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Posts posted by csward

  1. it probably sucks for the lvl 50 folks but dude... the 1 to 49 pvp is lightyears more fun. i'm digging the no pvp stat gear too. now pvp is based on teamwork, skill and a little luck, rather than being just a gear-check, where if you suck but have the pvp gear, you can destroy competent players without the gear you have.


    my very first alderran thursday, the lead changed a good dozen times, there were countless zergs of different turrets in order to defend or to claim them for our faction, there was tons of laughing and good times, and it was a nail biter with us making a last-ditch effort to take a 3rd turret. watching both shields failing and us ultimately losing with our shields at 0/600, and the republic's down to a mere 30/600.


    it was awsome and fun and fantastic. i know folks love their shiny gear but if there's any way to not put pvp-stats on gear and just let it be fun and engaging it'd be awsome!


    maybe in time they'll have arena teams and rated bg's or some other metric to test your leet'ness, but dude its been a month to the day the game's out. how much change do you expect in 30 days? give them a chance :D patience is a virtue, especially on the internetz


    Sounds like how it was in Beta, and one thing that drew me to this game. Maybe I will reroll because it may be more fun.

  2. First off OP, the post you copy/pasted is poorly written. Spelling, grammar, and capitalization issues are everywhere, making it hard to read. I am not a grammar Nazi, nor am I a professional writer, but well written the post is not, so please use discretion when creating a topic for the community.:(


    Secondly, the solutions to the issues posted are very sophomoric, as anyone who has taken a basic Psychology course could tell you that most of the solutions posted by the Author won't work simply because they go against human nature. I'm not going to go line by line with rebuttals, because it would just be easier for you to educate yourself. There is some good in there, but it isn't anything we haven't seen on these forums before.:)


    Thirdly, the post fails to address the game-breaking lag when in groups on abilities. This alone is enough to kill PvP and PvE in some cases. Small PvP groups shouldn't be like the Orgrimmar Auction House in Vanilla WoW.:confused: Why not make the Republic more interesting so people want to play it? Why is the Hutt Cartel not a playable third faction? Poor design choices made to follow the leader instead of becoming one.:(


    Lastly, I'm posting in hopes Bioware and Mythic fix PvP, but it probably beyond salvation. They never fixed PvP or faction imbalance in Warhammer. There are so many issues, known for so long, and Bioware refuses to fix them in a timely manner.:mad:

  3. It doesn't take a game design genius to understand why you need a penalty for leaving a game early. I have now joined six consecutive games where the outcome was already decided because other players left the game. They **** the bed, they should have to lie in it. There is zero accountability with the current system and that is flawed.


    I'll tell you what they say in every online multiplayer game, because they all have leavers. Group up with friends if you don't want leavers. It's dumb, it sucks, and it really is the only solution, because peoples time will always be more valuable to them then playing a game which you know you will lose.


    Or they could address unbalanced teams. No, wait, that never happens. Yeah, looks like you're going to have to group up.:(

  4. I picked Horde in WoW and Republic in SWTOR. Somehow I always pick the minority faction. Still, while outnumbered, it showed in Tol Barad and other warzones who the better faction is.


    I think in the future we will catch up and have more geared 50's per match, leading to a lot more wins than losses and a lot of QQ from the Empire about having trash teammates. They will have the problem of a greater influx of fresh 50's giving us an edge, eventually. Be patient:D.

  5. I saw a guys doing this one time time. Neither of us could hit each other, but he was invincible to everyone so he'd get low on hp and jump on there to heal, rinse and repeat. Glad they are fixing it.:D
  6. In case you're not trolling...


    World of Warcraft has been around for years. Of course it will be less buggy, have more features, etc. etc...


    I really doubt you played Warcraft within the first 3 months or so it was out. It was quite similar to Star Wars is now. You can't judge this game by comparing it to Warcraft any time after April 2005. That's almost 6 months of debugging and content patches...


    This game has been in development for 6 years. That said, it still needs a lot of work, and I don't see any developer besides maybe Rockstar make a game with this much story, because it obviously took away money from the programming department.:(

  7. It's it the rationale to prevent content from being bypassed and quests being completed without having to do all the steps or face all the mobs?


    I could see the die/rez/die/rez feature being abused.


    I currently skip the mobs to a quest because they are designed poorly. Fight packs and packs to get to the room you need to go for a quest, then fight them all over again on the way out? No thanks, and my quick travel timer isn't always off cooldown.


