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Posts posted by Sarlegant

  1. I have read in this thread about this remaining fan base being solo player biased, because of the exodus caused by kotfe. Perhaps that’s true, however, it is important to remember, kotfe didn’t cause the prior exodus. We can all argue about solo player, mmo player, pve or pvp, even roleplayer, what caused what.


    Yes, as true as it to say kotfe caused an exodus, we could also say the class stories and anything we believe golden about this game, suffered well before kotfe. We can easily revisit the forum posts from any year. It’s as easy as remembering the first server mergers happens before the game was a year old.


    One can say the kotfe was a failed formula for what players like. I can point to the forums and server mergers, and say equally correctly everything prior to kotfe was also failed formula for what players wanted.


    Perhaps the very idea of it costing 200 million and years to write, there was never any possibility of continuing 8 separate class stories at a pace required to satisfy new content needs. I could pick apart those 8 stories, and complain only one of them let me kill the actual emperor.


    I don’t believe returning to the Jedi vs Sith formula is gonna rebound this game. It crashed the first time. However, I am hopeful, returning to that formula, with one class story, perhaps BioWare can rebound. Having the Sith and Empire, along with zombie malgus, while there is no Jedi council, is not a good start.

  2. While I understand these discussions, at this point, it’s time to move along.

    I do understand it’s a mob fest, but I am gonna be selfish here. If BioWare has 12 devs working, I want them working on new content, not bleeding off manhours to rework old content that has been successfully run thousands of times.


    If it’s red, it needs to be dead. Just think of zakuul as a target rich environment. When it’s over, you can then brag about how your walked to school, uphill, thru snow, both ways. We had it tough, now get you some of the same.

  3. Actually, in 2011, this idea that the class stories were meant to be done solo, is false. The story itself, solo, the actual gameplay, very much implied group. Heroic +2, could be done with your companion as the 2nd, and yes with enough gear, you could solo a few of the Heroic +4s.


    Skipping content, meant for a group, is just what a solo player choses to do, to adapt this game into solo.

    This game, is not KoToR 3, it's an MMO named SWToR.

  4. Actually I think the story is confused, going back to republic versus Empire. My pubside toons know Acina dies, Vorwaan however it’s spelled, leads the Empire, Mace leads the Republic. My Empire toons follow Acina, I guess the Republic is leaderless.


    Ossus didn’t fix any of that. It’s one thing to know either Torian or Vette died, whichever one survived, both of their stories likely ended. Except, while that should be true about Koth, fact is Koth got a cutscene, is alive. Theron seems alive too. My point is, they’re not following their own story. And here comes Malgus, again. I was sure he was dead.


    That gives me doubt. Of course, if Maul being cut in half didn’t kill him, surely the fall did, but he lived. Seems it’s just Star Wars in general. Why exactly would I believe Valkorian is dead?


    Who is winning Dantooine? Anyway, I know we could be moving to just another new badder bad guy, but is that worse than just fighting the same old bad guy and second and third time.


    I’d love to see our stories moving forward again. End the alliance, or use it. If the alliance is just gonna defensive posture, then end it. Give me my army, then I will know if Dantooine was won or lost.


    Move forward. KoToR has been milked for all it had. Quit writing this both sides won nonsense. Don’t keep pulling Koth and Malgus on us. Dead or alive, but not both.


    I am looking forward to Onslaught, but I can’t quite get on board this new hope for the future ride just yet.

  5. I solve the problem back in 2007, playing a WoW hunter... the little swiggle key besides the 1 key is pet attack, f key is follow.

    When I prelaunched with SWToR is 2011, I brought those keybinds with me, no need to rewrite muscle memory. I still wish there was a stay or move to... and macros... our comps ain’t half as useful as my old moonstalker cat named Gato.

  6. Normally I try to do a bit of lore, matching class with comps... scoundrel with bowdarr for example.


    Up till a few months ago, my knight ran with T7... a Jedi and his R2.


    Well, I got tired of waiting for Kira’s return.. holding her spot in the starting nine comps. Yes indeed, I do run my knight on ossus with Kira.. maybe BioWare can get the message.

