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Posts posted by Shadowquinn

  1. I love doing flashpoints. I love being the tank. I love a great group. I hate not being able to taunt.


    The reason we need taunt brought down a few levels is simple. Can't keep aggro at low levels with out it. Sure I am a bit old school and think all tanks should have multi taunts and such, but this one we need to have a look at.

  2. The point is not how easy it is to get the info out there or that you don't have to have a twitter/facebook account to read it, the point is a lot of us don't like twitter/facebook and should not have to go outside of this website to get the info that we are looking for.


    So all you tweet happy fanboys can keep tweets. As long as the forum guys/gals get the same info at the same time as you do.

  3. The idea behind Twitter/Facebook is that people can subscribe to the feed and be given the information the exact moment it is released.

    Releasing it on the forums means the person would have to come to the forums and then come to the exact part of the forums and then find the thread and then find the part of the thread that's relevant.


    Also if you wait a few mins they'll also have a thread here on the forums about release.

    If you were here yesterday you'd know the waves are at 2pm/3pm/4pm/5pm GMT and that they WILL have a thread about it..


    That my friend is called DOING YOUR JOB.

  4. Maybe you company guys don't get it, so here let me help you.


    Stop posting all new news on Twitter/Facebook and put it here on the GAME forums FIRST.


    You may not understand this but there is a HUGE following for your game right here on YOUR game website. Yet we have to go outside the forums to get the latest news? Nice way to treat your fan base.


    Post it here first then have fun with your tweet crap and your facesuck. Show some love to the forum guys.

  5. My god if you want some season crap then go back to WOW please. Leave that crap alone. No one wants (ok maybe a few) to see a bunch of hohoho wearing jedi's running around.


    Next you will want a Hutt to wear a santa suit riding in a pod racer pulled by 12 tauntauns.


    Wait that might be cool to see atleast once.

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