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Posts posted by Qwurdilu

  1. Wish I could find it but sharpshooter was showing really below average dps, maybe second worse on Bant's numbers. Viable...maybe but barely.


    You cant translate bants numbers to pvp, you arent going to do 9k dps in a warzone, are you?

  2. You know they won't just nerf engineering spec if past examples are to go on. They'll nerf some sniper class ability that ever spec uses just to make engineering less powerful. Then realise that engineering is still annoying too many people and nerf plasma. But the damage will be done by then because the class nerf will probably just end up making none of the specs viable.


    definately sounds like a classic bioware. :o




    Lets all just agree that single target slows should be more effective than multi target /aoe slows, and that any ability with a slow that is also spammable should be drastically less effective.


    If they don't end up giving plasma probe a cooldown, then a 25% slow on 8 m radius aoe seems fine. If they do give it a cooldown (9s) then 50% seems fine.


    Id go for 30% to be in line with other dps aoe slows, such as virulence (obviously the most comparable), dotmerc, operative or sorc (when skilled).

  3. Well since it doesnt respect global cooldown anymore, you could effectively bubble others just the way you use taunts, so it can be seen as a buff. But it would require waaay much more skill than now.


    meaning it doesnt respect a global you have 1 additional more offensive global cooldown every 20 seconds avaible, thats a pretty huge dps gain

  4. Static barrier is a powerfull tool. While thinking about how to improve sorcs gameplay i came up with this idea and im excited to hear what you think about it:


    Static barrier doesnt respect the global cooldown anymore, it goes on a 20 second cooldown once used. This is obviously for dps sorcs only. Healing sorc should reamain the functionality on live.


    If another sorc applies a barrier onto you, you still get the effects from the utilities you skilled.


    The idea behind those changes is to buff dps sorcs defense, while changing its ability to offheal, so that he can offheal lessoverall. Imho dps sorc is in a bad place now and needs some work. However, once its viable again, its offhealing potential due barrier might become a problem again.


    What i really like about this change is that it would increase skillceiling. Now forcebarrier wouldnt be something you spam prefight on everyone, you actually need to have a very good decision making on who and when you apply it.

    Also those skilled sorcs who already bubble a teammate in need midfight would get the benefit of not needing a global for that.

    It will also lower the skillfloor, since those who are not as good in watching buffs/debuffs can just watch the cooldown on it to know when they can use it again on themself.


    What i also like about this change is that when under pressure, you dont have to spend a full global cooldown every 20 seconds for your barrier. That would greatly increase QOL of dps sorcs.


    It would also allow for new utilities/talents. Madness for example could get a 5 second cooldown reduce on barrier.

    Or we could merge the reduced cooldown to an existing utlity, the advantage here would be that only dps speccs could benefit from it, so the allready overpowered healing specc would receive no further buff.


    What you think about it?

  5. Let me just add to the topic.. parsing doesn't represent class potential in pvp


    Thats what i just said the post above. A class strenth isnt determined by its pupetparse potential, and thus buffing sorcs dmg will do nothing.

    Sorc needs some help against interrupts and ability pushback, the same way mercheal needs help. And no, you repeating for the thousands time that sorc already has good defense wont help. Mercheal has godlike defense and still struggles. Its the ability to perform under pressure that determines a class strength in pvp the most, and sorc is by far the worst there.


    As a contrary, marksman is barely parsing more than sorc, and while parsing not even bursting higher than a sorc. However in pvp he doesnt suffer ability activation pushback, is immun to leap and interrupts (!) and good enough defenses to not change position immidiately when attacked. Hes basically freecasting.

    Sorc is basically allways on the run, trying not to get any focus.

    Thats whats need to change slightly. Im not advocating to make sorc into another turret, but he needs some help to work under pressure


    And now thats my point, we dont need to buff sorcs damage values, because theyre already as good as snipers (or close). We need to buff sorcs potential to perform under pressure. This is going to be the last time i write that, if you still dont get why i mentionend the parses, i cannot help you any further. I just pray bioware will understand. Did i just say bioware might understand? just realized how stupid i am



    As for specific ideas:


    The duration of the lvl 64 talent (3% dmg reduction per stack lightningbolt) needs to be increased to 20 seconds. That buff falls off way to often in pvp. (we could also add 3% range melee defense to it, but that could be too much)


    Beeing interrupted makes your next mind crush activate instantly


    Reduce pushback from lighntin bolt by 100% (currently 75%)



    a talent that gives flat 3% dmg. reduction, plus 5% healing received



    utility: unnatural vigor (currently giving 15% dmg reduction for 6 seconds on unnatural preservation and reducing its cd by 5) remove the reduced cooldown and make it last 10 seconds instead

  6. Probably because you make it personal in the way you word things. If you didn't I would happily argue with you all day. But as soon as you make it a personal attack I will no back down first.


    probably learning english mainly through online gaming made me sound harsh :D my apologies, i really never meant to insult you, and i honor your effort. There were some pretty usefull posts for new players.

