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Posts posted by Suiteatdope

  1. I think the map/arena design of Huttball is awful. I may have only played 2 games of it,but I feel no desire to be subjected to such technical awkwardness ever again.
  2. If you guys got to choose which WZ to queue for you'd start complaining hardcore about the queues if you didn't pick Huttball. Face it, you rolled an overplayed, overpopulated faction, deal with it.


    I think people would rather have a choice and tolerate any queues that follow, than not have the choice at all. Doesn't seem like it would be such a hard thing to implement either.

  3. I've played two matches of Huttball so far.


    I have never seen such a terrible arena map design in all my life. I don't want to play it ever again.


    Until they add an option to let us queue for specific warzones, I think I'll give instanced PvP a miss and just focus on the world PvP when it comes to me. Because I really don't want to play Huttball ever again in its current state.

  4. I thought players played PVP for the sake of killing others. If that doesn't bring you excitement then the problem is you?


    This is true. The problem is that when there's not even an option to gain "valor" for killing others at the moment, most people after a while of playing world PvP are simply going to figure that playing warzones for loot, exp AND Valor is more "worthwhile" than engaging in world PvP.


    Sad but true.

  5. PvP with consequence. Why can't we get that anymore?


    You can. It's called Darkfall, it has full loot PvP and no auto-targeting. Sadly, it also has a monstrous grind and it only applies to the "niche" of people who will be willing to do that. People who used to like Shadowbane for instance.


    I sincerely find the discovery of this thread telling me that world PvP has no incentive a complete disappointment to be honest. For me, the allure of world PvP having its own incentive to the "instanced arena PvP" was the only reason I bought this game back in early December.

    While I'm currently enjoying the PvE content of the game and the atmosphere, months (maybe weeks?) down the line when I hit the level cap I fully expect to be engaging in some meaningful world PvP,even if it's just for "valor".


    Because so far, I hate the **** out of that terribly designed map called "Huttball" and I found Voidstar to be passable but a complete cluster**** of an arena. (haven't played Civil War yet) I don't want to just have to play instanced PvP; I want to see world PvP be a viable form of entertainment.


    Oh,and give us the option to queue for specific warzones already please?

  6. I fully agree with this post. World PvP is where it's at, with all the unpredictability and fun on a daily basis. Bioware/EA should continue to incentivise open world PvP as equally to their instanced warzones long past launch.


    In other words,don't be like WOW and go from having great world PvP to meh.

  7. Becuse THEY want to be the ones doing the ganking....silly


    Although brief, this is probably an accurate answer to your question OP.


    Getting "ganked" sucks. "Ganking" people is fun. Having fights of 5 v 5, 10 v 10 and above in world PvP because you picked on the wrong person is best! :D

    I hope TOR has a 'world PvP' channel so people can call out for assistance in PvP areas like Ilum and such.

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