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Posts posted by OmegaDagger

  1. @Master-nala


    As someone who recently came back to swtor after several years, I feel like you are that frog in the boiling water. The water got turned up so slowly that you didnt noticed that you are being boiled alive.


    Force Barrier shouldnt even be a skill. It doesnt even make sense.


    Projects a Force Barrier around you, granting immunity to all control, damage, and negative effects while channelled. This ability does not affect the Global Cooldown and can be used while controlled. While you are protected by Force Barrier, charges will build up and grant Enduring Bastion, a shield that absorbs an amount of damage based off the charges that are present when Force Barrier ends. Enduring Bastion also grants immunity to interrupts.


    So, let me get this straight. You think it is ok for a class to have a 100% damage/cc/movement immunity for 8 secs, that can be cast while stunned. Also, it builds a second defensive cd that grants damage reduction and interrupt immunity? Not to mention the fact that you (if you choose) can break the channel early. What planet are you from? Stack on top of that, you can hold power ups and cap/defend nodes while using it.


    The skill is broken and massively OP. It does EVERYTHING with zero drawbacks for a longer time than any other skill in its class.

  2. I am not even sure how to respond to this....


    Let me get this straight. You think "playing as a group" is an unfair advantage in a group based activity? You do realize how crazy that sounds. Actually, you probably dont.


    P.S. I am kinda new here, but are there threads that claim that guild raid groups should have a 15% stat decrease to make raiding more "fair" for pug groups?

  3. May i mambo dogface to the banana patch?

    My post made more sense than yours... just sayin :)


    Allow me to elaborate the (even though I know it wont matter.)


    You stated earlier "Regs are the SM of PvP, its that simple." I HIGHLY HIGHLY (fundamentally) disagree with that statement. In fact, I think that is the problem with this entire discussion. You are asserting (if I understand you correctly) that there is a hierarchal structure to raiding, which is something I will agree with. FP < SM < HM. By this assumption, the ultimate goal of raiding at endgame is to get to the point where you can successfully do all hardmode operations. Again, I will agree.


    Using this train of logic, and your above quote, you assert that WZ < Ranked. This is where I fundamentally disagree. IMO, they are two different game modes. I do not do WZ's so that I can gear for ranked, in the same manner as I would do SM to gear for HM. Ranked matches are deathmatch based, and have very different strategies and tactics associated with them. Warzones are objective based. Warzones are not an "easier" version of ranked, in the same manner that SM is an easier version of HM. They are different games.


    Some people prefer Ranked some people prefer WZ's. This is why you get swaths of players who "tryhard" by running optimal comps, and group que. They arent avoiding ranked matches by stomping newbs. They prefer the tactical play of objective based pvp'ing.

  4. You keep using the word "fair": I don't think it means what you think it does. If you're trying to say a hypothetical system that presents itself as sporting but has addons and hacks that aren't being stopped that provide numerous advantages to the user is perfectly fine and "fair" because everyone can use the same addons and hacks, you've completely lost me.


    Did anyone say anything about addons and hacks?

  5. Any good player will tell you that they dont care if someone is undergeared or new. All they care about is if someone is willing to learn.


    You are right, you have to pvp to get comms so you can gear. You also have to pvp to learn how to pvp, and everyone had a first time. That isnt the issue. The issue is that people expect to be good, and win, without first being bad and losing. I am going to tell you a secret, if you are a "solo quer" who complains about losing to "premades", then you arent good. You just arent.


    You dont want a "fair" game, because high skilled players working together and using every advantage they can get, including voice over programs, simul-queing, and "broken comps", is fair. You just arent using the same tools.


    P.S. I am not saying you shouldnt solo que. I am also not saying that there arent very highly skilled solo-quers. They just arent whining when they lose to a team.

  6. Is it worth have any accuracy? I tried running with 0, but that put me at 101%. I am not 100% sure, but I felt like sometimes I would miss on my burst combo. Switch to 2 accuracy enhancements, which put me at 104.99%, and I "feel" like things are more smooth.


    I am assuming I could test this on a PVP dummy, but could someone point me in a the direction of something that explains accuracy?

