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Posts posted by kulykat

  1. As a chick, I find the whole tortured soul with a hidden heart of gold (IN FICTION) to be one of my favorite tropes. This is something many chicks would never even consider IRL. Seriously, go to TV Tropes or Fanfiction and you'll find that many of the most popular characters with females are... the bad boys.


    Because it's fiction.




    So. Damn. True.


    We get our badboy kick in fiction, so we don't get kicked by the badboys RL :)

  2. This is what we're all hoping! "consider Zenith my consular's unrequited love interest" ditto :)


    I don't even speak to Iresso...don't want to have to disappoint him...


    I do the same thing. I don't want to talk to Iresso at all.


    My fangirly hormones were going so crazy I ended up starting a fanfic purely to satisfy the need for some Zenith actions! (check it out, it's the only Zenith oriented one on FF.net ... last time I checked)

  3. I'm completely in the romance Zenith camp. I'm not going to exercise my option with Iresso in the hope that someday, with the appropriate update, I'll have a chance at Zenith. If it was real life, yeah, Iresso would be the better choice but this is a game and for a game, Zenith would be much more fun.


    I am in total agreement with you here. I'm waiting for Zenith to be romanceable. I like my sociopathic fictional characters where they're best kept - in fiction. So GIMME!

  4. Is Zenith romanceable in the same way as Corso and others are? In other words, will he show affection or not?


    Well my consular is at Belsavis, level 46, with Zenith at 10,000 affection and so far she hasn't even had a hint.


    So unless he suddenly hurls himself at my consular screaming "I LOVE YOU, TAKE ME NOW" in the next 4 levels ... I don't think he is romanceable.


    Which is disappointing, because I like my sociopathic fictional characters.

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