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Posts posted by CrazyHippo

  1. Yeah, I can see how there's SOME kind of problem, but I'm not convinced it is a missing quest, personally. However, I did tend to avoid the forums to keep from spoiling the story for myself. The fact that Chapter 3 is still displayed is really the only thing that indicates a bug to me. My final discussion as well as a very "End of Volume" kind of pose suggests to me that I'm done. That and the fact that I was shipped off to Ilum (though that might be tied to the Corellia story and not the class story).


    Wish I could be more definitive for you.


    exactly the same as me. not sure if the story line has been finishe or not. guess time will tell when they get a fix out for this issue

  2. both myself and a friend of mine had problems on tattoine (im a tank, hes a merc dps) we found that it was due to a gear gap, having not geared up the companion as well as we could as well as not having as good as gear for yourselves. i would suggest finding a friendly armourmech to make some gear for you and mako, or check the GTN.

    this solved the problem for us immediately and made a big difference. hope that helps

  3. My preferred style is ranged or mid range which is why i like sniper the most but the cover mechanic i hate. Tried BH, Trooper, Sage just...meh.


    to an extent i know what you mean. i find the sniper very boring in PVE but love it in PVP. whereas i really enjoy the operative in PVE but in PVP i find it a struggle - too much running about trying to stab people, yes im lazy :) . my chars are only low level as they are alts (main is 50 powertech tank spec which i really enjoy in both areas)


    might be worth trying some pvp to see if that improves your feeling towards the classes.

  4. i have the chest piece, helm and the gauntlets. got them on belsavis


    the gauntlets are from the last in the base quest chain and the chest was from a 4+ heroic quest. given by the 2 arguing droids up near the top of the map. love those droids!.


    the helm was from a 4+ heroic quest given from the south western imp base (not the south western most one as thats the lvl 50 daily area)


    sorry i cant be of more use but im at work and cant access the game


    i am hoping to find more pieces as i really like the look, although the helm was a bit of a let down.



  5. i ahve found 1 piece or armour called powered ultrachrome upgrade gauntlets. it was from a regular quest on belsavis. i have now leveled to 50 and was thinking of heading back and doing all the group quests to try and get the other parts.


    but does anyone know if all the other pieces come from this planet as neither torhead or darth hater have any information about where the items can be found.




    im at work so dont have a screenshot, but the gauntlets are a mix of chrome and black.

  6. i personally had an issue with this quest, i am a PT and full shieldtech specced (standard tank spec) i was initially using mako as i have done throughout the game. i found that the heals from both of the enemies was so often that there was no way i could keep interupting both of them often enough to actually burn through their health. i dont do a huge amount of dps and the most damaging ability is melee and the knockback is brutal.


    after about 6 or so attempts i found this post. i summoned torian and had another go. unfortunately the only companion that i had been gearing was mako as shes the only one i used. i got 1 mob to low health before we died. (on the trail was still on cooldown from before)


    i then joined a warzone and then exited back to imperial fleet. i then geared torian with my armourmech in the lvl 49 war gear (green gear all round). i couldnt upgrade his weapon as the only tech staff on the GTN was a mastercrafted one and wasnt cheap.


    i went back to the mission and breezed it. i died after killing the first guard as i hadnt cleared the rest of the ship and they all joined in for a bash the BH session :)


    what i found is that the guards didnt heal anywhere near as often as they did when i had mako out. it may have been me but i only had to interupt 2 heals on the first mob and not at all on the second. i may be wrong but that was the impression i got while doing it or the dps was so much more, or that they were part mimicking what mako was doing


    hope this helps anyone else that gets stuck here.


    note - when i came back some of the mobs had respawned but they all died so quickly that i have now pretty much dropped mako as my companion

  7. Yes not absolutely sure but played a Voidstar yesterday where the opposing team placed a bomb on the door before our team had even exited/dropped down to defend,(and no it wasn't the second round).

    Not sure if this is some uber sprint ability but I can't see how any skill allows a player to do this.

    We were playing against a heavy premade team of 50s on the other side,so it had me wondering.


    I also experienced that same issue. only occured once but it was too late to be able to defend that first door

  8. Yes not absolutely sure but played a Voidstar yesterday where the opposing team placed a bomb on the door before our team had even exited/dropped down to defend,(and no it wasn't the second round).

    Not sure if this is some uber sprint ability but I can't see how any skill allows a player to do this.

    We were playing against a heavy premade team of 50s on the other side,so it had me wondering.


    I also experienced that same issue. only occured once but it was too late to be able to defend that first door

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