  7. Removing the slow seems harsh but something has to dramatically change. Right now its just over the top.


    Wouldnt hurt the class to much. Remember that marksman and virulence are perfectly viable, and they dont have such an awesome slow. Its a world first anayway to have 3 speccs viable for teamranked, never in the history of swtor has that been true to another class. Even if they overnerf engi (which will likely happen, we all know they cant balance reasonably) sniper would still have two viable speccs.

  8. So you thought you'd just jump in and troll people who disagree with you.. real mature.. it will be funny when all the posts get removed and it will be like you didn't even exist... glad to see you go


    im not trolling you, really not. in OP you wrote in capslock to only mark healers. I think thats not something a new player should read. Therefore i critized your whole thread. Seeing your last post that is a whole lot more moderate, i can agree with that.


    I dont see though why each time i critize your your ideas, you go madman and call me a troll. As others have stated i have a valid point, deal with it.

  9. You know what, you're weak... it was meant to be offensive.. so be a man and don't hide behind "no offence"


    no its not offensive, because im not attacking you on a personal level, i attack your ideas and your arguments.

  10. or even thankful to people who do that and risk getting banned for it.


    No problem, sub runs out tomorrow anyway, so if they choose to ban me, they may :)

    Until then im gonna spam them, not gonna quit this the quite way

  11. How can anyone take you seriously when you start making these "fake news" threads like the ones in the general section to troll or to get attention like a child all because Eric is ignoring you.


    Thats the third consecutive post where you add nothing to this discussion else but trying to mock me. Reported :rolleyes:

  12. .Why people would use PVE parses to validate their opinions are beyond me.


    I didnt say pve dmg of sorc is good, so it must be good in pvp. My point is something else.


    Every class right now has enough dps potential on a pupet. thats what i wanted to prove by the parse.

    The vast differences in performance for pvp result purely from uptime, interrupts, ccs.


    Given the uptime, even Rage jugg could be a lethal character. The problem is it lacks a lot of defensives, it dies too fast. Thus it lacks uptime.


    The classes currently excelling, all have super good uptime. Sniper for its range, and cc immunity, marauder for its incredible movement (and immunities) and merc with its defensives can pretty much facetank a lot, resulting in good uptime aswell.


    Due to class mechanics, sorcs lacks the potential to deal consistent dps while pressured. For sure you can survive everything, you bubble, phasewalk, forcesprint to break LOS. But that will result in your dps to drop. Nothing will change if we, the community, ask for a burst buff. If sorc deals 20% more damage while freecasting (which would make this class toptier in pupetparses &pve) this class would still be unable to compete with mercs, snipers and marauders in pvp.



    Lets not repeat the same mistakes as for mercheals. This forum craved for defensives buffs, while the experts of those class never wanted that. They asked for more protection against interrupts, especially for more mechanically efficient aoe heals. Today we have mercheal who has the best defensives imaginable, but its been the wrong buff. Its still **** in pvp compared to sorc due to mechanics.


    If we just ask for burst buffs for sorc, this class will still be ****, due to mechanics.

  13. Dummy parsing.. yeah.. that's a real good indication of what a class is like in pvp


    1. if its so easy why cant you do it?

    2. if its not relevant how high you can parse, what determines a strength then? The performance under pressure? Oh wait, i actually said this the last five times i postet, so it cant be true?


    so enlighten me, what good would it be to buff sorcs pupet damage when its not relevant at all? Was i right about saying sorc struggle under pressure?

  14. Class balance has been addressed since Launch, just so you know, and balance in pvp isn't centered around class vs class, even if those said classes is said to be mirrored, balance in pvp is centered around the holy trinity of heals-dps-tank vs heals-dps-tank. But hey, very few people get that so . . .


