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Posts posted by tankthing

  1. Strongholds:

    Yavin flight points!

    Ability to filter decorations to ones you don't have yet.

    Random Decorator button - something that defaults from whatever decorations are available and decorates the current room with a decent balance of decoration types taken from all decorations. Would help in not having horrible zero-effort trophy spamming when all you want is the conquest bonus


    Guild/GuildMaster Quality of Life:

    Sortable/filterable key list for strongholds - I hate having to flip through 40+ pages of names to find who I am looking for just to grant them a key

    Default key levels for guild ranks

    In-Game Scheduler for guild events

    Pull Timer (One of those things from WoW that you don't realize you miss until you don't have it)

    Read-Only Armory style integration for characters - Maybe even an all character searchable inventory via a webpage (now I'm really dreaming)!


    Player Quality of Life:

    Move additional pack gear and even decorations to a dedicated vendor in the cartel area. Cartel Certs are only useful if we have something worthwhile to spend them on.


    Please at least look into reducing the contribution of PvP in conquest. Many PvE oriented guilds simply cannot compete with the big pvp guilds on any server and crafting has already been nerfed. Maybe randomize things better so the goals differ for each planet for each kind of play style (PvE, PvP, GSF, Crafting (pick 2)) per planet so guilds that don't spend the entire week chaining warzones still have a chance at a particular planet once in a while.


    Lord Vetinari

    Guild Master of <Gone Sithing>


  2. Not even close to a crafting thing. It was a guild wide effort of finding and taking down Jedi. Mostly unnamed. Horse trading the materials with other guilds to target specific encryption and frame types and allying with a couple of smaller guilds that were much stronger in PVP (we class closest as a casual PVE/Raiding guild) to assist with the inevitable griefers on our own faction as well as republic defenders. If you are looking for hints on how we did it, message any of the guild members who can relay you to me. (/who, search for Gone Sithing)


    Since the original post we redid the bridge, changed some of the crew deck rooms and otherwise gave it a face lift so the bridge wasn't a fire hazard.


    All are welcome to come see it, it's something Gone Sithing is quite proud of. Just hit travel from the guild directory on fleet (southernmost terminal in the outer ring on fleet next to the space/warzone decoration vendor) and check it out.


    If you don't have a toon on Harbinger, I'll get some new pictures up after we get done rearranging things. One of our members is a real life professional commercial interior decorator and he can do stuff with a couple of metal couches, a bith holosign and a crafting mat plant that makes strong men weep at the beauty of it so we're holding off the serious decorating until he can get back from his business trip to unleash his talents. :)

    - Lord Vetinari / Zephram

    Guild Master - Gone Sithing

  3. As GM of Gone Sithing on Harbinger, Thanks :) We started off as "Full of Sith" on Lord Praven but lost the name in one of the server mergers.


    It's a big guild though. Possibly one of the bigger ones on the server.

  4. How about a general reduction in pricing on items. Cartel packs are actually pretty reasonably priced but things like the insanely overpriced "life day" packs just weren't worth the effort or the real world money. Drop the prices and make more money off volume. I could see spending 500 coins for the life day cosmetic stuff, not 2400.


    The other suggestion I have is for the packs. Please allow us to sell or trade in for something else the cartel items like banners, dancer's outfits, revan's robes, etc that anybody that purchases from the market on a regular basis ends up with a ton of that have no value and would normally just be destroyed by the players because they already have 10 copies of the same item and a finite bag space. How about making some of the more cosmetic items stackable so we don't have to waste 50 bank slots for 10 banners, 20 of the same speeder and 20 dancer's outfits.


    Also, how many ciridium or color crystals that nobody uses to craft do we really need? Please make materials worth something, not drop the market out from existing materials by oversupplying them.

  5. Why can't the rep be both pvp and pve? Is there some kind of rule somewhere that says never the two shall meet?


    My take on it is that I think we're looking at some reps for the PVE'ers and some reps for the pvp'ers. Maybe even some reps that can be leveled both ways.