  7. My own technique, much in line with others have said, but to speed the process a bit..


    I usually start with at least 100 of the small tokens... stand on an end, so I can keep 2 machines running, though a couple guides claim you can position to run 4 machines, though crowded days, I just stick with 2 machines.


    There is 1.5 second cool down on clicking a machine, and each machine has it’s on 5 second cool down.. playing two machines basically gives me a roll every 2.5 seconds.


    I usually play the cheap machines until I have 21 kingpins, and keep playing until I hit a fresh feeling lucky buff... then run to a kingpin machine, playing 2 machines alternating to keep them running... running to a machine, and just playing one machine, I’ve had the buff run out before I get a hit...


    Rinse and repeat till you get enough of whatever you’re after.

  8. Ziost, is the puzzle piece I don’t understand.


    We have at least the datacron with dads spirit, to tell us the emp physically travels to zakuul, and nathema.


    That gets us from our absentee emp, to valkorian.


    The problem exists, whom was dark Revan chasing, who escaped yavin, and why did this essence need ziost life force.


    Valkorian was on zakuul the whole time, raising his twins and daughter. I don’t recall a single word stating valkorian was ever absentee.


    The Jedi knight certainly killed something, leading to yavin, Revan, and ziost. So either the emp was there, killed and escaped, or this emp is so powerful as to be in two places at once.


    Now we know we killed valkorian, supposedly, once and for all. But we don’t know we have caught whatever escaped yavin, and empowered itself from ziost.


    That is the essence Scorge is after... out there in the same deepspace Revan and Exile went looking.

  9. it is 8 ships, not 1... the layouts are different, not much room to begin with. So on a list of things I'd want, this is not even on the list. A big investment of Dev time, for something most people would seldom use.


    I'll continue to travel via the Activities portals, or the Map protals.. those take me directly where I'm going, with one cutscene, instead of the ship's several cutscenes.

  10. All nice talk about utopian theories..

    now the reality is, the customer does take note that his drink required extra effort.. first it’s McDonald’s fault, and it’s shared by the customer. The customer living in this world should have checked that his order was correct.


    Of course it’s proper for the employee to offer apologies, and give prompt service to supply the missing drink. Offering a larger size, is up to McDonald’s to decide.


    More reality... if the customer is unhappy, isn’t the actual question.. if the customer had an actual choice, he chose McDonald’s... he didn’t chose jacks box. The next time, he will chose McDonald’s again, and he will ck the bag.

  11. Personal ships are no longer required due to alternate means of travel, however they remain as useful now as. They have ever been.


    Guild ships remain quite useful, for both fast travel via summons, and as gathering places. In fact if more guildmssters got over their need to create art, they could be more useful.


    My main stronghold, Nar, the opening room, is the utility room, with all the venders, mod table, mail, vaults, all the actually useful stuff, in one room. The rest of Nar, is the trophy rooms.


    I am just saying, if my guild stronghold and ship has a utility room, I’d expect more of us guildies would be there more often using it as our personal base of ops, instead of just for the weekly guild meeting. But that’s artsy guildmasters, not BioWare.

  12. I am gonna guess the moment 6.0 goes live, galactic conquest ends, uc is cashed out...

    from level 70 until we reach 75, there is no renown earned, ie no crates dropped.


    It has been stated in yellow dev text, renown begins at 75.


    I suspect there will still be rep tokens, perhaps updated pet drops, as well as iokath and Gemini gear, if your overall ilvl is down in the 230 to 248 range.


    At some point, BioWare has to clock 6.0 mobs and quests around some starting ilvl, generally a lower common denominator.. I would guess that to be 230. Obviously many of us are well above 252 after many months of grinding, however a fresh 70 in September won’t have months to grind. The game flow from ossus to wherever it is we’re going needs to be playable.

  13. I would prefer a story that does advance the timeline, however even that's problematic.

    I'd like a Taris, that reflects I've quested there, solved situations. At this point, I haven't checked, I'd assume Saresh is still Governor, Chancellor, and dead on Odessan, concurrently.


    IF the timeline moved forward, then at this point, Taris would be, at least parts of it, reclaimed, settled, rebuilt, and with no reason for us to be there, ie no baddies to fight. At that point, we'd have to introduce new problems to solve, however once solved, again we'd have no baddies to fight. So we're stuck in time, at least there is some red needing to be dead.

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