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Posts posted by pixieish

  1. I dislike Ord Mantell the most, personally. Start off with a planet torn with civil war, and you end up helping guilt trippers and children. So many damned children.


    And then there was that river they were building up near the end.


    "Oh no! The bridge is out! You're going to have so much trouble getting across!" "Hope you like swimming." "I don't know how we'll get across that river." "With the bridge out, you'll be on your own."


    I remarked to my friend how at most we'd probably get our ankles wet in the river. I laughed when it turned out to be even less than a creek, more of a tiny little trickle that my character was able to safely hop over without even getting her boots damp.


    And on the other side? Children. Children that would never be able to make it across the "river" we just crossed.

  2. I rather like the huge wall of text, and am nearly in agreement with all of it (though PvP could use a bit more issues. So how about that cross server pvp? Would be pretty snazzy to have, right?)


    Personally though, I don't think this game is doomed, even with the current lack of attention the developers give to customers. It's still a half decent MMO.


    ...and only half decent. I doubt they could do anything more with the horrendous game engine, the lack of creativity, and the blatant inability to really care about the customers.


    Oh yes, they claim they're listening, just follow the link provided! ...which just leads to the main page. Sums up the customer relations, really. Someone complains, just point to some page full of vague statements without even acknowledging there was a problem in the first place.


    ...why, yes, yes I have unsubbed, actually. Got a month left, and really not too sure what I'm going to do with it.

  3. I'm joining in with the "Not difficult, too repetitive" group. Pretty much once you figure out a good way to do something, you really don't have any reason to change out of it. Your companions for example. Only one or two are good, the rest don't really fit in, especially the latecomers after you've figured out how to survive without them.


    If your companions actually did more than just stand around offering support and dps...


    If mobs did more than just stare at you and occasionally heal each other...


    If space combat was more than a glorified arcade shooter...


    If you had actual vehicles to change things up a bit...


    ...suffice it to say, at no point in this game did I think to myself "gee, I wish this mob was even easier to kill".

  4. Yeah, I can't say I cared much for the whole "Hunt" plotline, though after it you actually go around as a proper bounty hunter and not someone playing one of the silliest death games out there. Sadly when you go around actually bounty hunting, the chain of stories gets cut short, your new Mandolorian buddies just wander off, you do a few favours, maybe kill your boss, and it's over.


    (Wish you could have more of your choose your own adventure sort of thing, but... oh well...)

  5. Oh no! Almost have a million to have augment slots for all of your items! That's... what... a week of leisurely dailies? For a slot that actually isn't all that important unless you're regularly doing ops, or want to have the best pvp gear? And after you buy that augment slot once, you don't need to buy it repeatedly, unlike say your buff potions, which get a teensy bit pricey after repetitive purchasing? Since obviously if you're caring about finetuning your gear with aug 6's you're getting those 10k+ stims for your ops, right?


    ...seriously, 30k in peanuts unless if you're plunking these things on greens you're constantly tossing away.

  6. Can't quite remember what I did in that mission, though I'm sure I took care of them first try. ...bloody well took a while since I was shield specced with Mako out. After fruitlessly pummelling away for a couple of minutes, decided to finally get Mako to shoot at what I was shooting at, got into a proper anti-heal routine... (quell-stun-quell-other stun), as well as using jet charge and grapple hook to interrupt them as well, and eventually I managed to get through it.


    Would've gone faster if I had Torian handy, mind you.

  7. Well, firstly as a tank I make sure that my healer gets guarded right away, giving me a little time to notice if they're getting their head beaten in.


    Secondly I always look over the group and try to preplan what I'm going to do. If there's a lot of mobs potentially running around, I like to open up with Death from Above (or charge in and Flame Sweep a couple of times), while keeping mindful of any CC golds. Gather them up, and then adjust my view so that I can see the rest of the party and how they're doing. If any mob doesn't have aggro at this point, they will go straight for the healer, and they tend to get a bit annoyed at that, but usually a couple of blaster shots can get that mob running back at you.


    Naturally your healer is the most important person you need to pay attention to, and luckily (if you're paying attention), you have all sorts of tools to make sure he gets to heal in pease. You get a taunt. You get an AoE taunt, which is especially useful if there's a bunch of mobs near some CC'd golds you don't want to wake up. You have grapple hook, which not only gets that mob away from your healer right away, but it causes a good chunk of aggro too.


    And don't worry about letting some dps get knocked around if things are getting too chaotic, as long as your healer stays alive. They really should've been focusing on one target at a time anyways.


    Once you feel that you have that merry band of mobs somewhat under control, then you and your party can start picking off mobs one at a time (or all at once if they're weak enough, in which case flamesweep away), and so on...


    The majority of pre 50 flashpoints are fairly simple enough. They tend to be self-explanatory in regards to what to touch, what to run away from... Also if it's my first time I ask the rest of the group to let me know if I'm about to do something stupid. Usually there's at least one person that knows what they're doing.

