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Posts posted by Seregul

  1. Funny, I find that re-rolling, YET AGAIN, is a symptom of OCD. Unsubbing after all this lack of content and communication, is a purely logical response.


    I am currently still on the OCD side it seems... but am getting really, really close to the logical response and just unsubbing from this mess. :)


    When I say re-roll I'm referring specifically to re-rolling on a new server after your original server dies. But of course YMMV.

  2. It's the difference between a problem solver and a problem victim. Please don't suggest to me that someone put so much time and effort into a character in 3 months that they couldn't bring themselves to re-roll on a new server to improve their experience by tremendous amounts, unless they honestly only intended to ever play this game for 3-6 months total. Otherwise, the entire argument falls flat on its face.


    For anyone who came to this game to play for many years, 3 months is nothing. NOTHING.




    Re-rolling is a purely logical response. Getting frustrated and un-subbing is primarily an emotional response. In my experience, people will respond with their emotions more often than not. Expecting otherwise is great fuel for righteous indignation and might even help you get laid in an Ayn Rand booster club or something, but that's about it.

  3. It's a shame if so many players are becoming such fragile snowflakes that they'd choose the option to leave rather than fixing the situation, but this has been legislated over and over again on these forums ad infinitum.


    I just transferred to a more populated server back in March, and continued having a wonderful time with the game. Too bad more didn't choose the same alternative...


    You didn't transfer, you re-rolled. Calling people fragile snowflakes for not doing the same as you might make you feel better about yourself, but it doesn't counter any of the points the person you quoted made. And in my opinion he's right, the low pop situation probably caused more people to leave than anything else. Having been there myself, I can completely understand why a person might come out of that thinking this game isn't worth the sub.

  4. One way to get these tools in a more positive light is to stop calling them damage meters. They are useful for far more than just seeing damage. And my hard mode EC guild does not throw people out based on damage. We're far more critical on unecessary deaths. :) We use Mox and Ask Mr. Robot (and dpsmeters.com when it existed) in constructive ways.


    All that being said, we primarily use it to analyze boss damage to the player and for learning the names and average damage of those boss abilities. What I would like is something like Recount Death Tracker, which showed you the last few hits the player took before dying. I found it really difficult to analyze this sort of thing without a proper tool.


    Probably impossible, seems like most people use things like Recount strictly as a DPS meter.


    Great stuff so far guys, you haven't missed a beat since this past Spring. Continue to tell me how objective feedback turns you into an untrustworthy automaton.

  5. As an old wow raid leader starting from back in the days of AQ40, MC, BWL to current content( untill I put wow on hold until MOP comes out.) I can tell you without a doubt I would take the raider who has the best raid awareness, which is much more valuable than sheer dps/hps numbers. I don't care if you can put out about 100K dps, if you stand in stupid and die every pull your not needed, dead dps is no dps.


    Case in point, had a DK in my raid group in wrath who was always dead last on recount, and i wondered why untill I made it a point to watch him during a ICC raid, to see what he was doing wrong.


    I played my ranged toon instead of my tank on that run so I could zoom out and see the whole fight area clearly. This little DK was working his behind off, he was all over the place peeling lose mobs off the clothies and kiting them back to the offtank and tank, he was interrupting every time, even if he wasnt asked to just to make sure it wasn't missed., he was running back to the healers putting down anti magic zone to shield them during aoe. he was giving up a great portion of his dps to make sure bosses went down healers stayed up. he was horrible dps but more than made up for it by being raid aware. so to sum it up a meter just tells part of the story there are so many more variables than just those numbers.


    Proper use of meters would have shown you all those things. You use the tool improperly, and then accuse the tool of being deficient. PEBKAC.

  6. I know the fans will come in and say... well its an expansion, of course we should pay extra for it. Sorry but 1 planet and a 5 level increase is not an expansion. Its a way to justify milking more money. This is the type of content that we should have gotten all along.


    Good post. If they are reconsidering the purchase price of Makeb it is possible that the amount of content that will be coming with the Makeb update is much more than they had originally planned.

  7. the issue is not the unsociable group, its the whole i "dont care about other, since i wont see them again anyway" mentality that was created with the WOW cross-server lfg, which Bioware doesnt want in their game. (source: Daniel Erikson, Guild summit)


    Making the system cross server would probably not work, since you just add the same amount of everything and end up with almost the same ratio of tank/dps/healers, for example:


    server 1

    10 dps

    1 tank

    1 heal


    server 2

    11 dps

    1 tank

    1 heal


    server 3

    9 dps

    1 tank

    2 heal


    Ratio stay about the same, but i think you get the basic idea.


    Since cooking numbers to reach a desired outcome is the new hotness, I'll try it myself. My numbers are just like yours except server #2 has zero healers queued. Do you get the basic idea?

  8. "Hey bro, did you hear SWTOR is F2P now?"


    "Cool, maybe I'll give it another shot, what server are you on?"


    "Bastion, but that doesn't matter because it's a sub only server. You'd have to roll on the free account only server."


    "Wow that's really *********** stupid, wanna play something else?"


    "Heh, yeah okay."


    On the other hand it might be a good idea just to keep the people with free accounts away from ******es like the OP.

