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Posts posted by Artowa

  1. It's interesting because I remember the exact opposite as one of my own favourite funnies: on Belsavis's planetary quest the dude you bested receives a holocall, and you can pick it up with the option [imitate this dude]. Everyone cheeses that line by doing their normal voices. Everyone but female Inquisitor, who instead does
    . :D


    This for me too. Female inqisitor is really marvelous in this scene.

  2. I solo with an assassin.


    Stealth and force speed and getting out of combat is nice to skip and to reset encounters. Good balance between ranged and meele and usefull interupts.


    I soloed most vet flashpoints, one master fp, master chapters exept chapter 2 kotet... still trying, and most uprisings (some are impossible to solo..) .


    But I never played PT so I am probable biased.



    If you do master chapter you will die... a lot.... believe me... even if you are a better player then myself (very likely).


    Good luck and a lot of fun


    My the force guide your way

  3. 16??? No... you mean 48.


    because they are also voiced in french and german, aren't they


    still the voice-acting is the unique selling position of this game. I allways wondered if they pull a darth vader like accident for the pc to "solve" this inconvenience. After the attemp on your life or accident there would be just 2 voices per language left.

  4. I am in the middle of it with an Assassin Tank, gear 236 to 242, no big problems so far. Kotfe chap. 14, comps between influence 10 and 50.


    I recommend a stealther to skip a lot off useless trash fights.


    Here are some good infos and comments.







    Heskal was brutal, no room for mistakes.


    good luck and a lot of fun. It was a nice challenge for me.

  5. I think it would be manageable.


    Same content for all three fractions. (Help/Solve/destroy conflict on location X) to (gain support, stop them...)


    If you are empire, prolog/debriefing dialog by lana.

    If you are republic, prolog/debriefing by theron.

    If you stay alliance prolog/debriefing by both.


    different background (war-room for empire, republic, alliance)


    Minimal change in dialog, slightly different script.

  6. If it is well done, you could also tie this decision it to the betrayer arc.


    Agree with the reasoning of the betrayer why the alliance is (a risk, a danger, lost potential, collapsing anyway or whatsoever) and join (Empire, Republic).


    Disagree and save and purge your fraction with a great cost and loss of power for your fraction. (For more balance between the power of the three groups)

  7. The possibility to choose your side (Republic, Empire or Alliance) would be really great.


    It can happen in steps. Like make a desicion on Iokath, at the end of Umbra and at the next Update.


    Then choose definitly. With the right implementation it would still be possible to tell one story arc with different briefing and debriefing scenes. You just fight for a different group and for a different reason.


    The possibility of defection would be great too and something new for me in an mmorpg.


    A clear no from my perspectiv to the it was just a dream scenario. I allways find this to be a completly lame approach.

  8. Fun for me is the really large scope of swtor



    Class story or Expansions both work for me. I kind of like KotFE and KotET too. Planetary Quests and dailies can be fine too.



    I allready accepted in RotHC/SoR that our old comps will never come back. I prefere Lana and Theron to new ones every expansion or quest.


    Group Content

    FPs and Uprisings.


    Hard Solo Content

    EC and soloing Veteran FP or Master FP (or trying to)

    Master Chapter (I had much more fun then expected, exept for hescal, that was brutal)


    PVP and GSF

    I was forced to play PVP for alerts in KotFE and I liked it. That was a real surprise. Do it regularely now since then.


    the leftovers

    A little bit of dress my main chars, but not much.

    I have 3 strongholds but I find them boring. Not my kind of thing.

    A little bit of crafting.

    I sometimes even do one of the old railroad spacefights just for atmosphere and the **** of it.

  9. You can't presume what "the payers" want most, because we are a very fractured bunch.


    WoW is not SWTOR. I think this is a flawed analogy.

    All mmos loose players with age.



    The mix makes this game fun, at least for me. I sub because I like the game and the variety of its activities, PVP, FP, GSF, the different feeling of the classes and most of all the story part. Fleshed and immersive solo and group content and pvp as multiplayer. This is the backbone of this game for me.