    Why is everybody so hurt about a positive change that shows that Bioware still has it in them to innovate and grow this game?


    I say bring it on! I stayed and played through dead servers and server mergers. I enjoyed the rakghoul event and (to a lesser extent) the tfb precursor event. The game is not perfect, bugs still exist and long promised things still aren't delivered, but TOR is still fun. I still want to see what's around the next corner or what's inside that next treasure chest. That fun isn't diminished by the advent of new content, it's enhanced.


    Positive note aside, we now return you to the qq-fest currently in progress.

  6. As above, kudos for wanting to be a better tank. Here's a couple of things I learned that apply at lower levels that translate up quite well at endgame:


    1) Guard whoever is pulling off you. Sometimes it makes more sense to guard that marauder or sorc that chain crits 5 times in a row for damage that would normally make you weep for joy. Guarding them reduces their threat and will make your healer's life easier. At lower levels the highest secondary threat producer is usually the healer so it's situational. Rule of thumb, guard whoever consistently pulls off you no matter what you do.


    2) Situational Awareness. Always be moving your camera around. Know what's going on in all directions at all times.


    3) Mark your primary and tab hit if you can't aoe. If CCs preclude aoe openers, mark a primary and make sure dps know to hit that primary. Throughout the fight, tab over to the other stuff and smack it with a flame burst or other instacast or even just a normal white hit to keep the mob on you instead of bee-lining the healer.


    4) Save AOE taunts for save the healer moments. AOE as soon as possible after the taunt to "set" the taunt.


    5) Flame sweep is your friend for generating low level aoe threat, especially if you can pull things away from CC'd targets out into the open.


    6) Do NOT use taunt in your rotation. Save it for aggro dumps or when somebody pulls something. All your single target taunt does is make you highest threat in the combat. If you start with it, you are highest in a 0 threat run and DPS can generally outrace your threat production pretty quickly.


    7) That 4 second stun is also a taunt (more or less) and can buy time for your healer to catch up. Use it when needed.


    8) Harpoon CC'd enemies out of the way so AOE can happen. Harpoon does not break CC.


    9) Learn recovery strategies that work for your group makeup and use them. Screwups happen often. Broken CC's, dps targeting 2 different enemies from what you're fighting, etc. A little practice in easy FPs and HMFPs means being able to pull a win from a wipe later on.


    10) Sometimes just quickly aoe taunting and running behind something will get enemies that start to scatter to group up to chase you.


    Just some little things, most of which you're probably already doing. Hope it helps a little.

  7. For the crafter wanting to remove any of his in progress crafting skills, simply right click the one you don't want and it goes away.


    No need to cancel the whole queue just to end one job.


    It's one of those little tiny quality of life features I wish there were more of.


    For my vote for features, I'd second the idea of guild capital ships but my most desired feature isn't big or flashy: /readycheck and /pull x for ops. Both should be really easy to implement.

  8. Those credits will be held in escrow. They won't be available unless she resubs.


    I'd advise logging in to see if the game is worth playing again, if so, sub one month and buy all the quality of life account unlocks off the gtn with that 5 mil, then go back to f2p and rock out with it.

  9. I remember being with a relatively casual guild many moons ago, and we were going at SM EC and couldn't do T/Z to save our lives.


    Wipe wipe wipe wipe repair repair repair repair. We met every weekend just to beat our heads against the wall. Come to forums, see people talking about how bad we must be if we couldn't even get past SM when so many people had HM EC on farm.


    Enter the hero of the tale.


    He's like, "No it's easy, let's run it." He then brings the same group of failures (me included) into SM EC, we get in mumble, he explains the fight, where to stand, what happens. One wipe, an alteration of instructions, and BOOM we made it! He then proceeds to take us all the way through the entire operation, trolls us on the minefield (there's a lore object at the top of the trench, jump up and grab it ...), and in one play session, turned what used to seem impossible into easy.




