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Posts posted by KoukosGamer

  1. +1 to swtor not being an mmo....and if you played wow alot that many have.....its a bad copy of wow in space...and no im not going back to wow...my sub expired 2 days ago..since dec and jan have 31 days..in case someone thinks it should end on the 20th as i read earlier... this game is going down so fast....i expected it to be interesting atleast until gw2 or diablo 3...which wouldnt stop me from playing this one as they arent with subs like swtor...still...i cant put myself to log anymore after completing one story...i tried alts....after lvl 10.....no incentive....and not its not getting old...im 42 and still like playing mmo's on my limited free time...now however im mmo'less....
  2. Cancelled today for the same reason...99% single player game...cant keep paying to finish the single stories..allthough great im sure i can find similar or better single player games out there. Ill be back in a few months to see if anything changed. Doubt it...since GW 2 and Diablo 3 are coming out and they dont have any subscription attached...I think companies should seriously change the subscription methods. I hear many mmo's have become much better than since launch.( aoc for example)...but lost all their subscribers due to incomplete launch...im afreaid same will happen with swtor.
  3. Well, WoW kept my attention for years, so there are worse things than having similarities to WoW, imo.


    dont you find disturbing the fact that people say its better than wow 7 years ago?.. its a bad rippof in terms it probably took most of what sux in wow and very few of what made it a good game the past years....

    1) Some difficult stuff for hardcore players.

    2) Guild stuff.....this game has nothing for Guilds...UNBELIEVABLE .

    3) Phases...would make the rp in the game alot better...choices would count... even wow with no rpg elements had phasing parts of the game that you need to complete to change the area....here you have choices..that DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

    4) Summon group/raid....really need to spend 1 hour to gather 8 people to try a world boss.......no comment.


    its too late to write alot more....my biggest complain as an xwing/tie fighter fan....CANT BELIEVE Star Wars MMO in 2012...has this type of space combat to offer...and im sure im not the only one...

  4. People don't want to admit it...because they are huge fans of bioware and star wars......this game we were expecting all these years is just a BAD ripoff of wow in so many ways it hurts my eyes....I played wow since launch and dropped it 1 year ago... after finishing my first 50 character and enjoying the single player aspect of the gameplay...it was like playing a wow mage ( priest) with my sith inquisitor ALL OVER AGAIN..... ok I had a companion...I had great VO....but after you hit 50....its just plain wow.... 2 raids.....even hardcore are a joke...

    the commendations grind is the SAME with wow.....either pvp/pve/dailies....but ALOT easier to get than wow....its been two months since launch and ive accomplished what took 1-2 years in wow.... I am not going to pay monthly fees to lvl 7 more alts just to see each story....I thought of doing pvp in between class quests to avoid doing the same side stuff over again..but seriously how many huttballs can a sane person play??? HOW MANY????


    No I am not going back to wow.... yes i am quiting swtor...and hoping that yet another game will be different than wow......or atleast closer to vanila wow....

  5. This game is wow in space with a greater single story..but with much much worse game mechanics...unacceptable for a game coming out in 2012 and with the $$$$$ put into it..


    I guess im also tired of wow clones and need a more open mmo....sandbox? maybe..... I guess swg ( which i never played) would probably be more close to what i was expecting with swtor...my bad i guess....great post op.

  6. thats what im doing now until my second additional month ends...15 days from now....lvling an alt which after lvl 10 only will do pvp and class quest....


    i didnt burn my way to 50...when i started playing 60 days ago!!!!!


    ps. forgot to mention that star wars without......star wars.....is illogical to me....i loved the first 4 space combats...when i realized the next 8 ones were the same original 4 higher difficulty....REALLY?????? where did all the 5 years/ $$$$$ go???? useless when you get all purple items...all obtainable by lvl 50...therefore no more incentive to do them...


    ps2. seriously my guild does the 8 man but they can only have 8!! people running it per week.....who cant help others for a second run!!!! seriously?????? how !@$!@$#!@#$ is that?


    ps3.... even the gear is obtainable very easy from what ive been reading...no comparison to wow vanila when tier 3 was truly epic and difficult to get.....i run my first 8 man with VERY crappy gear and did a complete run with my guild mates who also werent geared ..it felt too easy.....