    Without story or VA and compelling representation this game has nothing to offer that puts it apart or ahead of other games.


    Many games offer stronger dungeons or pvp activities, this was never swtors strongsuit or unique selling point.


    Never ever bring valkorion back ... He should stay dead.

    Make something new... Like crisis on republic and sith planets. Smaller stories would be fine for me. New FP with nice story elements.Just my opinion though.

  10. No more old stuff.


    No more Malgus. (I liked him but I allready kicked his ar...)


    No Jadus... (I found him interesting but...)


    Definitly no more eternal emperor... Please Nooooo...


    Create someone or something new.

  11. First question: how long does it take to get 240 Best In Slot gear


    If you want to gain it with the boxes...


    First open 180 boxes and disinte"great" them.


    Then... It is like this ... all nummbers are fictional I dont know them...


    It is random... So I made a script to test some things.


    If the chance to get the desired item quality is 5%


    test (for 1 item) imagine a dice roll


    1. 72 tries

    2. 4 tries

    3. 7 tries

    4. 30 tries

    5. 15 tries

    6. 18 tries

    7. 2 tries

    8. 23 tries

    9. 5 tries

    10. 41 tries

    11. 6 tries

    12. 3 tries

    13. 12 tries

    14. 3 tries


    Total 241 (after the starting 180) ... --> 421...

    mean 17

    For 14 items without taking into account the diminishing return because you need only some items later...



    Second test


    Total 337 (517)

    mean 24


    Third test


    Total 426 (606)

    mean 30




    Total 239

    mean 17


    This is not an actual representation... It is only to illustrate how rng works...


    Best regards

  12. Hi everybody, just want to ad some thoughts...


    I have to laugh when ppl. think in lvl of cxp...


    Here some fun facts about statistics for RNG all assumtions and rough estimates, take them and think for yourself...


    First best (system picks quality of item first, green, blue ... )


    When you have a 5% chance of set piece you need (on average)


    340 crates for the complete set...



    Now when the system picks the item type first...


    When you have 5% chance of a set item...


    726 crates for the complete set.... (just for one tier

    .. remember that, if tier 3 just starting from crate nr 180) so you have 906... If you are the I am only interessted in tier III type of guy) I hope the tier III drop is garantied ....



    Now it is also possible to get the set in just 7 crates...


    Chance for that....


    3.74 E -14 (hahaha.... This is so funny)


    Win the euromillions lottery 7.15 E-09 (50 to 300 Million Euros)

    It is more propable to got struck by lightning twice ... Then get the set that fast...


    O by the way this is also interessting...


    With 5% chance of a set item....


    5/100 get one in the first crate


    41/100 get one in the first 10




    5/100 need 60 crates


    An one damn piss poor idiot needs more then 100...


    Statisticly ... naturaly ...don't take it personaly ... It is just the system...




    Have fun

  13. Hi


    For me it is my lightside inqisitor. Because all her struggle to get to the top to reform and recreate the empire to her vision is in danger. So she has much more to loose.... it is her empire.

    She also has more leadership qualities than most other alts.

    From slave to leader of the empire also best fits valkys comments about her resemblance to him and achievments best.


    Also she liked Darth Mar and considerd him a close ally, more than all the other alts. So valky made it more personal at the beginning. She is used to forceghosts that is also a nice continuity in the story. Also it is easy for her to reject valkys power, because she is arrogant enough to think she would be capable enough to fight it out all by herself.


    Best regards

  14. Hi


    I am involved in producing audio-stories so i have some (limited) experience in this kind of things


    From a financial perspective

    Voicing the same lines with 16 different voice-actor (8 classes, 2 genders) is one hell of a economical nightmare. Thats the reason for this form of dialogs. The nostalgic presentation is only an effort so sell it as something good. I think it is the best way to do it actually without enormes costs.


    The NPC voices are only needed one time for all... So they can voice them...


    Best regards

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