  7. So is it the consensus that guard preserves damage type? I heard though the rumor mill many eons ago that guard damage was converted to white damage.
  8. I am not sure if this is still the case (or if it ever was), but isnt all guard damage converted to "white" damage, and can therefore be mitigated by defensive stats? If this isnt the case, maybe it should be. This would allow tanks to gear with more standard defensive stats and throw guard around without needing a healer.
  9. On my last "streak" of pvp, meaning doing more then the every now and then when I feel like it pvp, but on a set mission. This one for M1-4X companion, which I was lucky enough to complete in less then 20/20 rounds.


    I noticed this.


    the only times my team won, was when we all took a little time before the match to set some very basic tactics, to survey our team on who is weakest and who is strongest, then quikly apply roles, have a PREMADE tactic against premades as much as we could.


    So we encountered a premade, and becuse we then diregarded our own win ration for the moment, we all focused on thaking out first their healer then their stealther, in this case the premade had both.


    Doing that we ended up with 1 dead vs their 2 dead, so we won the deathmatch.


    My point is that premades is nothing more then people gathering in advance, sharing tactics, and to some extend planning their pvp.


    I can not see that premades are wrong in any way at all to be fair. Can I see that being beaten by the "same" group again and again is a problem, yes and no....yes becuse loosing isn't fun.

    No, becuse Nothing prevents both sides from doing what MMOS somewaht are intended for.....teaming up and doing things.


    If you are to turn it around to pve, then premades is often the only way to make sure we beat a HM OPS, we are sure that our group knows at least the basics of the matches in the ops etc and we can easily use preagreed tatics.


    IF premades is such a probem, then team up your self.


    Now, I don't want to guild up, it has "duties", I don't want to pull togheter a team of friends to plan some pvp for the day....

    So I QUE alone, then I get PUGed with alot of other that really don't have level of competition and pre planning as the premades so becuse I REFUSE to team up in advance I complain.




    It is the same with really my issues about the belitteling and result orientented complaining I am so fed up with and complain about.


    Here we have people wanting to do "sport" in a place where every other team mate they encounter have a very other idea then "sport", yet in stead of then seeking out thir sport where it is most likely to be found, they compalain.


    And this thing about premades is the exact same, the ONLY reason premades is problem, is becuse people let be......if those that really felt that premades were such a major issue, bothered to do what most MMO players .....group up, and when called for, group up in advance and plan.........then really the problem about premades becomes utterly silly


    is there a like button on these forums?

  10. Well there is solo ranked.


    I don't understand the constant balking at people who don't consistently run premades.

    Why is it so detrimental to your play style to have something similar to solo ranked but for 8v8s?



    You seem to miss the point. Que'ing solo for a 8v8 match is not a good thing. You shouldnt get special privileges because you fail to understand that you can only win if 7 other people are willing to play with you. If there are so many solo players out there, who are so butthurt about having to face a team with even the tiniest amount of organization. why dont we create a chat channel where solo players can meet each other, and STOP BEING SOLO PLAYERS.


    tl;dr you should not be solo que'ing in the first place. The only reason it exists is to group up people who dont have friends. It isnt a special protected category.

  11. is there some super secret WZ I dont now about that is for "solo que'ing"? On what planet and in what reality do you think people should be punished for using teamwork, and that you should be rewarded for refusing to use it?
  12. I doubt anyone plays an MMO because they make a sweet node gaurd.


    Node gaurd should be a secondary role someone should play, not the primary. If I que as dps, I should be viable for my dps. If I que as heals, I should be viable because of my healing. I understand that excellent players should have the ability to excel by performing above by doing more than just putting up numbers, but the average pvper/player should feel that they can go mid, or fight with the group, and at least have some purpose in a scrap. Right now Op/Sco's place is as far away from the scrum as you can get. I dont know of many people who would even find it remotely entertaining.


    It is not fun watching paint dry on a node, especially when you should be perfectly capable of wrecking face. Hell the only reason we make a good node guard is because of stealth.


    Can we go back to this.... and point out how wrong it is. Node guarding might be the most pivotal role on the team. A team only needs one quarterback, but that quarterback is useless without a good left tackle. The team that wins the Stanely Cup every year is the team with the best goalie. The World Cup is often decided by PK's, and who matters the most there: the goalie. Just because YOU don't like playing defense, in todays world of super special snowflakes, doesnt mean defense is boring, and it sure as **** isnt a "secondary" role.