    Keep em coming, great story.

  10. Please post some more stories of the people that have epicly succeeded against impossible odds in spite of their gear level or have simply gone out of their way to make life just a little more pleasant for a fellow denizen of the galaxy.


    The little heroes are often the most important:

    That person that dares to give a straight answer to a new person's question on fleet when the usual trolls are doing their thing.

    That person that takes the time out to give somebody else an unasked for but welcome helping hand.

    Those people who stand up as a group and take a stand against something that is wrong.


    This thread is for them.


    If you are one of those that think it's fun to troll, sit on fleet and complain, or go out of your way to grief on other players, this isn't the thread for you.

  11. I preordered on both mine and my fiance's accounts. We're looking forward to the great storytelling, even if it's only a planetary quest chain. We can only hope they address some of my wish list with this expansion and surprise the community by giving us more value than the $10 preorder cost suggestss. I have a little faith after the tfb operation dropped in that there's life in this game yet and I'm more than willing to put my money where my mouth is and see it through.


    Things I'm hoping to see either in this expansion or have the preorder $$ going to once this expansion releases:


    All current issues and bugs with the game fixed, even the ones they won't publicly acknowledge.

    MORE events: the Rakghoul event was the most enjoyable ingame event I've played in any MMO in over a decade of gaming. Even a direct repeat of the past two events would be awesome.

    Quality of life improvements (Ops readycheck isn't just something that raiding guilds want)

    Legacy expended and given more value, we were told it was so important that it required its own patch but it's not been touched in a very long time.

    A discount/special store section to directly buy things available in the cartel packs for subscribers

    VIP Vendor updated content


    I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope really really hard.

  12. For the record, we're playing on Harbinger. I won't say the guild name because it could be any one of a number and it'd be a disservice to the good people in all of the good guilds out there to call any one of them out as being "better" than others. Mine's one of the genuinely larger guilds out there. I say genuine because we never random invite or advertise for membership. We recruit by running with people and feeling them out for their personality and select the ones we think will fit in rather than on gear or fight knowledge. We're straight up casual PVE.


    Another story:


    A member of one of those really strong, knowledgeable and exclusive endgame raiding guilds happened to be running with 3 of our guys in a hmfp. They were just blowing through the content in the fp without much thought so they got to talking. Our guys started to solicit advice on hardmode tfb since that's the progression level their characters are mostly at and they've been having nothing but trouble in there.


    The first time I knew of any of this was when the person hopped on our mumble server to give out detailed advice. All of it good. In the end, he offered to put us in touch with his GM to get more information and asked for and was given my character's name as a contact point. Lo and behold, about an hour later I received a tell from the GM of that guild asking about who was requesting help and offering to come into our mumble as well to offer advice.


    Cue this guy taking two+ hours out of his life to talk straight on endgame gear with our ops team leads, tanks and whoever wanted to show up in an open forum. They ended up inviting our best geared ops tank to their run that night and ran with him as far as he was capable to pass on the fight experience before swapping in one of their own more knowledgeable and better geared tanks to finish as a group.


    Our tank came out of there full of very positive advice with lots of ideas and a ton of new knowledge. Advice, ideas and knowledge that he has passed on to his operations team and they're eager to try them.


    The lesson learned were pretty simple: Hardcore Raiding <> Jerk. Thanks to that guild's mentorship, our teams now have a fighting chance at understanding and bringing down hm tfb. It will be a grind for gear but they can see the light at the end of the tunnel whereas before they were flying blind.


    Maybe that's the difference between being hardcore or a wannabe. Hardcore players just go and do it and often enjoy passing on their hard earned knowledge to others, wannabes hoard knowledge and play the elitism card to anybody they are capable of lording it over.


    To all the truly hardcore players out there: Thank you for lighting the way and showing us how.