  8. I actually went shieldspec from the very beginning. Yes, you don't kill things all that quickly (though quickly enough), and with Mako handy, it means you probably can solo almost any champion you meet without worry, as well as get yourself into all sorts of trouble and get out of it. (And it's halfway decent in pvp too, if you're the type that wants to try to keep your healers alive, though it's bloody well dependent on if you have a good group or not and... anyways...)


    Powertechs are a pretty nice class. Now as for those poor sods, the mercenaries...

  9. For instance, imagine operatives could use pistols. Then, they could pick up an adaptive set that looks like BH gear. When you survey the zerg, you might ignore them as they stand in the back healing.


    Oh I know, the very thing I keep an eye out for in a hectic warzone is not the big class symbol above them, or their placement since in no way is a powertech standing way back there with green drones flying around suspicious, or for that matter that big cast bar in the middle when I have that oddly placed powertech targeted, or even that even bigger flame symbol that someone attentive enough should've placed by now on this powertech with the operative symbol on their head, healing away...


    ...nope, all down to the weapon.

  10. IWhen is the last time you got stuck in pvp???


    Three weeks ago. I got stuck somewhere in the middle of the chasm in Voidstar after getting knocked off. It was a tad annoying and no, autostuck did nothing.


    I would like to propose that in Warzones, /stuck essentially has a 15 second cast time and you can't do anything during it. If you're actually stuck, you wouldn't really mind just hanging around, and if you're not, well, I'm guessing 15 seconds of having your face beaten in might solve the exploit?

  11. Eh, Mercs still aren't getting much love in pvp I think. The main problem is unlike the other healing classes, Mercs get a nice big green line for everyone on the other team to see who's healing.


    Myself, I'm running around as a shieldspec Powertech, and it can be pretty fun in both PvE and PvP (up to level 49 PvP wise... right now I'm going through recruit gear hell at level 50 while trying to get some decent equipment... almost halfway there...)

  12. I win and lose with premades, but victory is sweeter with people to share it with, and misery loves company when you lose.



    Words of Wisdom, if you aren't grouping up with people in an MMO you shouldn't be allowed to play an MMO.


    Hey genius, you know what the G stands for in PUG? No?


    But please, by all means, go suggest that they get rid of solo queues. I'm sure that will make things so much better. Better still, seeing how you despise those damned solo queuers, why don't you and your lovely premade stick to ranked games, hm? You know, where you're going up against other groups? Where you can earn those extra ranked points?

  13. Other than that, I agree that deserters should be shot on sight IRL. Or banished. Or some equally horrible punishment doled out for screwing the rest of the team over.


    I'm amazed this game doesn't have a deserter debuff.


    ...though I'm actually sort of glad it currently doesn't for now, what with those inconvenient server disconnects.

  14. You know what is sad on this thread.


    The people that are whining about the premades are REFUSING to improve their game play and/or get a group to play with.


    Yeah! Stop saying solo queues suck and stop solo queuing! Soloe queuing is so much more fun when you don't do it! Also generalizations are awesome.


    You guys want Bioware to give fairer matchmaking somehow with all your suggestions can easily be abused by people who want to abuse the system.


    I agree! Stop suggesting ways to make the game more fair, and just accept the current mediocre system. After all, you'd hate the sort of abuse and exploits people can pull off from Cross-Server pvp. Or a better matchmaking system.




    Just look at all of the reasons how they can be abused.


    Lots of reasons.


    I love it how people in recruit "give up" against a war hero because the gear ratio is too much. The funniest part of this whole deal is that I have seen recruit gear ppl tear it up in PvP by proper rotation, tactics and improving their current gear recruit with augments (I have seen Recruit Assassins and Juggs doing 300k in a PvP match and ripping apart War Hero Healers left right and center).


    I love how someone's one experience that in no way can be proven somehow means that it happens all the time. I also saw someone wearing no gear beat two Marauders wearing War Hero gear, and that means the system is fine as it is. True story.


    You guys can complain all you want, you can grab Bioware to fix your crappiness but at the end you will STILL complain. You guys while STILL whine and ask for nerfs, or buffs or some stupid ****.


    In no way is this complaint ironic.


    For that matter, I'm shocked! Shocked to see complaints on a forum!


    Next thing you want Bioware to give you is an atomic bomb so that if you die everyone dies around you to make you feel better......


    I know, that's totally what happens all the time. First they ask for a fair pvp system (bunch of communists), and then the very next thing they'll do is ask for an iWin button.

  15. You know, after reaching level 50, and going from "credit to the team no matter the level" to "Lol you just have recruit, enjoy watching our stacked team just steamroll you", yeah, I can see why some people would rather just not level up. Besides, if you don't like twinks in your precious under 50 bracket, hurry up and level to 50, and find out that, no, having the occasional marauder smashing your face in really isn't as bad as a whole team of laughing jedi.



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