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Posts posted by Wasted_Elmo

  1. Seven year vet player of SWG. Ive played WoW, RIFT and a most of the other MMO's out there and none kept my interest more than SWG.

    Yes the CU sucked. Yes the NGE sucked. So why did I stick with SWG?

    Game play options.


    SWG had more game play options than most MMOs.


    Such as...


    • Player housing.
    • City building.
    • Guild/City wars.
    • Decorating homes, guild hall and ships.
    • Planet control scrimmages.
    • Cantinas with a purpose.
    • Bounty hunters that actually had bounties to hunt (other players).
    • A complex and fun crafting system that was very Star Warsy.
    • Merchants who could set up there own enterprise from their home or a merchant tent. (also very Star Warsy)
    • Non-combat classes that kept the social atmosphere alive.
    • Fishing.
    • Social events.

    ...and much more...


    In SWTOR, there is combat, lazy crafting and datacron hunting. Thats about it. After level 50, its really just combat.


    Now I know they never said SWTOR was going to be SGW2, but is it me or is Star Wars the Old Republic not very Star Warsy?


    • Cantinas that serve no purpose. Un-Star Warsy.
    • Bounty hunters without bounties. Un-Star Warsy.
    • No merchants selling their wares. Un-Star-Warsy.
    • A simplistic, lazy and un-tangible crafting system. Un-Star Warsy. (No moisture vaporators? Come on! lol)
    • No weather change. Un-Star Warsy. (Tatooine sand storms anyone?)
    • No day/night cycle. Un-Star Warsy. (Twin suns setting? Night sky over Curoscant?)
    • Little life on planets. Un-Star Warsy (Star Wars universe is abundant with commerce and social activity.)

    ...and on and on...


    I guess my point is, Im bored or maybe just combat/PvP/xp grind burnt out or maybe I'm just not feeling the Star Wars "intended" immersion. I guess I was just spoiled by SWG's many non-combat and social game play options to chose from when I just needed a break from the combat. I guess I was spoiled by the immersion of day/night cycles and weather changes. I guess I was spoiled by having a unique space in the Star Wars universe I could call my own.


    I love many aspects of SWTOR and have no immediate plans to cancel my subscription, but it needs Star Warsy non-combat and social game play to keep my interest. Agree? Dont agree?


    You fellow ex-SWG'ers bored or content with SWTOR?





    OMG your making me just not wanna start to play


    Olin Wallie from Ahazi 05 till NGE and returned in 08 till 09

    and i am sad but glad SOE killed it cause they never really paid attention

    but just messed up the game even worse i use to be a master doc buffing ppl left and right making 10k to 185k credits for each buff or set my houses were filled with items i miss i became a light sensitive jedi went thru the quest with the old man finding me did the whole thing to become a jedi then NGE made it so you get to become a jedi from the start how lame i just quit from there


    so to hear its un star war-sy is a bit lame

    twin sun on tatooine dont set anikins mom said so her self in phantom menace

    life on the planet well that depends on what you mean cause in SWG we was life on those



    no sand storms??? so you mean i can walk on tat not break a sweat not worry about

    low visibility so i dont agro any tuskin raiders? wait is there any raiders in the game ?

    what about visiting jabba the hut can i still do that?


    idk i miss SWG but i hope to enjoy this game and hope just hope it follows in the details of what SW is about


    player homes would be great but i know jedi cant have a home so i am out on that

    but NGE made sure i was not out on the streets lol stupid SOE devs :mad:


    so you mean tatooine is just one flat land with no moister farmers or generators? >?


    we need to voice out if thats the case i need to fill the SWG gap

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