    But we're getting new stuff, that's always something:D


    So the lack of trinity is whats wrong here? thanks for enlightning me, i never knew this game is perfectly balanced around tanks and heals :rolleyes:

  15. They have the best bar none dcds.


    and im the one in this thread that gets accused of trolling, lol. Reason has abandoned this place, i really need to stop discussing here, nothing but a bunch of braindead idiots here.

  16. If you think WZ balance applies to Open World PvP balance then you're gonna have a bad time.


    Yup. Open world favors range classes even more than melee, since you can always make use of your range. Stealth is better aswell, however since both classes stand no chance against merc/sniper even when facetanking right now, their element of surprise is useless anyway.

    Any open world cotent will be highly dominated by sniper, mercs, sorchealers.

  17. Don't think my parses increased by nearly as much, but they did increase a bit for sure with force speed on cooldown. roughly you can squeeze one extra LB every 15 seconds, vs every 20 seconds. Drawback is I'm getting used to aggressively using force speed, which can be bad in some ops fight or pvp.


    Still, I agree with you on the "dps drop when focused", and I ate some bad flack for saying sorc needed a change to the way utilites are built, some should be in the dps trees, to allow dps more of them, and healers less of them and doing 2 birds with one stone. All of sorc dps current defenses are best suited for healers.


    Sadly for saying "sorc needs more defense under pressure" I kinda attracted the herd of people who wake up at night to hate sorc healer and make 0 difference between specs, and the thread derailed.


    Brainstorming ideas on a pvp forum is apparently a bad thing, who'd have thought :D:rolleyes:


    The increase i mentionend was in contrary to not using force speed at all (or only to match a relic/adrenalprocc). Using surging speed is just the cherry on top :)


    i agree with you about the brainstorming here, sadly. There are too many people here without a clue. What this games really needs is a plattform for toptier players and developers to communicate without the interference of noobs voicing their absurd concepts. People crying here so loud about sorcs output, bioware will eventually buff it. And then, when they give it a 10 or even 20% buff, sorc will still underperform a lot under pressure because the real issues remain unfixed :(

  18. I smiled at the pun, though I highly doubt you intended it. It's not like Icy tried to help the community with her Expertise guide that doubtless took countless hours away from playtime, and other threads she's started meant to help people who are not pvp experts like you.


    Pun wasnt intended :)

    I really didnt meant to offend icy or disrespect all the effort. But imho its just better to say nothing than to say something wrong, and OP is full of wrong statements. I highly doubt this guide will help a newbie, quite the contrary. Tunnelvision on healers is one of the most common mistakes new players make.

  19. This is fairly minor tough


    Actually, speccing into surging speed and using it on cd does increase my pupetparse by about 500dps, thats definately not minor and is about as much as the instant, and definately way more than merc or sniper can get out of this "feature". Its even more in reallife situations hence subversion talent.

    In addition, lightning barrier/telekinetic defense is useful in most fights as its a precast usable every downtime which also isnt mentionend anywhere in bants numbers.


    However, my point is that sorc isnt the dps farming killing blows, its role is lying heavy aoe pressure, and its very good in both speccs in that when freecasting, even if you dont use the things described above. Madness sorc is super good for melting tanks, and its dotspread is a pressure machine, enabling your burst dps buddies to get fast kills.

    Sorc only struggles whenever he gets attacked, and things go superbad when constantly attacked=tunneled.

    Beeing attacked as a sorc equals your dps will lose at least 1/3, more likely 1/2. No other class suffers so much from focus. Thats where adjustments needs to be made. Sure single target dps might be buffed for pve, but pvp is a whole other story. A freecasting sorc will singlehandly annihilate the enemy team.


    What sorc really needs is protection against beeing tunneled, so he can use more of its existing potential. Btw. the same was true for mercs prior 5.0. They didnt changed dmg. values or anything for merc with 5.0. All they did was buffing its defensives so merc could use more of its offensive powers instead of hugging corners and breaking LOS.

    Ofc i dont vote to change sorcs into mercs 2.0, but dps sorc definately needs some of defensive buff against beeing tunneled.

  20. Buffing merc and sniper to immortal battlemachines was just biowares way to accustom the playerbase to CommandWalker pvp. Clever move, touché.


    Now that real battlewalkers will be implemented, can we finally tone down said classes? Eric? You arent going to ignore questions about class balance, are you?

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