    Not to mention being instantly (well there is some server lag) thrown off my mount by every single mob, which overpopulate roads.


    We need better ways to enter and exit quest areas Bioware.:D

  8. I am an ex DF core-Member in GW top 3 World ranking, and your telling me i should

    unbind my anti backstab key? if your attacked by assassines/operatives but you need

    to defend the place, you simply force slow and move backwards = impossible to land a

    backstab. I finish 1st-3rd in every WZ dmg/kills/solokills/killing blows/ obj points &

    protection while mostly not even dieing one time. (Proven by multiple videos). Pull this of

    yourself b4 actually giving people lessons about stuff they do not need. this aint wow

    were you run in circles around pillars. All you need in this game is reaction, and

    awereness, focus target switch interuppt heal, switchback focus target etc if you dont

    have that you suck at pvp even if you do not S. key... :D




    This is ********, no operative even full champion has ever critted me for more then 5k

    and if i manage to get the opener or force shroud b4 his opener he is toast. you see

    videos of ppl posting 7k crits and u think thats op, but you dont recognize the fact the guy

    has every buff/stim/relics possible and those high crits are on non champion geared

    ppl/non 50s they do not have the expertise dmg red. they do not have the stats to

    mitigate this kind of stuff. a lvl 38 with green/blue stuff will have around 11500 hp, if i'm

    fullystacked & have cd's rdy i toast that guy within 5 seconds. And im not even Biochem.



    It is true that they hit hard but its so easy to counter operatives, most operatives avoid

    me like fire on our server. assassines crit 4-5k all over the place with every shock every

    discharge, every maul & every assassinate. ok we do not crit 5-6k on every opener but

    our follow ups even it out, we have the same amount of stuns, of snares, of escape skills

    and we do NOT need to backstab to do that damage.


    Great post. We need more level headed PvPers like yourself on these forums.:D

  9. 20 matches in Warzones. From that 20 usually 6-7 is won by the Republic. Reasons?


    The Republic playerbase sucks. For every 50lvl PvP elite player from the Empire - we have 10-40vl player. Some of our players don't know how to throw a ball. Or how to use a map. Sometimes i'm thinking that every noobie from the world have gathered on the Republic side.


    I just finished Huttball match - 6/8 of the Republic players that played from the start have gone at half of warzone time because we're loosing 5:3. So 40-50s lvl have gone - hello, 10-40s. You think we've won that match?


    Alderaan: we've captured a 1/3 cannons. Republic players: "We're gonna loose anyway - stand here and don't feed them easy kills". Great plan, huh? It happens more often than you would like to think.


    How can a Republic PvPer enjoy all of this?


    Sometimes the Republic PvP is just UNBEARABLE. And as a result: players just droping they characters and joining Empire PvP because Republic PvP sucks now and it will sucks tommorow. Empire PvPers use they Republic twinks for the story - not for the PvP in most of the cases.


    I don't wanna be a doomsayer, but the Republic PvP is doomed.


    I have stopped PvPing altogether on my server during peak times. You can get your win when the lowbies are offline. You think 1 out of 3 cannons is bad? I had the same Sith premade over and over a couple nights ago. They had all 3 turret on Alderaan and pushed us into our base. 6-0 Hutball. Voidstar data core taken in 2 min and pushed back into our base on offense.

    I should have pick Sith like I picked the Horde in WoW. I didn't think all the Alliance kids would be on this game as Republic. I thought they would choose Empire. Sigh, time to reroll.

  10. I think PVP fail in this game it is not accidental fact. Half of all people loves BGs(WZs) and unbalanced, stupid, untested PVP system it is direct act of sabotage. Bioware you must check your personnel on polygraph. Because you will loose hundreds of millions dollars and hundred thousands players due the fact of bad PVP system. Thousands people who leave, will talk about this game badly.


    It was designed by the people who made Warhammer Online's PvP. Since I have played Warhammer, I can tell you it is very easy to see the same design almost copy/pasted from that game. The sad thing is that Bioware chose to hire the designers of a bad PvP system, knowing in advance what they were going to do. Warhammers PvP sucking is part of the reason I didn't resubscribe in that game. Thankfully for SWTOR, its PvE is better than WARs is.

  11. Accept that every class can. lol


    Ops / Smugges can stealth burst better then all other classes... and can heal... and escape at will?