  13. If you count stasis as singularity builder, combined with combat focus, it gives 2 chances per minute. So if you master strike half the jumps, and force sweep the other half, it kind of works.

    You are missing 2x force sweeps with singularity per minute, if you happen to time all builders as 31 focus perfectly. In pvp this rarely happens due to the fight dynamics, running between nodes and other obvious factors.


    So are for this or against it?

  14. The problem with all shallow focus builds is that without Force Exhaustion you can only build singularity every minute.


    Interesting point, didn't think of that. Although, with all the bonus damage to force sweep from the focus tree, plus the additional 8% from the def tree, coupled with the increased usability and damage from cyclone slash I am not sure if there would be an overall loss in damage from lack of singularity stacks. Also, that leads me to believe that have the two points in Inner sight would be necessary.

  15. I am sure I could take the time to run the numbers myself, but before I do that, I would like the community to chime in on this build as a possibility. I have seen a lot of talk about def/vig hybrids, which makes me wonder: could a def/focus hybrid work? Here is my attempt at a 17/0/24 build:




    Some notes:


    1. Since you will be in Soresu form the whole time, the single point in visionary has no purpose and is just a point filler.


    2. Since you have Stasis mastery, I am not sure Singularity will work properly.


    3. I have very intrigued about the synergy between profound resolution and second wind. Essentially giving you a ~1300 heal out of cc, which may turn out to be pretty awesome (or useless).


    Final thoughts:

    There are a lot of interesting synergies in this build, that I find intriguing. I do feel that the two points from Inner Focus could be moved somewhere else and would love some suggestions on where.

  16. I find this entire debate just sad. I do not care what the OP's initial point was, but I do think this discourse has gotten to the root of the matter. Most of you worthless human beings have the mentality of eight year olds (and no I am not trolling here. I mean everything I am about to say).


    You make the argument that its just a game that you pay for so you can quit whenever you want. Well, frankly that is just wrong. Your parents failed raising you. Here is a simple analogy. You pay for a gym membership. This gym has a basketball court. You go to the gym to play pick up basketball. The moment your team starts losing (or whatever other pathetic excuse you people offer) you say to your team, " F this, I quit! You are all noobs!" See how quickly you get the s**t get kicked out of you. It may "just be a game", but you are playing it with OTHER F**KING HUMAN BEINGS.


    Tl;dl: Grow the f**k up, acknowledged the existence of other people, and play the game. You bunch of f**king babies.

  17. Had a couple of questions about dark charge.


    1.) In PvE does dark charge increase threat when u use you light sabre, meaning should you be able to pull/hold aggro by using light sabre attacks?


    2.) In both PvE and PvP does dark charge apply a visible debuff on the target? The tooltip says it has a chance to proc, but I have never seen a debuff icon appear in either PvE or PvP.

  18. I don't often post on the forums but i feel like I had to chime in on this one. I have read this entire thread several times now and I still see no real justification on why you think there shouldnt be xp, but I see at least one REALLY good reason why there should be (twinking). I am an MMO noob so I do not understand all the idiosyncratic aspects of these types of game. That beign said I in no way understand why the hell you care how other people level. Why do you care if I only level via space missions?


    I can not count the ways you attack others for their "lack of logic" misusing terms like straw man, but you in no way make any attempt (whatsoever) to present a coherent argument on why you think pvp only shouldnt be a viable way to level your character. All you do is attack people for wanting to play "PEW PEW" lazer fights. New flash bro, thats what I want to do. I don't care, at all, about any star wars lore.... at all.... ever. All I want to do is hack people to death with a light sabre and playing pvp allows me to do that. So in what way does that affect you. Your entire outlook just seems childish. (and yes I am attacking you as a person)

  19. I want to start off by saying my ultimate goal is PVP dps, therefore I will probably end up playing a tk/balance hybrid when I reach 50, but that is not my question. My question is: is it viable to level as a dps sage, or should I stick with my current seer build? I level 32 and want to switch now so I can get use to playing the dps role in pvp, but I dont know if it will slow down the level process. Also if it is viable to switch now, should I change companions? Currently using Qyzen Fess.
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