  9. Remember a comment made by an "anonymous" BioWare employee on a Massively Joystiq article (extra source)?


    Well it's in the spoiler. It's definitely something you should read.


    I know many won’t believe me. but, I work at Bioware. best part for me is coming here to read fans replies. I won’t tell you much and I don’t care if you believe me. So here is “what’s” going on were I work.


    If you havent noticed the interviews we had given sometime back had been removed. mainly, the interviews that gave it “away” that we are looking at adding F2P model. we are indeed adding free to play to the game. now the best part for me is anonymity I have that allows me to be open.


    We will have mainly have a “fluff” shop for the new direction with F2P. but much of the legacy system will have the option to purchase those “perk’s” (the main reason credit cost are high to slow progression until we patch F2P) as well many parts of the game will have new content that requires you purchase are type of “coinage” from the cash shop so you can buy the access to “special” content/quest. now new companions will also be in the shop. but due to us getting down sized and the staff changes a small team is working on these F2P changes.


    I don’t want anyone to be upset by this. but many of these changes had been in the “planning stages” for many months since the sharp drop in subscribers. many parts of the game will cost money to access. for example you can unlock the new “cathar” race in your legacy. but buying the unlock, it will cost 10$ US


    So we are all pretty upset here. we know Daniel and Jimmy many more are next round of layoffs. EA blames us and to some extent they’re right to. but it was fan feedback from the day we opened the forums that encouraged us to design it for the fans the way it is and that included making it more like Kotor then an MMO like Wow. Also from what I have heard in the halls, Starwars Galaxies was shut down due to the fact are talks with LA,EA suits ecouraged the new guy at LA to increase the licensing fee at renewal time. it was a move to remove any direct competiton to TOR.


    Sorry guys gotta go but be good to each other.


    To view it on the Massively Joystiq article, you'll have to scroll down some near the end of the page.


    Anyways, this "anonymous" employee posted this just a couple of days before F2P was announced. Even former BioWare employee Stephen Reid had something to say about it on Twitter (Tweet is in the "extra source").


    I cannot believe it but this guy wasn't the troll many thought to believe after all!


    Sorry BioWare, but you guys have lost all credibility and a lot of my respect.


    What's done is done.

  10. You are not a realist. He is not a realist for autoassuming a company would lie. That's being a skeptic, a pessimist, or maybe even jaded.


    I had to unignore you just to see your post. I didn't have you ignored because you're a "realist".


    Is pointing out that WoW plays a tad loose when it comes to counting subs being a realist?

  11. No, it encourages bad behavior by providing no consequence by need rolling gear other people need like a toolbox because you "need the credits". The devs might be ok with it but the playerbase isn't. That whole line is a ******** argument and you know it. You are right though, bad behavior is already here but it's tempered with the fact that if you get a bad reputation on the server it will stay with you and no one will group with you or let you in a guild.


    Ninja looting does exist, and always will exist.


    It's the random nature of the LFG tool that removes accountability, not whether or not the queue is same server or cross server. There is nothing you can do to prevent someone from using the LFG tool after they have behaved poorly in your group. You can put them on ignore for yourself, but that isn't unique to a same server tool. Any notion of blacklisting someone on your server due to their behavior is just authoritarian fantasy.


    Considering RWZ's lack cross server queuing I'm inclined to believe that BW simply can't be arsed to develop that functionality.

  12. Perhaps not however, various gaming magazines and forums do report on the views espoused on these forums, this in turn becomes part of the information absorbed by potential new players and it is in this way that the playerbase is influenced.


    They don't have to read these forums directly to be influenced by them.


    Can someone point me in the direction of the "This Week in SWTOR General Forum Banter" Podcast?

  13. Historically the surest way to ensure the U.S. economy tanks is to have politicians talk negatively about the state of said economy. It's been shown many times there's a one to one relationship in that regard.


    The same principal applies to this game. You want to ensure this game continues to decline just keep posting all these 'the game sucks', 'this game is too far gone', 'I'm done, I quite because of X' etc. type threads. This will ensure any prospective new players will stay away and keep any more infusion of improvements by Bioware at bay.


    Sheesh people, ever hear of the self fulfilling prophecy? A bunch of you negative nates are sure helping to make it happen.


    Enough already. I'd like to see the game continue and get better.


    There aren't enough people viewing these boards to have any influence on the opinions of the entire playerbase.

  14. no not really,people who deliberately drive fast cars at maximum speeds down back country roads rarely look at the meter...its more about the adrenalin rush


    tools dont make the man...chimps got ahold of bone clubs and look where we ended up?,o nthat note,tools certainly dont make a man better


    and on your second to last point...under that logic i could say the dwindling numbers of pirates since 1827 has directly caused global warming,as if the pirates were regulating atmospheric gases



    its a scientific principle, "correlation does not imply causation",look it up


    also,im more with those guys you mentioned that you dont like....given im not usually that brash.....but when im gaming,there is only one speed,MY SPEED...im sure alot of other gamers feel this way


    when i fight,i fight with maximum force....i wont hold back just so some walking brick can get there jollys hitting an enemy with a wiffle ball bat


    you would know this if you got into pvp on a regular basis (i myself prefer dead space 2 multiplayer...on the map with the shockwave mine)


    What the hell are you talking about?

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