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Posts posted by xChroniCx

  1. I run the game on two different computers. With two different accounts I can have both computers run the game at the same time, side by side.


    Computer 1 - 16gb ram 1st gen I7-950 proc with a 'regular' (platter) hard drive


    Computer 2 - 32gb ram 4th gen i7 4770k proc with a SSD


    (different video cards too)


    The load times aren't all that different.


    Even when taking some of my lowbie toons from each account into Black Talon the old computer is only 3-5 seconds behind the new one in terms of starting conversations with the npcs while grouped with each other. After they get synced in the first choice you make, there's no difference at all.


    Generally speaking, some planets just take a long time to load. Hoth, Tatooine...they take forever regardless of your system.


    Out of ALL the variables (number of players in your area, which area you're loading into...etc.) your computer is only a small part of the equation.


    This. No noticeable reduced load times (in this game) when I upgraded to an ssd.

  2. The cash shop is great, I don't have time to do dailies for 30 hours a week to afford the best augments and armor shells I want. I'd much rather buy some packs and sell them (2 hours of irl work compared to 20 in game) and this allows more people to be competitive. Sorry that I want to be competitive and don't have the time to play 40 hours a week. Horrible idea that would make the game worse with even less people to play with.
  3. Some of these suggestions make me lol. Be a little more realistic, I think camo on a 1 min cd and ur reducing 90% damage would be a good start. See how they perform after that and make additional changes if still needed.
  4. The best arena comp is 4 people that know how to play together and adapt to the other team effectively.


    4 scrubs will be completely demolished by 2 smash monkeys, and will die even faster to a good team.


    I seriously doubt that good players will run smash builds in arenas because against any legit competition it is ineffective.


    I have for a while been running carnage on my mara again to get ready for arenas and i get numbers that are pretty strong in comparison to the smashers in the match. Their numbers are higher, but my numbers were what killed the healers. And predation is just awesome for team survival at the right times.


    A well timed ravage>force scream during gore is amazing. Always have played carnage always will. CAN'T WAIT until arenas, just got back in the game after they announced them and I'm already getting bored and probably would have quit again if I didn't have them to look forward to.

  5. If every piece of gear you wear is PVP gear, you will have 2018 expertise. All the PVP sets give exactly 2018 expertise. Expertise no longer has diminishing returns and boosts dmg vs players 60%, dmg reduction 37.5% at the 2018 max.


    The bolster system works by checking you gear to see if it is PVP or PVE, and then bolstering "PVE" items -- adding stats and expertise to get them up to snuff. If a piece of gear has any expertise on any of its mods, it's counted as a PVP item and is not bolstered. Mixing PVE and PVP mods on one piece of gear is the worst thing you can do.


    Damage rating on hilts/barrels doesn't matter in warzones, because it will be bolstered to max (Kell Dragon).


    If a PVE item has better stats (more mainstat, etc.) than PVP items (66+ gear, I think), the PVE item is still bolstered to add expertise, but it is granted less expertise. The idea is that 72 Dread Guard gear will be better than bolstered 50 gear, but still inferior to Conquerer or Partisan.




    Augments are not bolstered, though you still get the benefit. Your war hero gear should be fine -- it's 61 rating, so it will be bolstered to max expertise. You should replace piece by piece as you can though...maybe wait until 2.4, when new gear hits and Conquerer becomes much cheaper.




    Yup. Most of the gear gap in warzones now is the difference between having augments or not. PVE --> Partisan, and Partisan --> Conqueror differences are not big.


    That makes sense, thanks. So I should be replacing the gear I have without expertise on it 1st?

  6. Re-posting this from my class forums since it's getting little feedback and iapplies to more than just marauder.


    Getting back into the game and I'm a little confused with how best to gear with the bolster system. So 2018 is expertise cap, once you hit this number is It ok to mix and match pvp/pve gear? Are pve hilts the way to go once max geared since they have much higher damage ratings?


    I also have full war hero ilvl 61 from when I used to play, should I replace the pieces with expertise 1st since they're messing up my bolster? Do augments effect bolster?


    Right now I'm farming comms not spending any ranked until the patch hits and spending reg comms when im about to cap. I have around 4M from a bunch of green-black crystals I stashed from the Rakghoul event, I'm guessing I should invest in a full augmented set?

  7. You won't reach 2018 expertise you use the highest rated pve hilts.


    Go Power/surge (low str, high power mods, power/surge enhancements).


    Am I better off with a 172 dps hilt and 1900 expertise or 156 hilt with 2018?

  8. Getting back into the game and I'm a little confused with how best to gear with the bolster system. So 2018 is expertise cap, once you hit this number is It ok to mix and match pvp/pave gear? Are pve hilts the way to go once max geared since they have much higher damage ratings?