  7. Reach lvl 50 and....im back to what made me quit wow....same old story..collect tokens , pvp/pve etc etc..... eveything is std and unfortunately for bioware even misses many things that wow has/had.


    Single story was awesome..but keep paying 15 a month to check out the rest 7 stories? really?.... im sure there are much better single player rpg's out there...


    This not an mmo and beside the single story....no comparison to wow's smoothness...dont tell me its been 7 years... new games SHOULD be better than Wow...7 years ago...or not?

  8. Just curious as I couldn't find any section in the forums concerning the space combats... I have never been anle to finish the cloud of something space quest that requires 4 torpedoes to complete...( the item we buy has supposedly 4 torpedoes..but when you start you only get 3...). The towers needed to be destroyed are 4...i have 3 torpedoes....and regular missiles do scrap..... my ship is fully equipped with all item upgrades you can get.....any clue? any strat? is my torpedo bugged? same thing with missiles..instead of 150 i get around 140.....
  9. Let me get this right..... its ok for most that replied that you should punished that you rolled a character on the wrong server? and bioware's answer is TOUGH? do it over again on another server? So those who decided not to roll on a popular server and go through 2-3 hours of queue's are punished?
  10. Yes to all 4...however most important is give importance to ships..besides a minigame...and not so great also.. ..whats the point of ship appearance if only you see it..Id like some flashpoints that use ships.... Make 1 only Bioware and see how many play it...that simple...

    warzones etc.... or combine flashpoints and raids to include a part that ship is needed...


    Guild Flagships? Those could be highly changed in terms of appearance by combined guild members effort...either by completing space missions and collecting commendations etc....


    Make warzones that could involve one guild flagship being defended by its members from pirates ? ( other players) attacks..that need to destroy specific objectives in a limited time...stuff like that.

  11. Well Im at 6 day playing time and just hit 39...so I guess around 10 days playing time ill be lvl 50...which is pretty normal...lvling is way too easy.... this is the only mmo ive been able to solo 1-2 gold mobs at once..doing heroics 2 on my own pretty easy...( im a healer).. I hoped it was more difficult to force me to search for grps. I dont usually do heroics 4 as there is no point..and i usually outlvl them while on the planet by the time i finish all solo and heroic 2 quests...and as there gear is outlvled very fast no use farming.


    I expected again a longer curve to reach lvl cap...Legend helps in that manner ..IF they actually implement something with Legend lvls...for now the surname doesn't cut it.

  12. First if I had 1 hour to play...i wouldn't spend it on swtor....loading / queue/ loading screen after screen after screen...first half hour gone. SERIOUSLY...and even on high end machine...the loading screens are a joke...Probably the reason you will never see mods in this game....then the planets would probably NEVER load.


    The game is great if you are looking for a single player experience...up to lvl 40 personally i have done maybe 4-5 flashpoints...maybe 3-4 heroics 4...and most heroics 2 but on my own with CC and good companion you don't need a second player... The story is great i enjoy it alot but i loved Baldurs Gate more..and that was 10-15 years ago? SW has maybe like thousand books out there saga's to read so the story was going to be great anyway's no innovation there.


    BUT this is an mmo...where is the mmo? Please dont say anything about new game give it time.... we HAVE to compare it with current mmo's with similar budgets...and only blizzard comes to mind....they have the resources to compete with blizzard....WHERE ARE THEY? I quit wow some time ago....im not paying again for a bad replica...

  13. I'm really not sure most of you were in Beta WoW or played at release. A lot fo the information posted about what WoW released with is very wrong.


    At release Onyxia wasn't in the game yet, her portal was, but you could not zone into it. I led a raid guild at release and we eagerly awaited the opening of the event. The quest to become flagged to enter her lair wasn't in the game either. I rushed 40+ people through the quest as soon as it was patched in.


    Molten Core wasn't finished yet. They added most of the content in Molten Core on the Feb patch almost 2 months after release. Onyxia was added in late March.


    When WoW was released the only thing even close to raid content was Upper Blackrock Spire. You had to 5 man lower black rock spire to become keyed and it took even the most hardcore players quite some time to become keyed, I was the first on my server to become keyed for UBRS.


    Blackwing Lair didn't come around for awhile.


    SW:ToR has far more content and far more features than WoW at release. WoW's world was really small. The SwToR worlds are roughly the size the western continent, they are huge.


