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Posts posted by Gunmanblues

  1. I'm running 2 x 1gb Gtx 460s in SLI . Runs every current gen game on ultra . BF3 maxed (with a decent overclock ) .


    But best of all i have never encountered any stability or video errors when the cards are standard . No video card based issues with any games over the 18 months that i have had them in .


    Great card if you just want to play tor now . If your interested in other games being released in 1 - 2 years . Spend the money and get something decent . 1 gig GTX 560 would be a barebones starting point , a 580 would be desirable for longevity .

  2. at least you have the option to change to any us west server and can still play with other people in your timezone . Oceanic players cant , we have 3 options .


    The Harbinger

    The Swiftsure

    The Jek Jek Tarr


    that's it . Rolling on another server dooms you to playing prime time alone with no one else and no hope of playing through end game content as the server is dead during our prime time . Surely you must recognize that you are not the one being hard done by here .

  3. @OP its quiet amusing reading your multiple angry replies to people that dont agree with your point of view .


    We are not going anywhere , the more you whine about it the more we will harden our resolve to stay on the swiftsure .


    We will have this server with or without you on it . But feel free to keep posting i can use the humor after the day i have had .

  4. Dear SWTOR community .


    We aint going nowhere mate .


    We are here to stay.


    We will ride out the ques.


    We will remain.


    This server will be ours along with The harbinger and The Jekk Jekk Tar.





    One small voice in the SIGNIFICANT oceanic population .

  5. ?

    They will inform you they they tried to deliver, and usually leave it at the local Post Office. I believe you get 2 of these attempts. They also only hold it for 5 days too.


    2nd reminder not required . As soon as i see this puppy ill be camping the post office .


    cheers for the info guys . May you all get your hard copy's soon !

  6. I agree kandor , I have a nice big pint of cold cider in front of me and i got to say its very pleasant having a drink reading a civil and somewhat entertaining thread with a bit of good news in it .


    After release i too hope that a lot of the drivel and negativity is kept out of the forums but i think the opposite will be the case. Heares hoping tho

  7. Crazyfalco i am going to have stop reading your posts mate , hell going to stop looking at this thread .


    All this talk of shipping dates being moved up and maybe getting it before christmas is not doing my giddy intoxicated state any favours at all .




    Bioware can not deliver on its promises it just cant ...can it ?

  8. My best experience of Melbourne was getting stuck in a traffic jam for 2 hours then stopping at a petrol station to ask directions where the ferry to Tasmania was...

    I was told "there's no port in Melbourne"....

    I stopped at a post office and got a map then got stuck for another couple of hours getting there ^^


    Melbourne isn't on my favorite places to visit list :p


    Man any tourist that comes here and only goes to Melbourne or Sydney is missing out bigtime . I love melbourne tho because of its bars and the cricket at the G ! I live in Perth tho , Most isolated city in the world by distance but is clean as a whistle and has some of the best weather in the world .


    It has unfortunately ...no copys of SWTOR .

  9. I have worked all over Australia (I FIFO to mine sites). Spent many a day fishing alone on untouched beaches off the north west coat , absolute paradise .


    BUT !


    Because i live here and this is normal for me AND because this is the internets i reserve my right to whine about not getting my copy for 3-5 days after release .


    .......While i will be having xmas with my family and busier than a one armed bricklayer from Baghdad anyway .

  10. You live in a tropical paradise. Stop complaining, because we who live in a frozen tundra get things quicke



    You have never been to Australia have you ? 1% paradise 139% Dirt , Deadly animals and lots and lots of nothing .


    Still , wouldn't swap it for quits .

  11. he problem will be the subscription though, as time cards only launch on the 20th and more likely than not swtor won't accept red zone CCs


    I dearly hope that common sense prevails and they don't block Australian/redzons credit card addresses . I will be one amongst thousands that will be stuck with a game they have brought and cant pay for .


    I doubt that our local stores would be stocking time cards and not the game itself until it is released here and i would rather not use some 3rd party online site to buy cards as that represents an unnecessary risk .


    All this begs the million dollar question . Why in the name of Zeus's butt hole wasn't it released globally in the first place .

  12. i was there for rift . 14 hour ques for servers to be DC'd after a 5 min log in .


    No timer on the character screen with people leaving their accounts logged in to skip the massive ques .


    But as far as launches go i agree , smooth . Shame about the game tho .

  13. Have some patience people , have a sleep , go see a movie , get a job (stretching here i know ) or see some family and friends out there in the RL before launch .


    A large portion of you have been there for MMO launches in the past . NONE of them ever go smoothly . Stop kidding yourself that Bioware/EA are the badguys here .


    Patience young padawans .

  14. Great post !


    I applaud your your effort and i too wish to extend some holiday cheer to the folks that put so much effort and time into developing this great game (A MMORPG with actual RPG elements !?).


    As i am in the redzone and pre ordered late i will only get a day or too access and likely wont get my hardcopy until the new year .


    And you know what ....thats fine BECAUSE its Christmas and family for both many gamers (not to mention the folks at bioware/ea that also have family's) is far more important !


    Merry Christmas!

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