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Posts posted by Iselix

  1. Warzones hvae become a complete joke now. Today i tried 10 warzone and in 8 of them i had 2 people that run out from the start and just afk they are either using a bot program or just lazy but it has totally wrecked the warzone pvp. They have been reported for the last 3 days and nothing. It seems bioware just does not give a crap. I even had one warzone with 3 afk people in it. They where in the warzone the hole time and all 0's on there stats. It is making me think twice about paying for next month.


    It's 3:30 am on Christmas day they have a life mate

  2. I seriously want +1 days added to my account


    There's just no way i can play tonight. I't going to be like .. 11pm (ish) before i can login?


    It's an absolute disgrace.

    This is supposed to be a game.

    Something to enjoy.


    There absolutely has to be an official response

  3. Anytime you get on a game at 1 or 2 pm and get in a queue, that is not acceptable, how about later tonight when the people that are working get home, welcome to your 2 hour queue thank you for purchacing SWTOR. Sorry you had to work all day, and cant play on the server you created your toon on, please try another server and start all over again. Thank you for wasting your time on the server you started on in pre-release. Dont forget to give us your subscription info so you dont have any issues getting on your new server!!!!




    I got home from work at 5pm. I'm up at 5am. Its 8pm at the moment and im like, 1000 in the que after three hours.


    If i can't play this game on the server I WANT, with the people I HAVE PLAYED WITH FOR YEARS, then i just won't play.


    It's that simple ..


    What's being done?


    I can't beleve we don't have a genuine response.




    "Keeping the forum's organised" - Bioware.

    "Telling you there a problem with you not happy" - EA

    Not letting you play a game you have paid for - Priceless

  4. Hey;


    Im Iselix.


    24 years old, i work full time.


    Im up at 5am im home at 5pm.


    I then have the "you have 1850 people in the que in front of you" evey time i try to play this game. It's just not possible for me to do this - the average wait is 4-6 hours. What exactly is being done to sort this out?


    1) Do not tell me to re-roll, leaving behind my character and guild-friends, not to mention the community i have spent years playing with

    2) Don't tell me not to whine. I am a paying customer of this game the same as you.


    Urgent action is required.


    I'm faced with the appalling insight - SWTOR is completely unplayable to me, as a working adult. I just can't get into the game to play it.

  5. I'm extremely dissapointed in the que times - it's absolutely unnaceptable in ever single way shape and form.


    I work. Im up at 5am and im home for 5pm. I then join a que that i estimate to be approx 4-6 hours.


    As a result, i cannot play this game. It is simply not possible. There is no TIME for me to log into this game.


    I cannot beleive some action has not been taken.


    This is just a joke. In addition, you allso want my payment details?




    Sort it out

  6. I managed to watch ..


    Liverpool vs Aston Villa

    Tottenham vs Sunderland

    Man City vs Arsenal


    I've had breakfast

    I've had lunch

    I'm about to have dinner.


    I've cleaned my place up, i've stroked my cat.


    I've also waited in a que all day. I have not been able to get in the game "in any way shape or form"


    It better be instant access on the 20th! I know im not a paying customer ATM, this is just a freebie-sweetner ..




    It's pretty damn annoying

  7. This is Early Access


    It's a bonus we are even able to Que!


    They're just using this time as a sweetener to all the people who have waited such a long time. In addition, it will help them work out what type of server cap they need for the future!


    The game hasn't really started yet. I'll hold off on moaning until the 20th when my purchase become active - that's when im a consumer.


    However, im wodering if they have taken any access on the Full Servers?


    Have they stopped people from staying logged in game? Staying in the Character Screen? I assume for the really heavy servers they have deigned to stop people making new characters? For someone who hasn't played yet, it's probably nothing OTT to just que for a few hours to pre-make their character pre-launch?


    That'd be a start. Still. It's going to be interesting on the 20th. Im assuming there are no Que's.


    It;s difficult though. Even though i have not spent a huge amount of time in the game, on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, i don't want to start again on another server. It means the time i have spent is "dead". In addition, there are people playing on that server i have gamed with for years.


    I just hope they sort it out ASAP!


    Let's face it. It could be far worse

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