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Posts posted by robertwdanger

  1. Trying to finish A Kindly Old Monster and get Lokin to join the team. The Rakghoul event camera on the Fleet won't start the event for me. Once I get to the Spike on Tatooine, it kicks me back to the fleet. What am I missing? Isn't the event on through Dec 22?
  2. No offense, but can we get more of a heads up than 5 minutes? No notes on Twitter, nothing on the web. I was in the middle of a heroic when I got the notice? An hour should be the bare minimum of notice, and that's stretching it. 5 minutes is just JV.
  3. So I'm pondering deleting my Consular, mostly because I just don't dig the class, but want to reuse the name. Anyone know if I delete that char, will I lose the achievement of having finished all 8 classes? Just curious as I don't want to have to go through that again. I guess I could just do a name change and then start a new char.
  4. Co-sign. Not complaining, especially since they are actively listening over the companion debacle, but the packs are just meh. I used to buy a decent amount of hypercrates, because I thought it was another way of supporting the game, but getting less stuff (reputation, decoration, etc) just doesn't seem worth the money to me. If they rebound, I'll give it another look, but I'll hold onto my money for now.
  5. I'm not saying that those of you who like the newly nerfed companions are wrong. To each his own. The only thing I'd like to point out to the Devs is that for casual players like me, it would take me 6 months to build up to a set of 216 gear on one of my chars, let alone multiples. Where I was thoroughly enjoying 4.0, 4.0.2 makes me want to move to something else, and I've been here since launch. To me, there are a dozen ways of making the gameplay more challenging for those that want that, but for those of us who play casually and are invested in the story, there's no way (outside of raiding) to make things easier. The 4.0 comps were a perfect compromise to me, but oh well. I'll stick around to at least see BW's response.
  6. I'm new to MMO's, but have been on SWTOR from the beginning. Two 55's in Republic (my primaries) and one Imperial as well as leveling chars in each additional type. My original guild disintegrated right after the server merges, but I've been missing the social aspect of the game lately and am looking to get back into a team with a laid back atmosphere. I have limited FP/ops experience, but am willing to learn in a group that is willing to teach, not take it as life or death. Like I said, I am basically looking to add the social part back into my SWTOR experience and preferably in a group 18 or 21+ (I'm 35). Applied for one guild recently, but did not hear back, so I'm hoping that this is a good way of introducing myself to folks that are still looking for quality additions. You can hit me up here or in game (Acilles/Yhossarian). Looking forward to meeting you all.
  7. Axial Park is a great spot, but don't hit up just the golds. Hit all of the mobs. I have gotten blues and oranges from the lesser mobs even more often. Mostly though, I spent a couple of days rerolling one of my gathering skills so that I could choose Treasure Hunting and get it up to 400. Any of the abundant, bountiful or rich yield lockbox missions will possibly get you the nicer gear, but make sure you are doing the right level missions as most Battlelord pieces are level 5, not level 6 (though the greaves are level 50). I have been farming the TH lockbox missions for a few days now and have gotten a number of oranges, finally getting the Battlelord chest piece tonight. It was worth the effort. Keep going and you'll get it!
  8. By the time you are on Tatooine you should be wearing at least a few orange armor pieces and hopefully orange lightsabers so that you can keep addding armor/hilts/mods/enhancements and keep them top of the line. When you get quest rewards on the planet, always take the commendations unless you get a armor/hilt/mod/enhancement or an item that drastically improves your situation. Keep checking the GTN for equip/companion equip so that you are properly geared up for that level. Other than that, just go slowly and you'll be fine, though you probably should be at 25 by the time you land on Tatooine or shortly thereafter. Good luck!
  9. Ok, well I guess that settles that. Sorry if the thread ended up in the wrong place to start. Seriously though, all I am saying is that there is a great community on Eidolon Security and a number of active guilds with varying play styles (PVE, PVP, serious gamers, more relaxed atmosphere). The hardest parts of picking a good server are finding a group of people that you enjoy playing with and I think we have that here.
  10. Hello all you new recruits and future transfers out there. Sure, actual server transfers are not coming until 1.3 (any day now, amiright?), but we know that aside from the Fatman(s) of the SWTOR world you are probably wondering where you should transfer to? Well, I would like to humbly propose the PvE, East Coast server Eidolon Security. We are currently operating at least four very strong/active guilds (my apologies to any guild I have forgotten) in the Jediteers, Galactic Defense, Guardians of Honor and of course my personal band of misfits, Havoc Spec Force. All groups are carrying a number of 50's and alts to help you at all levels as well as guild banks to help keep you stocked up. Most importantly, all are good groups of varying experience levels and really we all just want to have fun. We know how important guilds are to some folks and of course grouping in general, so we hope you will join us on Eidolon and help take us from a good server to the next great server.


    BTW, anyone from any of the guilds on Eidolon, please feel free to add on and tout your own groups.

  11. Honstly, I think the biggest thing is making sure you and your companion are geared as highly as possible. Get as many orange-modded items as possible so that you can use commendations to re-fit them. Check the GTN constantly to see what is out there and if you see a couple of particularly awesome items that are still a few levels away from you, buy them anyway and then you have them with you as you level up. Anything purple within 4 levels? Grab it. I struggled a bit my first way through the end game with a Guardian, but now that I have rerolled some alts it is much easier. By the way, unless they offer armor, hilts, mods, enhancements or barrels as quest rewards, always take the commendations. My server is one of the lowest pops and I am still somewhat of a noob, so trust me when I say that it is definitely doable. Definitely look into a guild though. Check your server forum threads. Good luck.
  12. This is a dumb question (I know), but i'm a level 50 (Guardian) and my health is only at 13000. One of my guild-mates mentioned it should be closer to 16000. Is it purely a gear thing? I'm all high level 50 gear. Maybe it is more of a spec thing? I'm almost entirely Vig spec. Maybe that's just the HP you get with a Vig spec?
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