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Posts posted by Healthcover

  1. With due respect to Jeff Hickman and Team Bioware, the statement shows that you do not get the problem. The big issue is not that there is a queue. That's a common occurance. Those of us who haev been online for launches before understand this is part of bring a new MMO online.


    What is not acceptable is to go to the back of the queue when the client crashes. If the client crashes while on a speeder or in a cutscene, it can take several tries to reconnect. It exacerbates the problem. If in a flashpoint, you are completley out of luck. This was a huge complaint during beta testing and it really seems like it is falling on deaf ears



    With all due respect to yourself... CHECK your server status page before you make this crap up. Swiftsure, which is my server said FULL as its pop cap during pre... now it says LIGHT... i am SURE they are working on the server issues mate, so settle the F down

  2. Hello Bioware,


    We as the customer demand better service. That's what drives businesses now-a-days for success; to meet the demands of the consumer. Please get off your high-horse and realize that if the consumer does not get what they demand...AND what they pay for-you are going to simply lose money.


    It just astonishes me that this trend still exists today; don't we all remember what happened to SWG? The devs were not listening to the players and a result, everyone left to WOW and other MMOs. Bioware; the short amount of time I did play was awesome. However, that alone is not going to keep me as a customer. You need to focus now on service, and if you prematurely released the game because of the corporate pressures to bring home the profit for your shareholders...don't do it on the backs of loyal star wars fans that have waited years and big money to get to this point!


    Your number one priority is to address server queues by allowing server transfers and bringing more online.


    Thank you and I hope the force is with YOU to listen to us and make the right decisions.


    Darmanian - Krayt Dragon server



    Dude wait till AFTER release to critize the server ques... they know what the demand is they will fix it... the game hasnt even been released yet, all you are playing is the PRE release... When its all released im sure that it will be resolved.... the vast majority of people who are having a whinge on here sound like 10 year olds who cant get their gaming fix... so what, you got the ability to play the game early on pre release... woopy doo its not like u are paying for the pre release portion


    i would completely understand and support your ranting and raving if this was occuring as a paying customer. but quite frankly this is just usless QQ

  3. It is a Game i payed 140 Bucks for, and it is a game i will have to pay 13 each month if i intend to play it. For Bioware and EA it is substantial because they have to cover immense development costs.


    So if you have it for free, let me know how.



    what i am saying is the game has not even been released yet... i ould UNDERSTAND it if after a week or 2 AFTER release nothing was being done.


    Your argument is invalid as the game is not released, however i can see where you are coming from. I am on Swiftsure and i am sure this is the most heavily populated server. i had a que of nearly 3000 and had to wait 5 hours to get into a game. All i am saying is be patient as the game hasnt even been released.

  4. i can see everyone at bioware reading this just wanting to say 'calm the f**k down' its just a game...


    so CALM DOWN its just a game guys. Its not even released yet and theres QQ all over the place. Give them time to resolve the issue instead of beating the same drum over 100's of pages of GD.


    im sick of seeing people whinge about the QUES... they are aware of it clearly, and they will work on it...


    i could understand if this was 2-3 weeks in to the game and there were no announcements as to what was happening, but honestly the greater portion of you people are carrying on like 2 year olds who want a chocolate

  5. this is PRE release play. The servers have been limited. and sure it pisses me off to have to wait up to 4 hours for the game, but in reality the low pop caps on servers will force people to go to different servers instead of going to the biggest and best....


    I can understand where bioware are coming from... why maintain 2 or 3 high pop servers and have the other 20 or so as low population servers.


    We saw this kind of thing in WoW when BC/WOTLK/CATA was launched that ques were getting up into the thousands, and you had to wait then too.


    Technically the game hasnt even been released, and therefore bioware dont know exaclty how much stress is going to be put on their servers when the boxes start flying off the shelves.


    you're all too greedy and impatient for the game. Its new, let them polish yet, yes not everything is perfect, but id prefer to wait my time for them to iron out the issues.


    Do you want them to increase server pops to the point the server crashes and EVERYONE tries to log back on at the same time?


    i for one dont mind the wait IF it means that the issues will be ironed out in the coming weeks.

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