  13. One consideration, I had exactly this error.


    The resolution was to call in to support and wade through the billing menus, talk to somebody briefly to get an issue tracking number and then wait 3 (!) hours on hold before somebody got to me. Literally 60 seconds later the issue went away.


    When asked about how I could avoid the problem in the future the rep explained that there's an antifraud timer on multiple transaction purchases done over the course of a single day. For rather understandable security purposes, the CS rep couldn't explain in detail how this timer works other than to suggest that if I wanted to burn through a large number of coins, that I should do so at the rate of around 2-3 purchases of coins per 24 hour period.


    The issue comes in when the lockout timer is being triggered but is not clearing off after it expires. If you happen to bump into the lockout timer, and it doesn't clear off by the next day, DO call in and they'll hook you up.


    CS refreshing the details on their end fixes it.


    Yes, the solution involves sitting on hold for 3 hours for a 60 second fix that should be done to every account directly but at least there IS a fix. There's no need to wait weeks.

  14. That's all well and good except...


    There's no official response on the issue in any medium of communication that I've been able to find. There is no information about any official resolution available. Tickets opened in game regarding the issue are closed with a canned response containing flat out wrong information. In short there's a larger problem here that isn't being addressed.


    My reason for posting this here instead of the customer service forum is twofold. First I wanted to bring greater awareness of the issue for those that are having it and don't want to read through hundreds of complaints and trolls in the CS forum to find out the fix involves an hour or two on hold and a 10 minute fix.


    I also want to publicly invite the forum mods to respond with correct information and be constructive in helping us get the issue resolved instead of letting the community simmer with no response. We get official dev responses for minor clipping bugs on headgear but nothing at all on fairly major billing issues.


    Like many players, I am patient and willing to wait a certain amount of time for a fix to be put in place. I would simply like some guidance to set my expectations as to when the issue will be dealt with more effectively. With the current continued lack of response I have nothing to go by other than hearsay and that's not how I'd prefer technical support to be handled.

  15. I'm posting in here because there's an over 1200 response post in the customer service forum without a single mod or dev response. The "fix" seems to involve calling in, waiting on hold for an hour or more to have a CS rep remove and readd the card on your account. This has been an ongoing and ever increasing issue since f2p and the cartel market hit. If offhand statistics are any sort of guideline, I'd say somewhere around 5% and 10% of the overall population of the game is being affected, eg a LOT of people. These are the people that want to spend money on this game and, because of the nature of the bug, are likely to be the ones spending the majority of the cash on cartel coins. It's one thing to have fraud prevention in place, quite another to break billing in the process.


    The questions I have:

    Is this issue being addressed? How do we request EA that they do whatever maintenence needs to be done to resolve the issue more globally than one person at a time over the phone? The CS forum threads appear to be ignored. Why?

  16. We often focus so much on the poor players and bad situations that when somebody goes out of their way to make things work or survives and succeeds against impossible odds or says or does something epic, we fail to acknowledge the achievement anywhere near as much as we should.


    The situation:

    Tank: geared Campaign and rakata 50/50

    DPS 1: Full campaign guild Sorc

    DPS 2: Full Dread Guard guild Sniper


    Guild healer had to leave due to wife aggro just after everbody's favorite wipefest robot. We decided to take a chance at finding a healer on the group finder.


    After about a 20 minute wait in queue and just as we're talking about calling it, we get a hit on a healer. 16K health, first time in there, you know the horror story. About as apparently undergeared as he could get. level 34 green implant and in quest oranges with level 47 mods in them. /facepalm


    Because this was late at night we decided to take a chance on him with the monkey boss on the caveat that if we wiped, we'd have to drop him to find somebody more "properly" geared with more experience.


    Explained the fight, told him the healer tricks I use on my sorc when healing LI and let it rip.