    A lot of people need to gain some perspective and stop blowing things out of proportion just to prove a point. WoW had hardly anything at release other than a route to reach top level.


    +1 This....BUT...today you compare TOR with WOW TODAY not 7 years ago....and TOR today costs MORE than WOW ToDAY with ALL expansions..... and if someone hasn't played any of the two games before...who in their right minds would buy SwTor if they weren't SW fans? Most of us fed up of 7 years wow...I quit also last year since vanila day 1 ( not beta and in the US servers as I was too anxious to start it).

    WoW today is 10 times more rich than SwTor...but we all hope that Swtor will get its @@@@ together or it will have conans and warhammers fate...

  14. I also like some addons from wow especially...but most ruined tht game for me..especially dps meters and such...I was mostly a tank and everyone kept giving notice on being #1 on dps making my life difficult...( if you had ever a warrior tank you would know)...but ....MOST IMPORTANT....it NOW takes 1-2 minutes for a screen / planet to LOAD....imagine the program having to load 3-4 addons...lol...it would take an hour....
  15. 1. More space combat missions...maybe add space combat to one flashpoint...or warzone or ...seriously huttbal...our ONLY warzone up to now....since im empire and it seems only empire rolled on lettow server europe..all my guild mates get is huttball..ridiculous.


    2. Guild BANKS! I have to vendor items im sure some of my guild mates could use...and i cant keep them and keep spamming who needs this on guild chat...


    3. More variety in gear...it seems we will all look alike at 50.. Put variations in crafting gear...like different colors/symbols etc to distinguish yourself..or a guild tabard to wear..


    4. Mentioned already. Guild Flagships or small Planets that other guilds can attack in terms of a warzone. Upgrade them by guild participation.


    In General more stuff for Guilds to do...besides chat and find easier groups for flashpoints...and later raids. Its 2012 people....wake up..other mmo's have the above as basic ( ok besides the guild planets...allthough Darkfall had those cool guild cities..and that company's resources where 1/1000000 of what EA can offer)..

  16. I haven't done any pvp yet besides one dreadful handball... I'm a healer and from what I understand I would never get any credit points..since i just heal and not dps....right? Blizzard fixes that like 2 years ago making healers getting credit from pvp...while healing ...not happening in swtor? let me know as this WILL be a gamebreaker for me....

    and no I am not going back to wow.... many other cool games out there single player....since swtor up to today for me is single player game anyway....

  17. The problem is simple. Every new mmo tries to get a piece of wow....subscribers. By doing so they start with the fact that their game should be as close to wow as possible. Swtor is wow in space... besides the 8 personal stories ofcourse which are great ..other than that its exactly as you said.. You know what items you will get eventually by grinding either pve /pvp ... Commendations for almost everything give the set items and after 50...the expansion will come out and we will go for new 60 lvlo items and then 70 and then 75 and then panda..ops...


    Answer to problem... personally i would like the element of suprise ..in both terms of crafting and drop loots from monsters/boss world wide etc... Not everyone walking around in 2-3 months from now with the same exact looks..armor etc. You want to keep the commendations..keep them to buy mats for crafting.. guild upgrades/ship upgrades furniture whatever non substantial....keep the very good stuff random drops or extremely difficult to collect and craft. Diablo had a huge success 10 years ago and will probably still do in a few months because it implemented the randomness of dungeons and drops...( hundreds of prefixs/suffices )..and it was 2000@ now we are 2012...where is the innovation...????


    Dont tell me space combat......You can probably get that type of fun on a browser game soon...

  18. I quit WoW almost a year ago....I thought Swtor would be different....I love the Star Wars lore...but I find it to be wow in space...and also instancing...which sux BIG TIME.... I understand we have planets ..but each planet could be one open world planet...instancing destroys the community...there is no reason to group whatsoever...I am lvl 33 and have done very few heroics 4....most heroics 2 I can solo...therefore no mmo for me...My only warzone attempt was that awful scoring game..which as a healer made me completely incompetent..btw when warone ended my game crashed so i couldnt login for 2 hours again.


    My suggestion...either make this an mmo or make it f2p and add monthly payments for people playing flashpoints or pvp warzones.....I am not willing to pay 260 euros for game and 1 year payments just to see the 8 different stories which I am sure are all great...the two I have started for now are really awesome...but is it worth all that money? Many great rpgs are out there..better stories than swtor..

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