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Posts posted by LoLexe

  1. Happens every single time! I've stopped queuing solo because I CBF resetting the UI everytime I need to que so I get other people to que for me.


    I totally agree with the cartel rubbish. Fix the gaming experience instead of adding cosmetic crap... Money hungry whores.


    And to think that they would have had so many more subscriptions with double the amount if servers if they just did this in the first place but they still can't get it through their thick heads.


    I honestly don't get peoples mindset sometimes, don't get me wrong, I'm not a BW "fanboi" and the game has it's issues, but for something so minor....it's a slight inconvenience, why jump all over them for something that was obviously unintended, its not game breaking!

  2. I so enjoy doing this every singel time to enter a WZ ! so awesome job you do with these cartel pack updates

    were you also fix the broken game systems so we can have a good gaming experience.

    Thank you again for your hard work in taking care of the PvP community with these bugs that have been

    public knowledge for weeks and months. Your the best ! PvP community love you.


    I honestly don't know why any BW employee would answer these sort of posts, whenever I see posts like this I always can't help but think of the OP like this "Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence", don't be a jerk, bring any grievances you have up with some sort of decorum or don't bother posting and provide everybody with the only thing you can provide, your absence.

  3. Hey guys


    Quick question, I reached level 50 and have done nothing else but PvP, my main is decked out in fully augmented EWH gear and my alts are a mixture of augmented EWH and WH, I was wondering if that gear will be sufficient to start out on Makeb?



  4. Not sure if trolling or what.....the event only lasts 2 weeks...


    Before it's dead again.


    1. There are no real rewards for PvPers.

    2. Ganking gets boring after a while.

    3. This is Swtor, most of these kids' attention span in like 2 seconds, "Oooooo something shiny!!!." 2 days later. . . "This is booooring."


    2 weeks, and I reckon I should be able to run in there and do my PvP quests without harassment. Thanks BW for forcing a PvE char to PvP, FOR PvE gear :) . . . no, not really.


    2 weeks. . .

  5. Don't point out things like that, let this person live in the deluded world where they are a "PVP God".


    Personally, I still don't know why people video themselves playing this spec, this is average of the spec at best, so not seeing what's so special about it. Or did you want everyone to pat you on the back for playing an OP and FOTM class/spec? Well and truly, sad.


    Wow sour grapes much, what class and spec to you play? Just curious....I dont understand all the hate for these type of videos. Just enjoy them for what they are, rage spec mara gettin some big smash crits. Its not about strategy or showing us how to get better. Its a game, leave it at that.

  6. Don't point out things like that, let this person live in the deluded world where they are a "PVP God".


    Personally, I still don't know why people video themselves playing this spec, this is average of the spec at best, so not seeing what's so special about it. Or did you want everyone to pat you on the back for playing an OP and FOTM class/spec? Well and truly, sad.


    Wow sour grapes much, what class and spec to you play? Just curious....I dont understand all the hate for these type of videos. Just enjoy them for what they are, rage spec mara gettin some big smash crits. Its not about strategy or showing us how to get better. Its a game, leave it at that.

  7. It was a non-issue before. Didn't stop them from removing the vendors anyway, with the promise of returning them when they could be changed to not be "abused" in said fashion. Many, many months later and they are still missing... who's surprised?


    I'm not surprised by your post.....anything so minor that BW does that you can jump on them about and you do....just play the game and give it a rest....

  8. Just goes to show you never know what the future will bring. I wouldn't have really predicted this before the 1.4 changes, but there you are.


    I'm not saying that the spec is overpowered now (I don't know that I've played enough yet to really make that estimation. Lets see what happens to the meta as people adjust). I certainly don't think they're overpowered on their own. Nevertheless seems like I'm seeing a TON more rage warriors and focus knights in warzones now, and I'm pretty sure as the FotM syndrome kicks in and we see even more and more, the QQ is gonna flow in as people die to 3-4 Smashes in a row.


    Or am I offbase here?


    The only reason you are seeing more of them now is because well BW decided to nerf the crap out of Vengeance/Vigilance spec, people are just adapting or in the end they get left behind

  9. I have been playing PvP all through the levelling experience, from 10 - 49 and quite enjoyed the experience, because as we all know this game is meant to be fun.....right? Every now and again I would run into premades and the PUG I was in would get absolutely steamrolled. That's not a big deal, as my thinking is the players who are organised should have the advantage. Also obviously because of the bolster system, gear isn't that big of a deal, as everyones stats are bolstered to level 49. I have just recently hit 50 and thought I would do the right thing and fork out the 300k+ credits for all the recruit gear so I would at least have a chance in level 50 PvP, unfortunately the recruit gear and level 50 PvP is a bit of a joke, especially when you are going against either full premades who are gridning out the new War Hero gear or players in full Battlemaster with 20k+ hitpoints, where as me and my little Jedi Guardian with full recruit gear and one War Hero Implant has about 13k hitpoints and around 800 expertise, I played about 15 WZ's and in each one, the opposition would single me out and stomp me into the ground, its not fun getting focused by 2 - 3 geared players where all they have to do to defeat you in is breathe on you.


    I don't know how to fix the system, or if when ranked warzones get implimented this will solve a lot of the problems of new players entering the lvl 50 PvP bracket, but in all honesty how the hell is someone suppose to play and enjoy the game while get 2 shotted, respawning and then getting 2 shotted again, its just not fun and all the while you end up with no medals or very few medals, so to even gear up to battlemaster will be a constant cycle of respawning and dying.

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