    I also have full war hero ilvl 61 from when I used to play, should I replace the pieces with expertise 1st since they're messing up my bolster? Do augments effect bolster?


    Right now I'm farming comms not spending any ranked until the patch hits and spending reg comms she im about to cap.

  9. You are pretty much screwed right?


    i have two characters, level 50 and with 55 and 59 valor, but i havent won more then 40 comms in a WZ in like 50 WZ matches.


    Before the Legacy launch i could old my own against every Republic class except for the Smugglers, but not Sents, Smugglers and even sages can Out DPS my Assassin and Sniper, and they can kill me within 4 secs with the Sent hitting me for 5k and 4k like 5 times before i can even get a shot off.


    it seems the classes are a bit unbalanced and Biowares seems to not give a crap, since they get to collect my money anyway and then just give me a automatic response about posting something on the forums, i personly dont like posting on the forums cause there are too many trolls and flamers.


    is there gonna be a change to this skill system or has Bioware gone the way of EA Games and pretty much ****ed us all over for money?




    Lol it's ridiculously easy to get battlemaster gear now.

  10. Hey.

    I hope BW won't make the same idea of how you buy next tier gear after WH.

    I mean like when you have to have the BM gear to buy the WH, cause I already put the WH mods in crafted gear with Augments, and I thrown away the original WH gear (I mean i took out the mods, and thrown out the Robe etc.), which I bought.

    So I hope BW won't make the next tier after WH, cost:

    1 WH Robe and 3200 ranked comms, cause when I put the WH mods inside the crafted gear, I casted the Robe etc. away.


    Lol they most likely will. You might want a gm to restore those pieces you destroyed...

  11. Wow op is delusional. Vanguard is probably the most unbalnced class from 1-49 and you're complauining about maras? Marauders are fine, make friends with a tank class that knows how to taunt or a gunslinger/sniper.
  12. Lmao are you really complaining about snares of all things. .. Have you ever played a melee class? Didn't think so. Only way snares are ever put on resolve is If melee classes are given a cc immunity like snipers have...do you really want that?


    Complain about roots if anything, without snares (that are dispellable) melee would be worthless and everyone would roll casters. Get a clue.

  13. Yeah too many people are all about LOLDAMAGE. I can def see a good pyro merc, madness sorc, and lethality sniper being a marauders bane.


    Undying rage is fine.




    I'm rolling a sniper just for the fun of kiting marauders around like i did against every melee class as a hunter in WoW.


    Sniper...kite...cmon man...

  14. Any tank class or sniper/gundslinger can truin a marauders day, any marauder can ruin a caster's day...I don't see what everyone is complaining about. Sorry you can't queue warzones solo as a healer and not expect to get rolled without guard...not going to change.
  15. Mauraders are op.


    You know you are op.


    You did not amazingly get super skilled over night.


    You can stop telling everyone who disagrees with your buffs to L2P.


    Healing in random WZ's is a NIGHTMARE!


    Hardest class to kill when played skillfully. (well this is debatable with tankasins...)


    (Facts hurt huh?)


    AAaaand with all that said.


    Yea...i have no faith left in you Bioware..this game could have been so much, and you ruined it with sweeping nerfs to some classes, and huge buffs to others. Yes i did unsub, check it and see, I am not a forum crier who makes idle threats, you have lost my money and that of many other players because changes happen TOO SLOWLY.


    You have known mauraders were op for over a month, yet you have not made a single post about them, nor have you toned them down. Operatives were massively op for the first 2 months the game was out. Pvp is horrible right now, unless you play a maurader/jugg/tankassin you might as well stay in your spawn point unless u have a premade. You haven't even so much as put out ANY kind of a plan to improve the horrible state of pvp.


    So goodbye bioware, im done with anything you ever try from here on out. If you can take a game like this that had so much potential and completely flush it, well, i will just keep my money with other companies that actually care about their playerbase.


    Lol do you know what a fact is??? Go google it, you're stating opinions...and no, opinions don't hurt especially not one of a whine adolescent like yourself. Anyways have fun going to play some other game for a mythical company where everything is perfectly balanced. Let me know when you find this fantasy of yours.

  16. Powertechs are by far the weakest damage mitigation out of all three you mentioned.


    They have nothing except Energy Shield every 2 minutes (slightly shorter if attacked and pointed).


    Powertechs are glass cannons and totally different then the other two.


    Lol at a glass cannon in heavy armor...rationalize it any way possible, you will.

  17. When a Trooper/Mercenary uses there defensive bubble I focus another target for 15 seconds. When a Marauder uses his defensive cooldown I focus another target for 6 seconds....o no wait I go write a qq post on the forums.
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