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Posts posted by DevouringPlague

  1. /e shrug


    "Go analys EQ/EQ2/SWG/WOW/LOTR and then tell me what you think."


    Sorry...EQ never held my interest, SWG failed, I deleted WOW after playing for 20 minutes, and have never tried LOTR (but might in the future).


    It's not up to me to change your mind or try to prove you wrong. All I can rely on is my own expierence with MMO forums. From MY viewpoint, there is nothing you can show or say that will lead me to believe that "server forums" build community.


    Since you are challenging me for proof, I'd like you to SHOW me evidence that a majority of an MMO user base uses server forums in the capacity you are describing.




    This is an example of a person that should not be allowed on any forums anywhere.


    Also, +1 for server forums.

  2. We've been told we're meant to be an agile class but...


    Where is it?


    When I think of an agile class, I think of the things like Master Yi in LoL (video here) who is a very good example of a VERY agile melee character. He's capable of keeping up on targets, jumping onto them and wildly running away when he has to.


    Isn't the sentinel supposedly meant to have agility, too?

  3. You do not have to wait until you get to the fleet to learn your crafting skills. You can get it at lvl 1. All you have to do is find your starting planets spaceport and take a shuttle to the fleet.


    Also, talk to every crafting vendor. Even if you do not plan on taking that craft, you get 450xp for just talking to them. You can easily get to lvl 4 doing this without once killing a mob.


    Ooh, good ones.

  4. Come on, folks, let's help the new players out with some tips and hints.


    - You can turn AOE looting and auto looting on in the preferences menu.

    - If you dismiss and resummon your companion it comes back with full life, compared to 600 health reviving it or having to wait for it's life to get back up.

    - There's a lot of keys that aren't used for things, and they're perfect for binding new abilities to!


    Let's hear all your's, ladies and gents?

  5. I advise everyone in this thread who claims they're amazing at sentinel or whatever other crap to reroll sniper or reroll mercenary or reroll sorcerer or reroll assassin.


    REROLL anything other than sentinel and see how there's a world of difference, even before you get to the mid-20s "SMACK YOUR FACE INTO A WALL OVER AND OVER AGAIN" stage.

  6. But then you have legitimate arguments stating the facts on maybe you aren't using a decent spec or rotation. I played sent to 50 in the beta and did just fine, the specs have 2 different play styles and maybe this one isn't suited to you. Sniper=bad comparison as I assume you sit behind cover shoot people and when they get close run away. Sentinel is a much more in your face character and requires a bit more patience and persistence to get the kill....


    Basically all I'm hearing are 2 things, 1 you didn't have the patience for Sentinel and 2 you like sniper more, no need to keep making threads on the forums remind us of how bad YOU think we are. We think we're fine and we're doing fine. Case and point.


    Keep your masochism to the bedroom, please.


    I find it funny that half the sentinel apologists say sentinels don't have a rotation and the other half say my rotation is bad.


    It's just like: lol :confused:

  7. I've rerolled to sniper anyway. 200k damage constantly in warfronts with 3-4 deaths. Why was I playing sentinel again?


    I absolutely destroy things on my sentinel. There ARE issues, but you are making a mountain out of a molehill. You must simply be doing it wrong tbh.


    Stop trolling, make productive posts with real reasons that you are upset instead of just saying "there is no reason to play a sentinel". You are not the only one having issues with (insert class name) so don't worry, you'll have company as you learn how to play.


    I did make actual constructive comments and just got "FFS L2P NOOB" in return so... What's the point?

  8. How many threads must you make about the same thing before everyone on the forums realizes you're a horrible player that doesnt understand the interworkings of the sentinel class? I can only imagine that is your true goal because you have been refuted numerous times in other threads and continue to persist in your horribleness.





  9. Crippling throw. -20% healing debuff.


    Constant on the move damage.

    All other classes need to sacrifice mobility for damage.

    If a sentinel gets on top of you in pvp, its a fight to the death. Running away is not an option.

    As, if you try to run, your damage drops to zero. your healing drops to zero. While a sentinel can beat on you while you try to run. CC is limited, and moving away, only frees up the sent to hit you with a leap. As well as the sent can perma snare. which no one else can do.


    And? No burst DPS makes that worthless.


    All classes have on the move damage.

    Not really.

    No, it's not.

    lol. Completely wrong.

  10. You insult people because they didn't realize something in the game, yet you come here complaining playing this class is to hard for you? Classy.


    As a lvl 47 Sentinel I can tell you this class is powerful, but it requires a lot of quick reaction and concentration. If you are use to playing classes that hit a few buttons and win this isn't for you. In the hands of a skilled player this class will dominate. I'm thankful all these kids can't handle it and complain it is bad. When everyone thinks that if you have two light sabers you are a push over they won't focus fire me :)




    Do people get off to pretending they're good on these forums? Or is it just masochism?



    he is no expert... sorry but the class is fine its just not faceroll easy like everyone seemed to expect coming from wow.


    Funny how you think you know better than people who make a living from this.

  11. i disagree...i played WoW for all of 2 days and hated it so i have no "wow mentality"


    answer me this..why does my lvl 33 get destroyed by lvl 28-30 enemies? these are normal enemies..not silver or gold..either the classes are broken..or the enmies hit way too hard for their level..either way somethings broken and needs to be fixed.


    this comment was brought to you by someone with a lack of "wow mentality"


    It's because THEY HAVE SKILLZ. Skills that they never back up with figures, pictures, combat logs or anything, though.

  12. I see no problems with marauder. Its just using your skills properly. I pull aggro like crazy in higher level flashpoints and have to camo out of it a lot and can solo anything that comes my way.


    It is the hardest class to play, sure, but were certainly not broken.


    That's your tank being terrible, not you being good.

  13. there is no "best" stat you must balance all of them, too much crit and your non crits got nothing behind them, too much power and you never crit.



    you need to balance power, crit, and accuracy along with surge.


    this i not wow where you stack just one thing.






    There's something called a soft cap in diminishing returns systems. Once you get to a certain level of crit, it's better to improve your overall damage instead of your crits.


    Really, Hizoka, you'd think you've never played an MMO except WoW before and only have that to compare to.

  14. throughout the entire beta marauder/sent have been known to be by far the weakest of all classes while also being the hardest to play.


    bioware buffed them by giving them party buffs so people would actually invite them to groups, since they did low damage, were melee and squishy. they're basically a bard. this helps in pve, but in pvp the zen crap is almost worthless.


    they did one thing good in giving them rebuke, which gives them 20% resistance for up to 30 seconds.


    guardian/jugg are next on the buff list. hopefully they do a better job.


    Pretty much this.



    Well, stop sucking and you will realize youre playing the strongest Daage Dealer Ingame (with the possible exception of very skilled Snipers).


    /edit Talking about Endgame, no one cares what a class can and cannot before Endgame...


    Except for assassins, mercenaries, operatives, powertech, sorcerers...

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