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Posts posted by EtherealLAW

  1. Why transfer off? This community is quite alive and well - since 1.3 everyone has been demanding it because of low population. But since the introduction of the cartel market and recent additions, its more alive than ever. There is no need to transfer off unless you are fed up with your progress or the community. Pvp varies on every server, queue and skill wise.
  2. Anyone who spends an extended amount of time pvping knows, the empire has fallen pretty far in pvp terms.

    There are still some good players on empire, but as far as guilds go; I've yet to see a formidable guild rated team.

    Right now, the best players are on republic.

    Just don't feel the need to stroke people's egos, they know who they are


    Agreed, not forgetting to mention after Dark Empire's hacking incident in February.


    Couldnt say there are really a top list of pvp names to fear as some people do well and others just do pvp as hardcore.


    Currently guildwise there are a lot of fractured guilds all vying for power. But considering how rated are going - gotta watch Credit Shot, they have been doing quite well recently.

  3. The new recruits from the Sky Wardens will be appearing at the Fleet for a brief intermission while working on their missions. They will be traversing through the heart of the Coruscant later and eventually head off to who knows where to see the galaxy. Friday 8:45PM EST
  4. The Shyracks and the Nighthunters have begun their first incursion with the Migrant Merchants Guilds and have been noticed by several of the populace. Whether or not, the Wardens will accept outside is up to them, but they are always willing to help the populace if you know where to look. The last time they were seen was in the Lounge in the Old Galactic Market Sector, dancing, drinking, and also dealing in the shades.


    Is something afoot on Coruscant that the citizens are unaware of? Find out what happens next when the Wardens take on the Migrant Merchants Guild next week, Friday 8:45 PM est!

  5. The new Sky Wardens have completed their first assignment by defending the Esseles. But what lies next for the recruits? They are now on Coruscant to combat the internal turmoil that brews amongst the gangs and corrupt people. See their achievements every Friday from 8:45 PM EST onwards to follow their story!
  6. ::Holotransmission::


    Subject:*Message From Kordeed*

    Location: Unknown

    Coordinates: Hidden


    Fellow Wardens...


    The time has come for us to introduce some diversity into our community. As you know many new threats have plagued Jung Ma and it is up to us to unite and organize our forces to better handle the inevitable. Over the past few days we have gathered a young group of upcoming wardens and I have tasked Aerencor to lead the operation. These new Wardens will be our front line task force on the battlefield as our main force will continue to delegate tasks from our headquarters on the republic fleet. Training is concluding for these initiates and we are ready to begin our quests. One final meeting will take place for all new members on Friday October 19th at 8 PM Eastern time. At that time I will introduce our new members and we will conclude our initiation and begin our adventures once more as the Sky Wardens.


    This new generation of Wardens will rock the very foundation from which the republic was fought on!


    ::Holotransmission ends::

  7. The first generation of a band of Sky Wardens will be making their debut on Friday 9pm at the Fleet Cantina. They will make their journey from the fleet to aid the citizens of Republic. Be sure to make time to get a glimpse of the Wardens in action and their cantina stories.
  8. Bands of Sky Wardens will be at cantinas all over the galaxy protecting the Space ports from certain danger. The first definitive generation of Wardens will be banded in a group under the stars to protect the space traders, pilots, and passengers from planet to planet. See their adventures and conversations! Be astounded, intrigued, or curious about their adventures to save the Republic by helping others. But you must know where to look, for the Wardens rarely show themselves in public...
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