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Posts posted by Ygdrasel

  1. Pay attention to the words you're responding to, then. I said that it's the "reality" under debate, it being Star Wars, and you said that it's non-sense and shouldn't be debated. I was giving you the benefit of assuming you got the point of what I was saying.


    If you follow this conversation from its beginning, you will see I was not debating Star Wars as a whole. I was stating that certain pieces of Star Wars canon are nonsensical dreck and thus neither worthy of nor open to debate.


    Why or how you managed to warp the conversation into encompassing the whole of Star Wars is beyond me.

  2. I for one will take Yoda´s word over any.. any day. You can match the dialemma up like this;

    Darkside holds the hydrogen-bomb and they use it at every chance they get.. thats why you have so many references..

    Light side holds the atomic-bomb.. but they have the strenght to never go as far as using it.



    Yoda vs Sidious ( Sidious being the most powerfull Sith ever, being able to enslave a whole galaxy while hiding from a fully operational jedi counsal + drawing "the chosen one" to the darkside ) ... yet still here :


    at 3:46-3:50 you can clearly tell from the look in his eyes.. "Is that all you got *****!?"




    Bit of a nitpick here but his drawing "the chosen one" to the dark side was more a matter of prophecy than his ability. It was from the dark side that Vader would eventually destroy the dark side and "balance" (in quotes because Lucas is clearly uneducated about what the word means) the Force.


    Also, way to exclude America from the light side. Guess now, I really do have to move to Canada... :(

  3. Whether or not you 'buy it', it's canon.


    These aren't just my own opinionated ramblings, they are all things I have read from the canon.


    I know it's from canon. That doesn't really change much as being canon doesn't make it immune to the scrutiny of common sense. When the slightest bit of thought can disprove canon, canon becomes BS. And BS is not a worthy thing to cite in any debate.


    I'm just saying, the canon is really kind of completely stupid (and in this case, nonsensical) sometimes. This is one of those times.



    But in the end, it doesn't matter whether the light side or dark side is stronger because, as presented in the majority of Star Wars material, both are lies. And lies never win anything except when they do.


    they become an extension of the will of the force


    Since when do a magical disembodied force and some blood-swimming microbes with the inexplicable ability to enable harnessing of said force have a will?


    Both sides bend the Force to their will. I've seen plenty of Jedi employ the Force to retrieve their lightsabers, jam doors, and do all sorts of other things that are their will.


    I mean, I guess it could be argued that it was always the will of the force and it aligning with the Jedi's will was always just a really lucky coincidence...But I can't in all good common sense buy that.

  5. The light side ALWAYS wins


    The light side is only "more powerful" and always wins because the average viewer demands a black/white morality (hence Sith and Jedi being shoehorned under those respective labels, despite there being a gray area) and a happy ending (also demanded by the average viewer) requires the "white" side to win. The light side being stronger is more an informed attribute born of media conventions than a fact based in reason.



    If not for it being what viewers (and creators, for that matter) are accustomed to (and thus more reliable/profitable), it would be different. Realistically, the dark side would destroy the light, if only via their lack of restraint in war (Jedi would hold back a great deal of power if, say, civilians were around) and greater powers (via "corruption" of the Force).



    And this is a bit off-topic but speaking of ridiculous media-convention-and-viewer-expectation-induced BS in Star Wars: According to Lucas, "bringing balance to the Force" means eliminating the dark side of it (as Vader inevitably did). Does he not know the meaning of "balance" or something?

  6. The holoterminal, intercom, and escape pods are only used RARELY during *scripted* portions. What's with that? Why even HAVE THEM then?


    A) I would love to be able to use the holoterminal to contact vendors and other important NPCs from the comfort of my ship (provided I'm at the correct planet). Do you know how tedious it is to fly to a planet, exit the ship, then run all over just to find a vendor for a measly armor repair? Do you know how often I have to do this when I'm playing? Just let me use the terminal already!


    B) I would also love to use the intercom to address and instruct my companions. It's such a nuisance to have to land and exit the ship every time I want to send somebody on a crew skill task: Why not allow us to access those menus via the intercom and send companions on missions while we remain in space to do battle for Imperial Fleet Command? I send Khem Val out to hunt for crystals while I blast Jedi talon fighters from the sky. Everyone wins!


