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Posts posted by Injudicator

  1. I really doubt they will remove it altogether. Why even touch it though?


    I'm a casual player and legacy gear is perfect for me, I can level alts and have FUN. But most super active players I've seen have many alts. So what if they have them all geared? They play a lot, let them have fun as well. More players, being online more > livelier game > more new players attracted > more potential subs and cartel pack buyers.


    The main reason to start an alt is if you are a bit bored of your main. So if it becomes a stupid grind to gear up from scratch every new char, bored people will just stop playing for some time.


    Devs have the statistics, let's hope they don't do something stupid :)

  2. I wanted to share my opinion on this (just some random Monday thoughts). I work in the Digital Industry and analytics have become an integral part of our planning and execution process.


    Did you know your every move is tracked within the game? Bioware has exact data and can precisely estimate if a feature is being used, when, by whom and why. That means that they have the perfect data to see if something is a success or not, predict people's behavior and even influence it slightly.


    No wonder we don't get more GSI missions. It's super simple to make a basic feature, test it out and decide whether to continue. That's why Galactic strongholds and Conquest seem rough around the edges. Every digital project is handled the same way: make a basic product/service > pilot it > test out with clients/users > analyse and evaluate how to continue.


    Basically it will be super interesting to BW to see how many people use Strongholds and how.


    Unfortunately this way of thinking actually might abandon features that people love. There can be a vocal community on the forum preaching this or that, but if the numbers don't add up BW would always go in another direction.


    Oh and I forgot to mention, all this is done to support their business model, just some thoughts to help you understand why the game moves in a certain direction.


    What can you do? If you love a feature you can get your friends hooked on it. Protest or support by actually doing or not doing it :)

  3. Planning to re-read all of Timothy Zahn's novels for like the 10th time, because they are amazing!


    Disney may say all it wants, they are canon to me. After seeing the new Star Trek movie, I have no idea how Episode VII will be. Even if it is canon, it might suck big time...but I have my Timothy Zahn's books to always console me.


    We can always ignore it as we do with a certain...hm...special part of Star Wars :D

  4. Unfortunately folks, I feel this is a generation shift.


    I grew up with games that took a lot of effort and time to finish. Now everything is oriented towards customers, ready to pay for content, in-game purchases and what not. I guess the time has come.


    I just worry that the same might happen to Star-Wars. If they turn it into some kind of angsty teen-drama, filled with generic characters, it just might not be our Star Wars and we will relish in the old movies and EU.


    Nothing will make me stop reading Zahn's amazing books and I will continue to regard Mara Jade and Thrawn as some of my favourite characters in the Star Wars universe!

  5. Grand Admiral Thrawn should be Number One. His genius, charisma, ability to rally people and cold blooded analytical skills (top notch) cannot be matched by almost anyone in the Galaxy. He is one of those villain who you can understand and start respecting. He deserves respect and fear.
  6. Risha.




    You won the thread. LOLed so hard :D


    P.S: To answer OP's question: I do all the endgame content in a cycle. Once I get sick of dailies I do FPs, once I get tired from that I switch to PVP, then crafting, then space missions, then help out guildies, looks for cool new looks for my char, do achievements, hunt datacrons, easter eggs and so forth :)

  7. Your point is totally off. It's impossible for all people to think the same way.


    Same as in politics, some hate a party, some love it. It's called free will.


    What usually happens is that either the biggest group or the one that makes most sense is being listened to.

  8. Is it me or casting multiple skills is waaaay better now. Before there was a HUGE delay after I click to cast a skill and it actually starting to cast. It was even worse if I tried to break my first cast with another one.


    It seems so much easier now, I click and the thing starts casting immediately, before even my character's movements would get all weird and for 0.5 the cast wouldn't start.


    Any comments on this?

  9. SIngle stupidest thing ever:


    Yoda telling Anakin: ''Learn to let go of everything you care about''. a.k.a ''Deal with it''


    For 800 years didn't he learn that Jedi can fall to the darkside because of their emotions? So if there is a very emotional Jedi let's not help him but give him a small meaningless sentence to convince him the Jedi Order doesn't care about him...


    Why not deeply discussing what attachment leads to, tell stories of people who have fallen....no let's be preachy and vague...

  10. On what does the experience you get at the end of a WZ depend ? I was getting up to 60k XP from a WZ we lose, while getting around 30-50k from ones we win. Does it depend on the duration of the warzone, comma or ? :)
  11. Crafted armor goes in HK slots they are available for any slot on the body, raid gear armor mods are slot specific.


    I know this works as i have my HK with level 61 armor mods in him, & he is a beast.


    Thanks for the info :) I will start gathering mats and looking for armor mods for him. Seeing him in action is awesome, don't want to level with boring Xalek, who just barely moves his lightsaber and sometimes casts lightning :D

  12. Ever since I got HK, I try to play only with him. The way he uses his skills and owns the mobs is great, he truly moves like a killing machine and really helps me get that assassin droid at my side feeling. He is truly awesome, especially compared to Xalek, who is plain boring wo watch...he moves his sabers slightly and casts lightning occasionally.


    My question is...I hadn't geared HK in a while and tried buying some Columi from him and pulling the mods...well surprise surprise the armoring don't go into his custom armor...What is the best way to gear him? I saw some purple droid armor on the GTN but it didn't have the stats I want for him....


    I am also still wondering whether to go with cunning or accuracy on him, what are your suggestions.


    I really would like to level through Makeb with him at my side, he is just too awesome, I just want to make sure he will be geared correctly.


    P.S: Isn't it just a pleasure to unleash him on trash mobs and just watch him own them in a few seconds...flying all over the place? /popcorn :D

  13. Thank you for the suggestions:


    Currently I heal like this:


    -Before tank jumps i put a bubble on hit and resurgence to tick on him and give me force bending

    -I use mostly dark infusion, because I have high crit and almost always I hit for 5500+ (My bonus healing is about 560)

    -If his Hp starts falling fast I use resurgence and innervate for fast ticks before I use Dark Infusion, so he has a bigger HP margin to last during my 2.4 seconds activation time


    Now for emergencies I'm not sure if it's the best but I quickly put resurgence on him, bubble and then innervate + Dark Infusion or Dark heal if the situation is really bad, then I can put a healing bubble and proceed with more timed heals


    A big problem for me is when the group starts taking damage, I can't heal several people fast enough if all of them are getting burst. Of course it might be the tanks problem that he didn't aggro but in the end it's up to me to save them. What are your tips for emergency healing of people not stacked together for aoe heal?


    P.S: Will post my stats later and we can take a look at them as well :)

  14. I've been mostly missing out on OPs so far, concentrating much more on PVP. I would love to do much more PVE now and take a break from PVP, but immediately I noticed my char kinda sucks at healing.


    What are your suggestions for min/maxing stats and healing rotations? I find it that sometimes if someone gets a lot of burst damage I almost cannot save him in time. My Dark Infusions casts for 2.4 seconds, dark heal is ok but doesn't heal for so much and innervate's channel isn't enough to save them.


    What would your top tips be for me? My char is a Sith Sorc healer with full corruption. Any tips you can give me will be great :)

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