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Posts posted by Holyhood

  1. Hi all,


    I started pvping last week and I have been collecting champion bags from dailies. In these bags as I am sure you all know is a set of Centurion and Champion tokens.


    I of course have the option to select a battlemaster bag, although I cant use it untill I hit 60 valor. If I knew the number of tokens in the battlemaster bags I could calculate when I should start selecting them so I can move right into a 5 piece suit when I hit 60 valor.


    That said, is this a worthwile appoarch or should I consider moving from champion armor then to battlemaster?






    Can only have one BM bag at one time.

  2. The solution to this comes in two parts: now and next tier.


    Now: Remove Valor requirement for battle master gear. Make it as easily obtainable.


    Next tier: Come up with a not random, not a completely non-skill related grind in order to distribute PvP gear.


    Right now, this is the only way to "balance" pvp in anyway. Give it up, and spend your resources on ensuring this problem never happens again. We will forgive you if you just admit your mistake.


    Using double negatives in the same sentence is pro.


    All you bros just want free gear without working very hard for it.




    Rated Wzs with rating required gear will fix all. Exactly like WoW. Need skill to get gear. That is all.

  3. You've been uncomfortable the last 100 times you made this post. While I enjoy reading your grand speeches on the evils of having hard data for such important questions as "What mechanic is the raid dieing to?" "Am I rolling my dots in the most effective matter?" "Is one healer going over the top to cover for another, and if so is there a way to get them to trust each other more or is the issue something else?",


    I understand your concern, people have been ***** about their DPS/HPS/TPS since we had the metrics available, but the bad apples do not invalidate the simple fact that it's a useful tool. The tool itself is NOT INHERENTLY evil, the user is.


    The great thing about this game in particular, is that your servers are rather closed and insular environments, you will have no problem getting away from the type of player that you do not want to play with. When combat logs (and inevitably meters) come into the game, you will find yourself excluded by the people who care for not wanting to deal with them; but there are players like you who don't care. Play with them!


    Form a guild right now <We Hate Meters> and you'll have a rich healthy player base to play with...


    I lul'd. WELL DONE SIR!

  4. I talk about plausible rewards here check the 2nd post if you care to see what kinds of options I give. Number 5 especially.


    And yes, fantasy island is fun where skill prevails in player versus player combat.


    I read it. All I can say is: stop RPing. Really. Just stop.


    You are so far up your own *** you can probably see the two chipotle burritos you just got finished devouring.

  5. Can you freaking read? Where does it say expertise anywhere? It does not. I understand how the system works. I am saying to remove EVERYTHING that gives players an unfair advantage in PvP (PvE gear and expertise alike) and bolster stats evenly.


    LOL. Yes take out all PvP gear so you get no rewards for doing PvP.


    What's it like on fantasy island? Fun?

  6. exactly.


    We should start a poll in this poll thread.


    Should pvp gear scale with how much time you invest in pvp?


    Yes - because i worked for it, and so can you!


    No - because i don't want to work for it, but still have a chance to kill you!


    This is exactly the kind of bias that doesn't belong here. The op is so blinded by the fact that not everyone agrees with him that he feels the need to go on a childish rampage. Yes, you may not like that i said that but guess what? Instead of it being an opinion, it's the truth. Truth imbedded in your posts where you call people names and use the argument "it's complete bs" without even bothering to give examples.


    I also like how you gave an analogy "oh hey, everybody loves drugs, we should do drugs too!"

    i have another analogy that fits your thinking "hey, that guy makes more money than me for having worked here longer than me! I should get a raise to equal his pay!"


    this is why i can't take you serious.




    . . .

  7. On another note. I said this in another thread...

    There IS a gear cap. There is no infinite world of pvp gear that the longer you play, the better gear you get...


    The current gear cap is Battlemaster. It is really not terrible hard to get it now that Ilum is nice and broken with valor handouts.


    People like you are so set on being carebear, you don't see why pvpers want a gear with special pvp stats. Otherwise, raiding gear would be best. I don;t want PvErs having the same gear as me. Plain and simple.

  8. If you don't see how your poll is one sided, there is no reason for us to continue to speak.


    That just proves you are delusional beyond reason of doubt.


    On another note. I said this in another thread...