    C) The escape pods. Just...So useless. Imagine during space battles, your ship becomes too heavily damaged. Instead of plummeting and crashing to your death or pausing and exiting battle (which breaks immersion horribly), there was an "Escape" option where the game puts you back in control of your character to make a run for the escape pods. Then the pod launches you off to whatever planet you left your ship hovering above, leaving you out in some random area of the planet when it lands.


    D) The chairs in the starship. There are three: One Captain's Chair, two regular chairs on either side. Now what good are three chairs unless you're in a group? Why would you bring a group into the ship even if you were? I would love the ability to assign companions to those seats while the rest hang back in that little room where all of them are currently stashed. Nothing would please me more than having Khem Val sitting at my right hand as I flew through space to destroy Jedi filth.



    None of these are big important features. Most could probably be added in no time at all. It's little details like these that would add that much more immersion into the game. And speaking of immersion...




    E) Bounties. Imagine for a moment: Mike is a Sith. Jim is a Jedi. They come across each other in their travels and Jim beats the everloving *$@# out of Mike.


    Later: John, also a Sith, is in a cantina on Hutta. He sees a bounty board where Mike has posted a bounty. Mike offers a reward of 500 credits to whoever kills Jim. John likes that idea so he accepts the bounty. Jim appears as a marker on John's map. Hovering over the marker tells John what planet to find him on, perhaps even the area of the planet he's in, but not an exact pinpointed location.


    John hunts Jim down from planet-to-planet, finally locates him someplace on Dromund Kaas, and defeats him in battle. John receives an item (some generic form of bounty proof with the defeated fellow's name tacked on) for his trouble. He returns to the bounty board on Hutta and turns in the item. John receives the 500 credits Mike offered when the bounty was posted (if not automatically then perhaps attached to some mail, with a customized message from Mike).


    Now that one adds to the immersion and, for players so inclined, offers a roleplay aspect. And, for vindictive sadists (such as myself), it offers a neat and immersive method by which to take one's vengeance upon saber-happy Jedi scum. :)

  7. Lucerna, Cyborg Sith Marauder: She never wanted to be thrown into Sith politics, but it was that or die, so she figured she may as well survive to do as much good in the empire as she can. She treasures every life she can save, and mourns every one she can't. When confronted with other Imperials, she tries to put up a gung-ho "Hail Empire!" front, but in reality she's naive about political maneuvering. What keeps her going is the knowledge that she can do little bits of good in the empire, and that if she keeps on rising in power she may be able to change the empire for the better. In my head, she sleeps with a plush vinecat as a pillow.


    Melodyous, Twi-lek Sith Inquisitor: Mel very much likes staying alive, so he is usually resistant to dangerous missions. He also has an understanding that other people like staying alive too, so he avoids needless violence. He is a big flirt but takes every fling to heart. He is also eccentric and easily distracted by anything that looks interesting and not deadly. He is a bit selfish and loves presents and respect, but he won't sacrifice others' lives to get them.


    The rest of my characters aren't very well developed yet. ^^;



    Ooh. I like Lucerna there. Are you on a good RP server? :p

  8. My Sith Inquisitor is called "Malthius". The name was randomly invented in my head (as far as I know) because I wanted something that sounded Sithy. He was a pureblood Sith (the race, not the Order) in the days of the Sith Order's beginnings when being pureblood was considered a weakness. After years of oppression due to this, he discovered blueprints for a stasis-inducing technology (the same mechanism he would find Khem Val suspended in far later in time) and constructed the device in hiding. He then deliberately suspended himself in stasis to await a future where his kind would not be oppressed as weak simply based on blood. At some point far in the future (centuries if not millenia), the device was damaged and he was released from stasis only to be enslaved during an Imperial invasion. Forced into training as a Sith acolyte, he grew to embrace the Sith philosophy as it was based on the merits of true power, not merely blood heritage. He now serves the Empire as a loyal Sith Lord under the guidance of Darth Zash, his ultimate guiding principle being the core of Imperial doctrine: "The powerful will reign. The weak will die." (Most depressingly, I did not think at the time to create this character on an RP server. This has led to numerous "Stop Having Fun Guys" acting like total *****s when I choose to immerse myself.)