    Fight starts happening, Boss jumps to the pipe, healer is keeping up just fine even with his crappy gear, healing his heart out and doing everything he could perfectly. One of our overgeared, experienced DPS falls off the platform and dies. DOH.


    Healer stands by his word and starts to drop group thinking he was the cause of the wipe and taking the initiative and responsibility for doing what was best for the group overall. We all jumped on that and reminded him that we'd only want him to step aside if it was his fault. As it wasn't, he was still good to run with us if he wanted to stay. He agreed to stick around and see just how far we could get.


    You know, we got back in with no fuss whatsoever, got set up and proceded to single shot that monkey and Lorrick without breaking a sweat or even coming close to dying.


    While I'm aware that multiple factors contributed to the overall success of the group including 3/4 massively overgeared for the area, people like that poorly geared but epic healer are exactly what we want on my guild's ops teams. We got to talking about his gear and found that because he was so poorly geared, most people wouldn't run with him or even give him a chance. He was an old WoW 25 man endgame raid healer back in the day and he'd just gotten back into ToR after a 6 month hiatus.


    We snapped him up, ran with him through a couple of hardmode ops (as an equal, while he geared out he got stronger but he was capable and willing right out of the box) and he's currently progressing in tfb HM with his team.


    The moral of the story is that the gear can't replace a good player, only buff existing skills. This guy was doing some amazing stuff with very little resources and is over the top now that he's got good gear. I'm glad our group took the chance and we'll gladly do it again.


    It more often than not pays to at least take a chance, sometimes those "noobs" are way more special than you might think. Sometimes you might even learn something yourself.

  17. A sub does NOT unlock everything. Legacy doesn't even unlock everything in the legacy tab. Paying massive amounts of real money or farming ever more rediculous amounts of in game currency unlocks everything.


    Subscribing lets you use purple gear without a fee, go on as many operations and flashpoints as you'd like with the same restricted weekly lockouts on operations everybody else has and buys you a bunch of user interface "enhancements".


    Even if you're a subscriber, all the really interesting looking stuff is in the cartel market so you're going to be paying extra anyway if you want any of that,


    To state anything otherwise is misleading in my opinion.

  18. Much of this is moot for a good percentage of the playerbase. Cartel Coin purchases are BROKEN for many people. There are threads in the customer service forum with over 1000 posts and not a single CS response. We get nothing from EA on what is going on or when it's going to be fixed. Somewhere between 10% and 25% of my guild cannot buy cartel packs of any flavor even if we wanted to. We're a larger guild (for this game anyway) with 220+ in the guild roster and 30+ active players on almost every evening.


    Subscribers have to pay the same real money on top of their subscription for the privilege of getting a chance at something good and the actual reward of unsellable garbage.


    And then there's the bugs: Broken flashpoints, broken ops, broken payment system, already fixed bugs reappearing... We're even seeing sporadic reports that once the cartel coin purchases break, so do your monthly subscription payments.


    If you can somehow manage to pay at all, in to get any of the cool stuff you have to pay extra. It's like the developers intentionally set out to alienate their core subscribers. At least give us subscribers a store where we can pay inflated rates for just the pieces we want that we'd otherwise have to pay hundreds of dollars in real money to get from the cartel packs.


    I used to have faith, now what keeps me around is my friends in the guild, sheer stubbornness and the hope that it'll eventually get better because the devs are learning as they go too and soon they'll get it.


    When the light of hope is gone, I'll find something else to play. it's flickering but it isn't gone yet.


    Please help us Bioware, you're this game's only hope.

  19. http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/262162/module_gallery/original/844402.jpg

    Somebody get Soa a Kleenex!


    Operation Wipe on Eternity Vault first phase right around 1.2 implementation. We had no warning when almost every fountain lit up.

  20. http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/262162/module_gallery/original/937723.jpg

    Darth Organdonor or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

    (Showing my age with the Doctor Strangelove reference)


    Eternity Vault entry cinematic graphics glitch

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