    There IS a gear cap. There is no infinite world of pvp gear that the longer you play, the better gear you get...


    The current gear cap is Battlemaster. It is really not terrible hard to get it now that Ilum is nice and broken with valor handouts.


    People like you are so set on being carebear, you don't see why pvpers want a gear with special pvp stats. Otherwise, raiding gear would be best. I don;t want PvErs having the same gear as me. Plain and simple.

  9. Just someone who knows a thing or two about competitive PVP.


    But please continue to show us your epeen its rather funny kiddo!


    Yeah a thing or two. Yet you hide behind a faceless avatar and a no-name handle. RIGHTO.


    If people like you who say they actually know things about PvP then you would know there is a gear cap. Always.


    Right now, its battlemaster. Not hard to get.


    But do, please... keep crying about things you "know so much about".

  10. I don't understand why you guys are so adamant it's ridiculous. MMO - Massively Multiplayer Online. What kind of retarded explanation is "oh this is an MMO and you know every other MMO before it based their game like this"? I'm sorry, but I don't give a flying f***. Because all other MMO's have a really stupid/flawed system, Bioware should do the same thing? Do you guys have any idea how dumb that sounds? Oh hey, everybody loves drugs, we should do drugs too! That's essentially what you guys are saying.


    The combat is so unique and so compelling in MMO's that it would seriously attract so many new and different players than it already does instead of people with no lives who enjoy sitting in front of a screen and grinding out their gear just so they could beat up the gearless. Why does it have to be like that? Why can't Bioware FIX this stupid thing all MMO's are following? So many more people would come that way! The game is fun as it is! Give everyone an equal shot and PvP (PLAYER VS PLAYER Not GEAR VS GEAR) would be so much fun! The point isn't to match up 2 players and whoever has invested more time in getting gear wins, it SHOULD be to match up 2 players and see who is BETTER at the game!!


    I don't give 2 S*** what other MMO's have done. It's a stupid system and needs to be changed. Look at this poll. Although it's only 60 people, that have voted a 75th percent should not be ignored.


    Make a nonhorrible poll and more people will give their answers.


    Sounds to me like you just want to have "fun" while pvping.


    Yeah bro, that is exactly what PvP is about. Having fun.


    Or maybe they are about to come out with rated and the good players are grinding gear so we can smash people like you who are casual. I will throw on all raiding gear and still smash you.


    You are mistaken to what PvP is in a MMO

  11. Yeah I said it....^

    You can vote on your opinion here btw


    That is an absolutely terrible poll.


    It does not have to do with farming as much as putting in the time to get the gear. Do you get all the gears you want in PvE raiding? No.


    Expertise isn't going anywhere, there's absolutely no point in you lackluster pvpers crying about something that isn't going to change.


    Man up, run warzones, get commendations.


    Not hard. Stop being mediocre.

  12. Yeah i've been saying this since launch and i agree with the OP. The expertise stat doesn't really accomplish anything, and only has detrimental effects for anybody else trying to PvP.


    If you removed the PvP stat then everybody would be on the same playing field right from the start, rather than waiting for everybody to gear up to battlemaster before they get evenly matched. Regular stats on gear can still give an edge over the people who are in greens, and this would allow people to matched up with lower levels again without being godlike in damage mitigation.


    People would still strive for PvP gear as long as it looks unique and ****** and had a stat progression similar to PvE gear. Looks is something people always strive to get in MMOs, and keeping PvP gear looking unique even after expertise is removed ensures people are going to continue to PvP to acquire it. This also lets people know who PvPs a lot and who doesn't. There aren't any negative effects from this.


    So really in the end all expertise does is make it impossible for anybody without PvP gear to have a fair chance in PVP, which basically just rewards people who got to 50 earliest. The inflation in damage output and mitigation from expertise hurts the PvP game more than it helps the player. Removing this stat will only have beneficial effects on the community.


    I think you should stop crying about things you could fix yourself.

  13. I fixed your post. Just look at WoW and the dbags that wanna kick someone out of a dungeon for having low damage compared to them...when said DPS is 25% more than is need to complete it in the first place. In other words you aren't as overgeared as us so get out.


    You seem very angry. I am just going to assume you were one of those huntards spamming arcane shot and got kicked from a group.


    Learn to play your class.





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