    As far as dialogue choices...Well, as an in-game example: There is a quest where a man suspects his wife of being a traitor to the Empire. When you confront her, she claims that he is merely acting out of malevolence because she had an affair, and that she did not know her on-the-side lover was a spy as he only said he was a pilot. While this may be true and she was NOT a traitor, she was still very gullible and put Imperial operations at risk by giving away blueprints and plans. As they say, "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link..." - While perhaps not a traitor, she was a weak link in the chain. A potential fault in the Empire. So she died. And do not think I killed her simply for the Dark Side points: I spent a good five minutes of real-time debating my options. In the end, killing her still suited Malthius' philosophy. Also, Malthius generally avoids being attached as it creates distraction, but he did flirt a lot with Darth Lachris, though it ended safely in a simple walk on Balmorra and discussing of Imperial strategy.



    My Bounty Hunter is a man of unknown name and origin. What little is known is that in his past, he suffered a terrible burning accident in the line of duty. He was saved from death by a more merciful Sith Lord than Malthius. This incident left him visibly disfigured (his facial features bear heavy scarring). The scarring was so bad on his head that the hair no longer grows in properly, leading him to simply shave it in a sort of tribal style (it's the one like cornrows but...not quite) in order to maintain some look of neatness. In addition, the damage to his jaw was so severe on one side it left him incapable of using the muscles. To compensate, he had cybernetic implants wired into the right of his jaw to allow proper function (speech, eating, etcetera). Out of respect and honor for the Sith that saved him from death, he took on the name Kaas in homage to the Sith HQ planet Dromund Kaas. Despite this honor-bound Imperial alignment, his only lasting devotion is to currency. As a bounty hunter, whoever offers more credits at any given time holds his allegiance and his alignment often sways based on this, though Imperials tend to line his pockets more often than the Republic. If credits are up for grabs, he can seem unfriendly and cold in his no-nonsense efficiency but outside of financial situations, he's a laid-back sort of guy. His guiding principle is clear: "My loyalty to the highest bidder." (Also depressingly, while I did originally create this character on a PVP-RP server, it was not a good quality server, so I just remade him on the same server as Malthius)


    As far as dialogue choices...Well, another in-game example: In a starter quest on Hutta, Kaas was offered credits to kill a rebel Evocii calling himself Huttsbane who was creating trouble by killing off Hutts. When the rebels were confronted, they swore he would end his killing ways if I only turned away and let him live. Again, I was conflicted here...Until I noticed: They never offered me CREDITS to turn the other cheek. But Nem'ro DID offer credits for Huttsbane's head. So Huttsbane was killed. Again, it was not for dark side points: In fact, a great deal of my difficulty with the decision was not wanting Kaas to be too one-sidedly dark. But in the end, the choice fit him. Kaas also flirts quite a bit, being generally laid-back unless credits are involved. He has a thing for Twi'leks in particular, efficiently delivering heads to Nem'ro the Hutt one minute, chatting up his receptionist the next.



    So those are my characters. I actually rolled Kaas when I was growing a bit tired of Malthius but I have since re-immersed myself in my delightfully sadistic Inquisitor.


    If anyone knows of a decent RP-oriented server or a good RP-oriented guild, please let me know. Malthius is already in the lvl 20s so it's too late for him. But Kaas is only lvl 6 and I would so gladly delete and remake him (and any new characters) on a quality RP server to suit my character-immersing ways. People on the server I'm on are just such ******es about it.


    (My levels are still fairly low as I forgot to maintain funds in my Paypal for the monthly subscription fee but I have recently alleviated this potential oversight by switching to the six-month plan.)

  9. What normal MMORPG camera feature are we talking about? SWTOR has a similar camera system to other MMOs that I'm aware of.


    Every other MMO uses the mouse to control the camera by moving the cursor in the desired direction, not the arrow keys.


    I actually found this thread while looking for a way to do exactly that because the camera system SWTOR uses is moronic.

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