and 6.5 mil so not sure what you are on about. You have to remember that arsenal is pretty much a ST dps so should actually parse highest on dummies out of ranged dps burst specs.



  2. My argument is not stylistic, although your style is abhorrent and has now not surprisingly progressed to ad hominem. It is not merely stylistic to point out that you are making assertions of fact without providing evidence proving them. You’ve done that again above. Your assertion is that mercs/commandos are going to parse worse than every other class, which you correctly point out is objective. But you provided no objective evidence in your original comment and now provide anecdotal evidence, expect us to treat it as gospel truth and tacitly insult anyone who is skeptical. That is my criticism of your argument, and it is substantive.


    I don’t need your permission to answer a post. I was amused by all the phrases which I posted out are stock when anyone is concerned about potential nerfs to a class. Everyone always thinks the sky is falling (an existential crisis? Seriously?), when that is rarely the case. I don’t have an opinion about the specific proposed nerf because I don’t raid with the class. It may be too much. I don’t profess to know. Oppose it if you like. I remain skeptical about prognostications that the class will be unplayable.

    So he was right and you are wrong merc parse worse than all other dps by a few thousand dps.

  3. Then play merc. Class balance always changes, and you will do better with a class/spec you enjoy than one that you don't. For most PvE content, your skill with the class is a better determining factor of success than the class choice itself.


    Also, I wouldn't (personally) call Arsenal bottom barrel. It's lower than it was, but that doesn't make it bad. Still, if you really want to compare max/average dps for the current game version, head over to the Parsely leaderboards (parsely.io)


    I agree dont pick class based off balance but it actually is bottom barrel dps, based of actual ops parses.

  4. I don't think this is necessarily true, comparing gunnery/arsenal to its counterparts for other range dps classes it's doing similar/better numbers to both lightning and marksmanship, in fact with the upcoming fix to the Apex Predator setbonus it will most likely outperform both its main counterparts by quite a bit. Innovative ordnance is doing slightly less compared to Virulence but still more than Madness so I think that its still very competitive if you take into account the player skill factor.


    If you look at actual operations parses you will see that commando/merc is always lowest dps by considerable margin. This is generally true for all performance percentiles. To me this is completely unbalanced. Sorcs are actually parsing in top 4 dps in actual encounters. Don't rely on dummy dps performance stats to compare dps. Even if you did commando is still majorly underperforming.

  5. Don't you people have lives, how is there 1000 posts complaining about not getting into the game. Someone even said they took the day off work and they're angry because they spent it looking at their email inbox. Seriously people get a grip on reality. The game comes out 20/12/2011 you can just come back then if you can't handle the concept of not knowing when you will be able to play. All the whiners need to grow up and stop acting like children, who cares if someone hits 50 before you. In every MMO release there is a pack of no lifers that play 24/7 and hit max lvl by the time I'm finished in starting zones. Don't let it ruin the game for you. Just think soon it will be holidays and we can spend a good chunk of time in game. Anyway enjoy your Christmas. Peace.
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