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Posts posted by Sith_Lord_Revan

  1. Well seeing as Inquisistor is the only 50 I don't have I think I might push through the last 10 lvls and make them a 50 too but not because of this. I've been an Op since launch regardless of how much we get nerfed we adapt and persevere, is it easy, No, is it fair, No, but we manage anyway.
  2. Its a Jugg problem not a Assassin problem, I run Powertech and routinely hit 400-500k dmg in a Hybrid spec. Perhaps with the changes from 1.2 you Juggernaut players will see an increase in damage.

    Though on a side note you'll find Jugs and Powertechs will generally survive significantly longer then there tank assassin counterparts.

  3. Another curious BH looking for help with gear, I've looked through Torhead without much luck so I thought I'd ask Here. Is there any armor that resembles Jango Fett (I've seen Boba styled armor) or the Deathwatch? Failing that are there any decent sets of the lvl 40 pvp styled gear in Darker colors, Preferably grey and blue? I've just reached Hoth and my current styled Blue Mando armor isn't keeping up with my level.
  4. Ah where to begin, a Week or so ago I finished off my Marauder, Now he's at 50 and sitting in Half Champ gear I don't really feel like continuing that character. Since launch I tested a Myriad assortment of the other classes, A Powertech at 32, A Commando at 27, A Jedi at 16 and my current main class an Operative at 29.


    Now I have a decent understanding of the ins and out of PvE & PvP and since my Commando is a dedicated Healer and my Agent a Melee DPS I want a full fledged ranged DPS.So can you Smuggler players give me an Idea of the Class?




    - Hows the story Hold up? Better than X or Worse then Y?

    - How is leveling with Gunslinger, Difficult/Easy?

    - How do most of you find yourself performing in Pre-50 PvP and Post 50 Pvp?

    - Do Gunslingers hold up well in endgame Raiding/Ops

    - What are the general Builds?

  5. Believe me 90% of the Agent and Smuggler playerbase will be singing a different tune tomorrow, I started a Gunslinger yesterday but since you said you previously played Commando I'd still recommend Scoundrel, (I play Operative, Same class different package) its a completely different experience to static gun platforms with its own tricks and tactics.

    Despite the incoming Nerf I'll continue playing Op/Scoundrel, inevitably the class will be re balanced and until then the community will find new effective ways of playing the class.


    If however you loved the whole idea of Hunkering down and blasting away from long distance then maybe Gunslinger is for you.

  6. For a Marauder I have a relatively small rotation:


    Level 50 Rage spec':


    - Force Charge

    - Battering Assualt

    - Force Crush

    - Pop Relic

    - Pop Stim

    - Force Scream

    - Force Smash

    - Then Spam Force Choke/Crush and Slams


    Then either Vicious Throw or Force Camo depending upon the outcome of the Opening.

  7. Its easy if you don't mind being cheap, I'm specced in Rage and was lvl 50 upon trying it, I basically took Vette out (For the First time since Balmorra) bought her a chestpiece/implants/etc and a pair of 500dmg pistols from the GTN.


    Took me two attempts to get it right but I just basically ran circles around him casting force crush, then popping every defensive/offensive CD when he attacked Vette and dealing tons of burst damage so he would switch back to me and repeat the process.

  8. Normally i'm a hardcore Imperial player, I run a 50 Marauder, 35 Powertech, 30 Operative and 20 Sorceror, So you get the picture. But after touring Illum for a while and the general consensus on the forums leads me to believe the Republic is becoming rather under-represented.

    So now I'm going to run a Commando to try something new, He's already lvl 11 and I just wanted to ask you guys a few things.


    * Though Commandos use cannons can we use rifles? If so I expect it is significantly less effective than the cannon?


    * I hear the worst aspect of the Trooper is the storyline, Is it really horrible?


    * Is there any full sets of Dark grey armor or black?

  9. I'll make it simple, Any Orange grade leggins will do, It doesn't matter what class there for as long as you can equip them just replace the mods with strength and endurance ones.


    For example I'm wearing the Lvl 40 Imp Agent pants with SW mods

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