    Commandos... can Spam one skill and rely on 3k crits.... all while wearing heavy armour... and having the same healing as the DPS sorc builds. (I would trade the Sorc bubble for heavy armour in a heart beat... the sorc with out a bubble drops in seconds)


    Sent / Marauders... can spec too have THREE individual interrupt skills... and use them to shut down a lone Sorc or Commando.


    Guard / Jugg are tanks... and as such are the best team mates in the game.... Guard on a healer and they role.


    Yes we can spin things all sorts of ways... but to spin it that the Light armour high dmg low burst DPS sorc should have ZERO defense... is silly. You are basing your assumptions off of score board numbers... what I am saying too you is it is NOT a killer class. I don't open up on someone and kill them 3 seconds later... burst classes like the OP / Smug do that. However if you are not smart enough to interrupt my dmg role I WILL ramp the dmg needed to kill you.


    Sorc kills are 10-20 second affairs... Targets have LOTS of time to defend themselves. With the info I gave you you should be able too defend yourself... the key is always knowing what too look for....


    Spamming 3 Second channels Interrupt them... and profit.

    Hiting 1.5 second inductions... If your class can WIPE the bleed on you so they don't auto crit you.


    Attack when the bubble is fresh... so they can't recast.


    STUN them.... 3k really doesn't last long in PvP. IN a 4 second stun.... that bubble should be long gone before the stun ends... even if you don't kill them in the stun... if they can't recast the bubble... they can't stand there and induct a heal for 2.5 seconds... so there dead.


    The class is fine the bubble is fine.... once more people have roled alts and understand how each class works... the counters will be more prevalent.


    Speaking of which, I have yet to see any players on my server try to interrupt my Telekinetic Throw with anything other than hard stuns.


    Anyways we are extremely squishy when focus fired, but one on one I can beat just about anyone unless it is a fully PvP geared 50.:D

  12. T7 sucks, even with the greens they give you. I had to help my brother complete this quest and I got ***** by his illusions while my brother took down the main guy. A close fight, even with 2 people. T7 has been bad for ages and Jedi Knights are still forced to use him just because of R2-D2 and Luke taking out the Emperor in Return of the Jedi.:D
  13. I don't like recount because people could be kicked because of their gear or DPS but you need to dungeon in order to acquire the gear to begin with.


    No, there is a progression system. If you are in over your head, like so many were in the beginning of Cata, you deserve to be kicked because you ruining others experience. Thank goodness Blizzard implemented a minimum item level, so people would know if they could complete a dungeon before everyone wasted their time.


    That said, Recount and other DPS meters are great to figure out min/maxing for me, and I would love to see them and many other add-ons in the game.

  14. So let me get this straight.


    You just want to have fun, and group with your guildies? That sounds awesome. I completely support that.


    But I, the so-called "Carebear" (By the way, the term originates from UO because of protective measures from overbearing PK'ers and griefers), who would like to PvP every once in a while and don't really have any avid PvP'ers in my guild, am less of a player because I don't feel like queuing up and getting steamrolled by the same group of players every time I set foot in PvP.


    In Modern Warfare, they allow clan tags. Most hardcore clans that sit and farm randoms don't use those clan tags, because it has gotten to the point where a lot of people just disconnect when all they see is a list of <L33T PeeVeePee> on the other side of the board.


    Yes, some of us are casual. Those of us who are... pay the exact same amount of money that you do for this game, which means we are entitled to the exact same amount of satisfaction.


    So, allow 8 man pre-mades; by all means. But, a couple of caveats.


    1) Premades should only be able to go up against premades.

    2) Better yet, make a separate queue where only randoms can join.


    I promise you that you'll notice that there are a crap-ton more 'carebears' (Utterly stupid and derisive term) than there are PvP "pseudo-jocks" (See, I can do it too).


    Now that the forced and pointless derision is out of the way. I agree that you should have 8 mans. Heck, throw in some cool "vanity" gifts for the ranking system only between 8 man premades. You've obviously worked a little bit more to get to that point than the average player. But keep those queues separate, and rated.


    I like that term, PvP Jock. It might sit better than elitist or loser without a life.:D


    That being said I agree with all your points except that you deserve the exact same amount of satisfaction. Bioware could never give you or any number of parties this because it is relative to you. Everyone will be satisfied/dissatisfied with any number of things at any one time.


    Great post though.:)

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