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Posts posted by Einzel

  1. It's obvious that bioware make this story to to create a more simple environement that will be less expensive to develop!


    -> No more class story

    -> No more compagnion story

    -> No more new companion customization

    -> No more voice (for the player) during alt quest


    = Less development, less dubbing, less tory writting...


    But yes it's the begining of the end for sure...

  2. It sucks that none of us can customize the new companions, probably because they don't want people dressing all the new female characters as sex slaves.


    No they are just LAZY... It's so easy to give use an army of clone. All the Bioware games include romance and same sex romance, I don't think the slave outfit is the point here...


    Personnaly I will not buy any cartel market item until it's fixed. My outfit is fine, I'm just buying it for my companions... Too bad bioware.


    To make them moving everybody should boycott the cartel market !

  3. Even the new 'not main companions' (veeroa denz, nico ockar...) aren't customizable !!! It's a Shame !! However when you use the item preview it works perfectly!!! Seriously, seeing the lana clone army everywhere boring me soo much!!!


    Everything is good in this expension, but THIS TOTALY S.U.C.K.S!!!!



  4. No...

    And that's a shame..

    Neither new companion is customizable. Even the companion you can unlock throught the heroic mission in odessen!

    (Voreena is not customizable!! :( ) And it's just ridiculous to see so many lana runnning everywhere with the same outfit. Just boring... I'm really disapointed by this, companion system is something really important in the game and the companion customization was one of the most enjoyable thing.

    I hope Boware will change that quickly :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


    Please everybody, spam Bioware by posting more message to change that !

  5. I'd rather not have this thread die just so we can maybe keep reminding bioware of this. I know a lot of people including myself would like to see this fixed but that's not going to happen if we don't make it happen ourselves by reminding bioware.


    I can live with the current Ashara, but it's not what I like to see and not just for some perverted gain but to actually have some better lore to the game by giving togrutas an actual skin. What's so difficult about having THIS or even just lowering the collar a bit like THIS or just removing a pair of gloves like THIS?


    Bioware will more than likely fix it in the future, but how long will it be before that happens & SWTOR starts to die out? (Not saying that it will but it's a possibility)


    And finally there is a known bug with the some of the togruta's skins currently. For me it is the bright neon pink bodies & the light blue bodies with words on them. But anyways, hopefully bioware will fix this known bug with the release of actual togruta skins.


    Thanks for reading my long essay everyone :p

    And again, please try not to let this topic ever die out until this issue is hopefully fixed in the near future.

    +1 I totaly agree

  6. Up!

    Donc on est presque en été 2013 et toujours pas de résolution sur ce problème, c'est juste lamentable.


    Franchement en tant de développeur je comprends pas comment on peut laisser ce genre de truc en jeu, c'est tellement simple à régler. Voilà c'est nul, risible.. Quand je pense qu'ils ont ajouté des pseudo romance gay dans l'addon et que nos pets se balladent encore en pijama sous leur habits de danseuses, nan mais sérieux???


    A chaque pack du cartel il nous rajoutent des habits décontractés, ha ça c'est sur, Andronikos à l'air super chaud avec sa tenue de YMCA...! :mad:


    Honte à vous.

    (Et oui je sais c'est un détail mais ça me gonfle grave!)

  7. Personnaly I don't like 'new' (since some months..) overload animation.

    Hitting the floor with a fist will never send a shockwave straihgt forward.. And it's like if some frames was missing during the animation. For me it's illogical and 'not clean'. I really prefer the animation of the sage for example. Simple but better.


    Do you want too a new animation for this ability?

  8. Franchement ils se foutent bien de notre gueule avec les packs du cartel !

    J'ai du lacher 5000 crd pour voir, et à chaque fois les même daube qui tombe:

    le titre de collectionneur , les 2 meme pet en boucle, des boost xp complétement inutile, à si j'ai eu un speeder rose...

    Je relis la description: Un objet très rare dans chaque pack.. hahaha Ils se foutent bien de notre tronche quand même, ou comment faire lacher 30 euros aux pauv'con de fans qui sont la depuis la première heure... Ba oui, si ils sont assez con pour payer un abo depuis 1 an, ça pouvait que marcher..


    Non mais franchement, quitte à nous prendre pour des moules, vous pourriez au moins faire en sorte que ça loot qq chose de sympa de temps à autre!!!


    Mettez en vente les objets rares à 10.000crd ça ira plus vite, vu qu'il faut à priori lacher 60€ pour looter les 3 pauv' objets qui ressemblent à quelque chose...


    Pour ma part j'ai testé et plus un euro ne sortira de ma poche. :mad:

  9. And please change the animation it's just ridiculous... :mad:

    1 simple idea for you're lazy devs: Simply use the same animation as for the sage.. Anyway it will look better...

  10. nan c'est pas la seul, les compagnons coté république ça fait ça aussi, mais c'est juste ridicule, en plus ils continuent a sortir des habit sociaux/cartel féminin type sexy et ça s'affiche par dessus ce skin abérant.. N'importe quoi..
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